ActionScript 2.0 :: Bunch Of Square Shaped MovieClips - Snap To Objects
Dec 6, 2002
I am making a thing where a bunch of square shaped movie clips will be placed on the desktop, and will be draggable. I was wondering if there was a way to get them to stick together... similar to the snap to objects tool. Like say I am dragging one and I want to make a large square out of the smaller squares. I want them to snap together...
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I am trying to make an effect where a bunch of square fade in sequence (without using Voetsjoebas code btw, I'm practicing my own), but I have a problem with the handlers. I want to assign a handler to _root["square"+(i-1)] but it doesnt work if I do. Check out the comments in the code as well. What you see now is the proper effect but I need to move the handler to a different place so that I can assign a different handler to _root.
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Sep 8, 2009
I created a .PNG in Photoshop (see attachment) -- now when I make this into a movieclip the bounding box covers the entire area so the hittest activates as soon as my helicopter flies into the bounding box.I looked at adobe's "help" they recommended this code (by the way, I'm using Flash 8):
my_mc.hitTest(x, y, shapeFlag )
The way I interpreted the code was like this:
heli.hitTest(248.1, -38, shapeFlag)
I read somewhere that you only use one of the two, and the shapeFlag one is the one to use.The above code I placed into the helicopter MC (named heli) - I set the x & y to where the PNG is.The PNG moves towards the helicopter, so I'm not sure if that makes a difference.I just want that if the helicopter runs into the ceiling or floor, the level resets.However my current actions activate as soon as it hits the bounding box.This is my code in the PNG:
this._x -= _root.levelSpeed;
I've tried a lot of things, and nothing seems to be working.
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Dec 16, 2010
What I'm trying to do is hittest two irregularly shaped objects using their alphas and not the bounding box.
The code below hittests two objects named target 1 & target 2. This is not my code, but mine looks exactly alike, except target 1 & target 2 are replaced with my MC's. the thing is, I keep getting an error.At every function line, like the "public static function complexHitTestObject I get an error that says: Expecting right paren before left-bracket. I don't know what this error is caused by, because I can't really see why Flash wants another right paren.
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Sep 8, 2009
I have a bunch of objects that are dragable. You click and hold the mouse button to drag them around, then release the mouse button to put them back down. The problem is that when an object is dragged so that another object is between it and the mouse cursor, and the mouse button is released, the object gets stuck to the cursor. Clicking and releasing the mouse button is the only way to drop the object. Is there any way to fix this? Or, better yet, is there a way to make it so an object is immediatelly moved in front of every other object when it's clicked on?
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Apr 25, 2011
don't know is this right place for my question but if it's not I will grateful to moderator to move on rigt place. I have search forum for correct answer and not find correct one, maby i don't find or theri is no such one.First I am not soo good in programing which is I thin important to my problem:...I want to make a website for my father which is making locker, kitchen... And I want to draw elements (will be a picture png i think) of (example) of kitchen and user who come in tu us website can move objects to make a kitchen like he want
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Apr 9, 2009
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Jun 19, 2009
I'm trying to apply a ChangeDepths() to a bunch movieclips that I've nested inside a main movieclip which I'm using as a mask. The ChangeDepths() function worked fine when the clips were not nested, but after I placed them in a new movieclip, I get this error:
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Feb 3, 2005
I'm trying to dynamically generate a menu for a site. I have one movieclip that i duplicate and i want all those duplicates to share a mask.
This causes only the first menuitem to use the mask. After some searching i found that i should combine all these generated movieclips into one container movieclip and ultimately mask that container with myMask. I tried some createEmptyMovieClip, attachMovie & setMask combo's but it doesnt seem to work.
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Feb 3, 2005
I'm trying to dynamically generate a menu for a site. I have one movieclip that I duplicate and I want all those duplicates to share a mask.
for (i=0; i < 5; i++) {
_root.menuitem.duplicateMovieClip("menuitem"+i, i);
_root["menuitem"+i]._y = menuYpos;
menuYpos += 35;
This causes only the first menuitem to use the mask. After some searching i found that i should combine all these generated movieclips into one container movieclip and ultimately mask that container with myMask. I tried some createEmptyMovieClip, attachMovie & setMask combo's but it doesnt seem to work.
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Jun 1, 2010
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Jul 10, 2009
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//Button Actions
var buttonArray:Array =
[ whatIs_mc, ];
function initSite():void {
for (var i:Number = 0; i < buttonArray.length; i++) {
[Code] .....
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Sep 23, 2011
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public function roseTimer():void
MonsterDebugger.trace(this, "in roseTimer");[code]......
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Nov 7, 2010
I'm doing a drag n' drop game, and I can't figure out how to make a message appear once an object snaps into place.I'm making a soccerball drop into a soccer net, and once it hits its dropzone I want a message to appear, like "Nice Shot!".
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Feb 20, 2009
I have a loop which creates a bunch of movieclips and sets them on the stage.As I create each one I attatch an eventListener to it.My problem is that when the eventListener fires, the function it calls always works on the first mc added to the stage, not the one that fired the listener.How do I fix this?Here's a bit of the code:
Code: Select allfor (var i:int=0;i<numOfItems;i++) {
item = new Item();
//etc etc[code].....
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Apr 11, 2011
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ActionScript Code:
import flash.ui.Multitouch;
import flash.ui.MultitouchInputMode;
Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.TOUCH_POINT;
for(var i:int = 1;i<=30;i++){
this["tile"+i].addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_OVER, onBegin);
}function onBegin(e:TouchEvent):void{
What I want to happen is that when a tile is released on another it snaps to that tile and they become one tile so when moving around you actually move them both. When you release the 2 tile 'hybrid' onto another tile it becomes three tiles together and so on.
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Jan 8, 2012
All though I can scale down the size of my objects and can shift them to their correct positions when scaling. I cannot shift them to the correct relative positions, relative to the screen centre.
level=1; //starting scale level
public function scaleOut(level:int) // scale to a level 1-4{
for (var r = 0; r < Main.ballArray.length; ++r){
// scale radius
Main.ballArray[r].bRadius *= (oldLevel / level);
[Code] .....
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Nov 7, 2010
I'm doing a drag n' drop game, and I can't figure out how to make a message appear once an object snaps into place.
I'm making a soccerball drop into a soccer net, and once it hits its dropzone I want a message to appear, like "Nice Shot!".
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Aug 17, 2006
How do I snap/align objects dynamically? For instance, if I have an image loading dynamically and a text box directly below, I want the text box to always touch the edges of the image loaded (regardless of the image's size).
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Dec 8, 2006
I'm new around these parts (I literally signed up about 3 minutes ago!). I'm a high school student who just started using Flash about a month or two ago, so I'm far from advanced, though I have tackled some of the basics. In class I'm working on an art portfolio site but in my spare time I'm making a virtual dress-up doll (you know, the kind where you can pick up the clothes and drop them on the figure to mix and match outfits).Learning how to make drag-and-drop objects was very easy and there are lots of tutorials on it but what I can't figure out is how to get objects to "snap" into place. I want it so that the doll's hairdo's snap into position because they look kind of stupid when placed incorrectly.
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Dec 2, 2010
when creating a dynamic square with the api. 400 by 400. I am not sure why it wont draw the object
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Jan 15, 2010
I have this game, and some levels have a moving square as the player, you move the square with your arrow keys.... I want to have an enemy square that chases the player square.... They only chased mario when you didn't look at them? Kinda like that...... but in this regards:
I only want the enemy square to chase the player square when the player square moves.... soo say the player square moves 5 pixels per movement (know how to do all that), I want the enemy square to move when the player square moves..... towards the player square at like 7 pixels per movement..... so eventually you won't be able to avoid the enemy square....
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Oct 9, 2009
if I had a better understanding of bezier curves. This should draw a wedge of specified angle and radius, with the the bisector a vertical line. There appears to be something I don't get, because the curve does not conform to a perfect circle.
function doWedge(rad, angle, target) {
//angle to radians, then cut in half
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Apr 1, 2010
I'm dabbling with 3D tweens but I've hit a snag. The tween works fine on it's own and also with a simple mask on it. My issue is when I add a second keyframe to the mask layer to create a different shaped mask. When it reaches that frame my 3d tween goes crazy and flies off.
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Aug 21, 2008
I have this one movieclip.. which is the NPC characters for my RPG.. but i want to have my main movie in another swf.. Is there a way for me to "import" the NPC character movieclip.. into my main movie for me to use it? And.. as i have more and more scenes in different swfs.. i'll just "import" the same NPC movieclip.. so.. that one NPC movieclip will be the same throughout all the different swfs.. is there a way to do that?
I've noticed that sometimes .. people put things into files which has ".as" at the end.. which probably means that they put all their actionscript into that file.. is there like a ".movieclips" or something which allows me to do the same to movieclips that i'm reusing over and over again? lol Hope you can understand what i'm trying to describe!.. lol If you need me to elaborate more.
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May 3, 2009
I am looking for a script which would it make possible to arrange different movieclips on/arround a vector object. let me explain a bit better what i mean:imagine you have 6 different illustration of flowers, all seperate movieclips.then i have an object like for example the siluette of a man in vector format. now i would like to load like 4000 copies of the flower-movieclips on top of the siluette with a little bit of random so the flowers form in a way the siluette.
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Aug 2, 2010
I want to make a simple animation with some photos. But I'd like to create this in a circle shaped workspace (stage), so when I export the movie as a .swf it will be shown as a round document, instead of the basic rectangle.
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Jan 30, 2012
I am looking for a way to get a similar effect as posted in the Adobe forums The current solution is very brute force using about 60 intermediate shapes gradually going from the outer shape towards the inner shape while slightly changing the color each time.
particular problem, I only wanted to have a shape fade into the color of the background so my solution was to draw the image slightly larger than usual and use Flash's blur filter to create the gradient effect. This is suitable only because my background image is a solid color so this won't work for everybody. This is also a very cpu intensive method but is faster than drawing 60 shapes.
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Apr 22, 2009
What is the most efficient way to text for a collision between an elliptical object, and an irregularly shaped object (closely related to a line) that rotates?
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Mar 19, 2010
Apparently it's relatively simple in AS3 using a stage mouseevent.MOUSE_OVER listener, but I need an answer in AS2, which doesn't have the mousevent listener. Is the only way to get a list of objects under the mouse cursor, to do a recursive list of every object in the file and do a hitTest to get true/false on each? There must be a simpler way, right? I've seen a bunch of comments on forums that say "use hitTest", but hitTest just returns true or false, and not with the name of an object you hit, so maybe there's a way to use it that I'm not considering?
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