ActionScript 3.0 :: Toggle A Breakpoint Directly From Code?

Dec 7, 2010

How can I toggle a breakpoint directly from code? I want to have something like this[code]...

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May 26, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Code To Toggle Button Activity?

May 13, 2009

I have a set of 5 button that change their opacity when clicked to a lower opacity. What I need to add is the ability to "toggle" the button to go back and forth from 100% opacity to 20% or whatever and then back to 100%. I would also like to add the ability to fade the opacity instead of it changing all at once. Her is the code as I have it so far.

ClickMe.buttonMode = true;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Putting Code From .as Files Directly Into A Frame Instead?

May 8, 2011

I have a situation where I am modifying a working FLA file to work in just one Scene of a project I am working on.The FLA file is linked to two external .as files.

I would like to take that code and call it from Fram 1 of the Scene as it will only but used for that scene and I do not want it affecting the other scenes.
I removed the package wrapper and changed any private function/public function just to function etc.part of the issue is calling on Movieclips in the library.I am trying to use drag and drop to drag Movieclips to Target transparent Movieclips.
The .as files uses:
import THE;
In a function I use:
the = new THE();            addChild(the);            the._targetPiece = tTHE_mc;            the.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, checkTarget);            the.x = 103.50;            the.y = 72.60;
I get an error for the "import THE;" as error 1046: Type was not found orwas not a compile-time constant: THE I get the error for the function reference as: error 1180 call to a possibly undefined method THE

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Classes To Add Code Instead Of Adding It Directly In FLA File

Mar 3, 2010

for first time decided to start using Classes to add my code instead of adding it directly in Flash and I really thought I knew how to handle this since I have created some re-usable classes before where you target an object by passing parameter etc,I thought that if I had one function (method) in my class and I wanted to call it from my .fla file all I needed to do was to create an instance of the class and then call my method.[code]But this doesn't work I get a message that says that it is missing to use my code directly on a class and what are the differences of doing this versus putting the code directly on my .fla file and if it's even a good practice to do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Edit Code For Sound Toggle Button

Aug 19, 2010

I need it so the music plays at start and then the button will pause/stop it, and  then turn into a play graphic which, when pressed, will play it again. I tried editing the code, but I am horrible at programming and of course nothing I tried worked. Please let me know what I have to change to start with music playing, and then have it stop/pause on first press, and alternate "play" and "stop" on subsequent presses. 


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Edit Code For Sound Toggle Button?

Aug 19, 2010

this is the one code that I could make work, but I need it so the music plays at start and then the button will pause/stop it, and then turn into a play graphic which, when pressed, will play it again. I tried editing the code, but I am horrible at programming and of course nothing I tried worked. Please let me know what I have to change to start with music playing, and then have it stop/pause on first press, and alternate "play" and "stop" on subsequent presses.

[My fla has 2 layers, one for this AS, and one for the buttons... within the symbol section, I have two layers, one for the button common BG, and two frames in the button layer, one for play (triangle) and one for stop (square). They are saved as a movie clip.]


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Javascript :: SWF Video With Controls (toggle Sound On / Off And Toggle Play / Pause)

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I'm new to flash and just need to do a simple task but I can't manage to get it to work. I'm trying to import a video (flv) into a SWF container and need to AS functions which should be exposed to JS (using liveconnect or anything else). These two function should toggle sound on/off and toggle play/pause. I dont need any user interface or a full featured player, just these two functions.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Breakpoint And Debug In Flash CS3?

Aug 3, 2009

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Professional :: Flash CS5 Debug Breakpoint Bug?

Apr 25, 2011

When I debug it simply refuses to stop at the breakpoints, thus making my work flow miserable. I did some searching on Google and seems this has been there since version CS3. I never found a solution for this. I reinstalled on top of the current installation and nothing happened and then did a complete installation and still it's the same. Check the video.

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Mar 1, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Open Source (breakpoint) Debugger

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Mar 10, 2010

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Swf Opened Directly In Browser Web

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Toggle Sound On And Off?

Apr 28, 2008

I have a button, just one button, that I want to be able to use to toggle sound on and off. On the button I have included the following actionscript:

on (release) {

Can I add additional script to turn it back on again? Maybe an if statement? The sound is currently being loaded and I cannot really add additional frames to make this work. I have to be able to include the script in one step if possible. Unless a movie with several buttons is the only way to go.

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IDE :: Toggle Fullscreen In Flash?

Mar 15, 2010

note;ok considerinh flash swfs in flashplayer app all works fine so i think the problem is not inside swf but HTML when i run my index.html for the 1st time in browser(all of them i tried) it opens in normal mode. i hit toggle button and it switches me into a fullscreen mode. great success...well it aint)

normal ----(1click) -- fullscrenn---(1click)--Normal

now when i go back from fullscr in to normal mode for the 2nd time, and want to hit toggle button to get again for the 2nd time to fullscren, i click the button and all that happends is my hand pointer turns to arrow pointer. And then i have to rollover and click button again to get to full scren mode..

normal ----(1click) -- fullscrenn---(1click)--Normal ---(2clicks)--Fullscreen---(1click)--Normal

NOTE;from fullscreen to normal it always works ok(browser or flash palyer)but from 2nd normal to 2nd fullscreen i gotta click twice...something like once to activate a button again and then to click it for the action to execute..i dont know if i run this only in flash player localy toggle works perfect, and that is why i think the problem is in html parameters and not in swf...

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var btnArray:Array = new Array(btn1, btn2, btn3);
var spotArray:Array = new Array(hotspot1, hotspot2, hotspot3);


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Going Directly To A Scene From An External Webpage?

Dec 6, 2005

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C# :: - Does A Class Have To Implement A Interface Directly

Dec 30, 2009

Quick question. Does a class have to implement a interface directly to be accepted, or can it be a child of a parent class that implements it. so If I pass a child object into a method that only accepts IOBJECT, but the child class parent implements IOBJECT. will child object be accepted ?

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Flex :: Navigating Directly To The Second Tab In Tab Navigator?

Jun 4, 2010

I have a component mxml in which i have a save button, on click of the save button i need to display another component which will be in a tab navigator, for this I am using the view stack. My problem is, on click of save I need to display the second tab instead of the first tab, but defaultly the first tab will be displayed.

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Actionscript 3 :: Start Learning Directly From As3?

Aug 10, 2011

I need to learn ActionScript. I have no basic knowledge on ActionScript. Can I directly start learning ActionScript3 or I have to start with ActionScript1.

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In a complex XML where I dont know the leaf node names/or the level of depth they are, how could I extract all the leaf nodes inside a XMLList variable directly?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Connect Directly To Any Database?

Mar 3, 2005

Can actionScript2.0 connect directly to any database? I know we can use ASP,or JSP as a middleware to connect to database. But without using middleware can we connect directly to database?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Directly Use Sockets?

Oct 29, 2006

As the title says, I would like to know if Flash 8 or any version of flash can access sockets.For instance like winsock does. Using an IP and a port to send packets? I've seen it can connect to databases, but I haven't seen anything with it working with sockets, for instance a P2P chat using only an IP and a port to send an receive messages.

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IDE :: Third IDE Open/edit Flas Directly?

Nov 18, 2009

I want know if it is possible - in any way - open FLA files (from versions 6 to 8) into an third IDE, edit this file, converting, for example, texts and animations, automating codes wich converts static texts into dynamics, accessing database etc and export a brand new SWF movie.I have a costumer that told me about a "miterious" programm wich can do all this things like edit/export - direct from his FLA files - a new SWF or EXE media. And save another FLA file with all those modifications. In other words: is it possible I make my own Flash IDE?

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