ActionScript 3.0 :: Toggle Shape On/off?
Mar 22, 2010
I have a diagram with three buttons that when clicked, draws a line from that button to the corresponding movieclip on the stage. All this works fine but I'd like to build in a toggle button so I can turn each line off in any order. I'm having trouble understanding how to reference each shape that's been draw on the stage so I can remove it
var btnArray:Array = new Array(btn1, btn2, btn3);
var spotArray:Array = new Array(hotspot1, hotspot2, hotspot3);
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package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Base extends MovieClip {
public var baseHP:int = 50;
var newRect:Shape = new Shape();
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Oct 19, 2010
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Apr 28, 2008
I have a button, just one button, that I want to be able to use to toggle sound on and off. On the button I have included the following actionscript:
on (release) {
Can I add additional script to turn it back on again? Maybe an if statement? The sound is currently being loaded and I cannot really add additional frames to make this work. I have to be able to include the script in one step if possible. Unless a movie with several buttons is the only way to go.
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Mar 15, 2010
note;ok considerinh flash swfs in flashplayer app all works fine so i think the problem is not inside swf but HTML when i run my index.html for the 1st time in browser(all of them i tried) it opens in normal mode. i hit toggle button and it switches me into a fullscreen mode. great success...well it aint)
normal ----(1click) -- fullscrenn---(1click)--Normal
now when i go back from fullscr in to normal mode for the 2nd time, and want to hit toggle button to get again for the 2nd time to fullscren, i click the button and all that happends is my hand pointer turns to arrow pointer. And then i have to rollover and click button again to get to full scren mode..
normal ----(1click) -- fullscrenn---(1click)--Normal ---(2clicks)--Fullscreen---(1click)--Normal
NOTE;from fullscreen to normal it always works ok(browser or flash palyer)but from 2nd normal to 2nd fullscreen i gotta click twice...something like once to activate a button again and then to click it for the action to execute..i dont know if i run this only in flash player localy toggle works perfect, and that is why i think the problem is in html parameters and not in swf...
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If btn1 is pressed (unchecked) again, fields a, b, c will turn off.
If btn2 is pressed (checked), fields b, c, d will turn on.
If btn2 is pressed again (unchecked), fields b, c, d will turn off.
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/* if the MOUSE_UP event is called and the chalkboard is blank, then write to the chalkboard
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var soundOn:Boolean = true;
onoff_btn.buttonMode = true;
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May 24, 2004
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whenever i click the toggle button it restarts the sound and downloads it again. can anyone tell me where my code is wrong or what i have to add?
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Nov 9, 2006
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Feb 1, 2007
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function toggle_pause() {
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Jan 13, 2011
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PHP Code:
function GenerateShapes(shape_xml) {
_global.shape_images = shape_xml.firstChild.childNodes;
_global.disableShapeButtons = new Array();
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May 31, 2011
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Mar 8, 2009
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Jul 27, 2010
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Aug 18, 2010
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this.stage.quality = StageQuality.LOW;
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May 4, 2009
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I know I could do this with an ifStatement in the myToggleBtn.onRelease, but am wondering if there is a better more efficient way to write this. Something like setPlayAllBtn(!= playAllOn); <!-- Obviously that one does not work...
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May 11, 2010
I am trying to create the simple thing by closing the switch as in image2 to glow the bulb can I achive it using adobe? The image1 is actual state & when i close(user event) the switch the state of the switch should change & bulb should glow. When I Open(again user event) the switch the state of the switch should change to the original state as in Image1.
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May 12, 2010
I am trying to create the simple thing by closing the switch as in image2 to glow the bulb can i achive it using adobe?The image1 is actual state & when i close(on user event) the switch the state of the switch should change & bulb should glow.
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