ActionScript 3.0 :: String Compare Does Not Work Inside Array For Match

Feb 6, 2010

How to compare a string with strings inside an array for a match? I have a file in which each sentence (or word) (generally string) is present in a new line. Opened the file and read the contents to a string.

private function readHandler(event:Event):void{
_str = _readStream.readUTFBytes(_readStream.bytesAvailable);
_strArray = _str.split(" "); //contains each string that appears in a new line
_length = _strArray.length;
[Code] .....

But this doesn't work. Seems like if(_input == _strArray[i]) never gets executed even if they are equal. What might be the problem. Is there some better way to so it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get An Array Of Indices Along With String.match()?

Sep 1, 2009

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var re:RegExp = /([%&]?w+)/g;
var a:Array = s.match(re);

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Is there a way to get the index of each matched string in one call? I know I can walk the original string using the resulting array and get indexes, but was hoping there was something similar to MATCH(). Something like:

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Compare Array's Element (xml Reference) With String?

Jan 22, 2010

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ActionScript Code:
curModeDisplay = new Array();  \this is the Array I need
for (var tvM:XMLNode = tv.firstChild; tvM!=null; tvM=tvM.nextSibling){
curModeDisplay.push(tvM.childNodes); \received element fine here
trace(curModeDisplay);  \ This works fine. Array displays correctly

When I need those elements from the Array(curModeDisplay) and try to make some comparison work, it did not work:

ActionScript Code:
function DigitCompare():Void{
for(var index in curModeDisplay){
if(curModeDisplay[index]=="11265"){ //it seems didn't work here


Is that because the element in the Array is reference to the XML node, and "11265" is String. If so, how should I fix this problem. The "11265" will be changed to any named String type variable in the future.

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Feb 22, 2011

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ActionScript Code:
var RandomNumS: String = "0";
var RandomNum : Number = Number(RandomNumS);


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Regex :: Use The String.match Method To Find Multiple Occurrences Of The Same Word In A String?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using String.match For Multiple Occurrences Of Same Word In A String?

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I'm using a pattern and regexp (with the global flag) with the string.match method and it works how I'd like except when the match returns multiple occurrences of the same word in the text. In that case, all the matches for that word point only to the index for the first occurrence of that word. For example, if the text is "cat dog cat cat cow" and the pattern is a search for cat*, the match method returns an array of three occurrences of "cat", however, they all point to only the index of the first occurrence of cat when i use indexOf on a loop through the array. I'm assuming this is just how the string.match method is. I want to find the specific indices of every occurrence of a match, even if it is of a word that was already previously matched.

how the string.match method works and if so

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PHP Code:
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if you understand this so far then here is an easy question for you.


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The first line shows nothing in that location in the array, and the second pops up a phone number, just like I'm after.

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if("undefnied") {
// is this correct

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Flex :: Compare Data From DataGrid DataField With String Value?

Feb 16, 2012

The question seems to be simple, however it create problems for me. I have a dataGrid with two dataFields: peerID, name. The information in a grid updated dynamically when new user joined the group (I'm creating a chat). I need that information about user deleted from a grid after it's disconnect. So, on "NetGroup.Neighbor.Disconnect": event i want to compare "" value with all peerID values in a grid and delete info about disconnected user.

I'm trying to use next construction:

for (var i:uint, len:uint = txtDataArray.length; i < len; i++)
if (txtDataArray.source[i] ==


But it doesn't work at all!

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1) How to get the value of exact cell?

2) How to organized info delete after user disconnect?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check If The Beginning Of A String Match Request?

Apr 14, 2009

How would I write if I want to check if the beginning of a string match my request? Something like this but with real code
if(myString doesn't start with "http://"){

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Compare User Inputted String To A Variable Already Created?

May 22, 2010

I am trying to compare a user inputted string to a variable already created.  When I do this with int it works fine but when I try changing it to strings I can't get it to work.


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Actionscript 3 :: Regex To Ignore Match With Specific Start To String

Aug 24, 2010

I have the following as3 function below which converts normal html with links so that the links have 'event:' prepended so that I can catch them with a TextEvent listener.

protected function convertLinks(str:String):String
var p1:RegExp = /href|HREF="(.[^"]*)"/gs;


How can i modify my function so that links with 'event:' at the start are NOT matched and are left unchanged?

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Actionscript 3 :: Auto-Complete TextInput - Match Beginning Of String Only?

Oct 30, 2011

My question concerns the following tutorial I've been working through:Building a Flex Type-Ahead Text Input

I was successful in enabling a search of available terms using the characters entered in the input, but only irrespective of the location of the characters in the terms. However, I am wondering how one might have the characters match only the beginning of the terms.

For example, suppose I enter the string "app" into the text input. How can I get only "apple" and not, for instance, "pineapple" to appear as an option?

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Jul 9, 2010

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var my_array:Array=Array(5,10,15,20,25,30)
var new_array:Array=Array(7,8,9,10,11,12,13)
for(var i:Number=0;i<my_array.length;i++){


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How to compare two arraycollection [code]...

how to compare..if equal just alert nochange if not alert chaged

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Oct 11, 2009

What's the best way to say:

if(this.object in same array as that.object)

with multiple arrays containing multiple objects?

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