ActionScript 2.0 :: Keycode With Play And Pause Toggle
Mar 8, 2009I am trying to use the letter x to stop and play my movie, I got it to sucessfully stop but I am having trouble restarting it once it is stopped, [code]
View 3 RepliesI am trying to use the letter x to stop and play my movie, I got it to sucessfully stop but I am having trouble restarting it once it is stopped, [code]
View 3 RepliesI'm new to flash and just need to do a simple task but I can't manage to get it to work. I'm trying to import a video (flv) into a SWF container and need to AS functions which should be exposed to JS (using liveconnect or anything else). These two function should toggle sound on/off and toggle play/pause. I dont need any user interface or a full featured player, just these two functions.
View 1 RepliesIs there an easy way to make a button that toggles from play/pause? Or should I ask, what is the best way.
View 8 RepliesI'm having difficulty adding a Play/Pause button to an FLA animation that I've created. The animation is a frame-by-frame clip with motion tweens (rather than an FLV file). I'd like the Play/Pause button to toggle between a PLAY state and a PAUSE state depending on whether the animation is already playing or paused. (It will automatically play when the user begins viewing it, so the first button state should be at PAUSE.)
I've sucessfully created the button (actually as a movie clip with the two states). I've also got the button to pause and play the animation--but I'm unable to get the button (movie clip that is) to actually toggle between the two states. Can anyone tell me a good script to use for this type of control?
I currently started getting into webdesign and downloaded adobe flash trial as well as dreamweaver trial. How to add the toggle button.
This is the code I am using.
var isplaying:Boolean = true;
var lastposition:Number;
[Code] .....
I am new to this flash and I am using as2 for the action script I wanted to know how to create a toggle button so far this is all I have.
on (release) {
play ();
} on (release) {
stop ();
I wanted so that when you hit playit would start the animation but showing the pause button and vice versa.
I have encoded a video to make a .flv for my site, I want to add a simple pause/play toggle button for the flv, does anyone know what code I need to add to a button to get it to work? I don't want to use the default skins and can't seem to find away to get it to pause / play??
View 2 RepliesI've googled and googled but got no where or outdated tutorials. Anyone know how to make it so I can toggle audio with buttons using ActionScript 3 on Flash?
View 2 RepliesI have multiple movie clip with bg sound.I have used the code AS3 for toggling the animation ( Play & Pause ).Automatically the animation starts and button also togggled on click but couldnt control the animation .I need some solutions like when the intial stage the animation wont start etither the button click to play.After that the flow as it is in action ( ON Click ).
btns.visible = false;
I have multiple movie clip with bg sound.I have used the code AS3 for toggling the animation ( Play & Pause )automatically the animation starts and button also toggled on click but couldn't control the animation . I need some solutions like when the initial stage the animation wont start either the button click to play.After that the flow as it is in action ( ON Click ). Kindly anyone guide me to solve it. i'm very new to flash. this is my first project and i have to finish it soon..
I'm trying to make a simple flash mp3 player with a play/pause toggle button called toggle_btn. The button is actually a MovieClip with two buttons inside it: play_btn and pause_btn, which live in different places on the MovieClip's timeline. That all works fine, and when I press the play/pause button for the first time, my music plays as expected.
However, when I press it again to pause, it keeps right on playing. If I push it again, the button gets all glitchy, and doesn't go into its rollover state when it should nor toggle when clicked.
Here's my ActionScript:
// load the playlist
var getFile:URLLoader = new URLLoader(new URLRequest('songs.xml'));
var numSongs:int = 0; // number of songs in playlist -- we'll set this later
I have a movie clip on the main stage which loops an animation of a gramophone. On a separate mc in the layer above I have a working toggle button which plays and pauses a loaded mp3, but does not yet pause the MC animation beneath it. I need to find a way to target/pause/resume the gramophone MC insync with the sound button which is in another movieclip
View 0 RepliesI have modified the original to include more head shots accompanied by audio clips. I have worked out the playing of the clips on release. I realize now that people may not want to listen to entire clip. Each mug shot serves as the button to hear the person talk. I do not know how to modify the button code for it to be a toggle. I guess it would need to be some kind of "play if, stop if" The only part of concern is loading playing the the audio, no changes need to be made to the rollover functionality.
mugWidth = 60; //change these if you change the size of your mugshots
mugHeight = 60; //change to your mugshot height
//instantiate sound and textformat classes
I have a timeline of 30 frames, each it's own mc (page01_mc, etc.). In each mc I show a picture or two and hear narration.I have a first, prev and next nav on the main timeline. I need to add a play/pause btn that will pause both pictures and sound. I assume I do that in each mc, but do not know where to find the code.Here is what is in each mc now:
var mySound:Sound = new Sound();
mySound.load(new URLRequest("english/Intro01.mp3"));
I have several products I want to animate with graphics and text individualy then stack them on a time line for output with play and pause buttons. Is there a tutorial somwhere that shows you how to do this? and how do I stop the entire animation on a frame, I don't understand "not_set_yet"
View 4 RepliesI call it a hiccup because the code works; but it's backwards. When I hit the audio button it plays the music and when I hit it again it stops the music. I wish for the music to play automatically when you enter the SWF and then you hit the button to mute the music if you wish; and then hit the button again to play the music again.
Here is the code I have:
toggleButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, rolloverToggle);
toggleButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, rolloutToggle);
toggleButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toggleClick);
toggleButton.buttonState = "On";
var song:Sound = new TitleMusic();
[Code] .....
I'm working on a simple play/pause control for a movie clip.
Is there some property on movieclips that I can query to find if the movieclip is currently playing or stopped?
Otherwise, I figure I could add one myself, and alter it every time I play or stop the movie clip, but I don't want to.
how to control a pause/play button by pressing only the space bar, as I have the animation inside a movie clip.
I tried just using a simple code, such as:
on (keyPress "<Space>") {stop();
But as I guessed, it only paused and re-played the movie, so I suppose I need a condition for when it's either paused or playing, but I'm a little (a lot) inexperienced in coding in general.
I have imported the video in FLASH CS4 and want to make my own play/pause button.
View 1 RepliesI have created my first Flash CS4 presentation. It includes nine, mostly text, scenes, with no audio or video. The entire presentation has a row of nine circles across the top that distinguishes each chapter (scene) of the presentation. The presentation (movie) currently plays without stopping.Now my client wants to be able to click on each circle to pause/play the presentation at that chapter (scene), skip a chapter (scene), or go back to play a previous viewed chapter (scene).Can anyone recommend a simple scene pause/play script I can add to each circle (which will now become buttons)?
View 7 RepliesIs there a way to pause the playback for a set amount of time then resuming without any interaction from the viewer?
View 1 RepliesI have several swf file that will be loaded into the main swf file. In the sub swf file I coded & attached sounds and play it. And the problem is that when it is loaded in the main swf file the play/pause button won't work.
View 9 Repliesi wrote this code for video play/pause through SPACE keyplay/pause is fine. But not visible play_button when i press SPACE to write that ?
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, pausePress);
function pausePress(e:KeyboardEvent):void{
if (e.keyCode == 32){
here's the tutorial i learned the slidepanel. [URL] working in a AS 2.0 format. I made a slidepanel where it is a movieclip of combined images that make a long strip, depicting different images. Going to a particular image is through invisible buttons on the bottom with instance names. The actionscript layer contains commands:
I am using a stop(); gotoAndPlay with setInterval on a series of swf files that are loaded into a container movie. There is a bug in doing this, in which when one of the swfs is loaded into the container and you click on a link to load a different swf before the current swf has gotten to the frame in which you reach this function, its stops the function and nothing pauses/plays anymore. [code]...
View 3 Replies I'm making a mp3 player using flash and i would like to have the play and pause function all in one button rather having separating into two buttons. Here is the code what I have so far.
playpause_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playpauseButtonClick);
function playpauseButtonClick( event:MouseEvent):void {
theChannel =;
I want to know if there is a command or actionscript that will allow you to pause the movie automatically for like 30 seconds and then continue the movie after 30 seconds have passed, instead of adding alot of frames for about that add up to 30 secs. Just like the goto and play command.
View 2 RepliesI would like to pause a frame for 5 seconds and resume play. My code is just not working out.
View 7 RepliesI have a flash xml slide show. I need to create a play pause toggle button that will stop the xml slide show and start it again.
Here is the actionscript:
function loadXML(loaded)
if (loaded)
I have created a flah player with no controls which loads an ecternal flash video. What the client wants is to be able to pause and play the movie by clicking on it. I have an FLVPlayback component with the name MyVideo. All the actionscript I have at the moment is the following
myVideo.contentPath = file;
myVideo.autoRewind = auto;
File is a variable passed by SWFObject, this is the filename of the external Flash Video. This is so they can use the player with an video. Auto is a parameter passed by SWFObject so they can set whether the movie auto rewinds or not.