ActionScript 2.0 :: Sound Toggle Using StopAllSounds()?

Apr 3, 2007

I have created a game where all the main actionscript takes place in one frame.For extra functionality I was going to add a button to toggle on/off sounds, after searching this forums and others Im left confused how to implement this.If i choose to use stopAllSounds() Im aware it only stops the current sounds and will not interfere with sounds about to occur.

Collision detection and random sounds occur within my game on an interval, is there a simple way to turn off all sounds permenantly? The only other id would be a button with a toggle and use multiple IF statements to check status of sound on/off.

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on (release) {

Can I add additional script to turn it back on again? Maybe an if statement? The sound is currently being loaded and I cannot really add additional frames to make this work. I have to be able to include the script in one step if possible. Unless a movie with several buttons is the only way to go.

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var soundOn:Boolean = true;
onoff_btn.buttonMode = true;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sound Toggle On Template File?

Jan 27, 2009

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[My fla has 2 layers, one for this AS, and one for the buttons... within the symbol section, I have two layers, one for the button common BG, and two frames in the button layer, one for play (triangle) and one for stop (square). They are saved as a movie clip.]


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// Button ListenersnextBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextSection);prevBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, prevSection);
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////function


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Aug 23, 2009

I'm building a dynamic gallery that supports SWFs for individual slides. In order to prevent background sound from carrying over from a previous slide to a different category page, I have attached stopAllSounds(); to navigation menu buttons. It does its job, but it turns off the sounds abruptly. I'm using alphaTo for transition effect from one page to another, and I'm wondering if there is a command that stops playing all sounds in gradation, so that I can make it consistent with page transition.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Loading MP3s - StopAllSounds Function

Oct 13, 2002

Dynamically loading mp3's. I have 10 buttons, 1 stop and the others track 01 - 09, these are all in one .swf file. The buttons are all on one layer, on another I have defined all my sounds like so :

firstSound = new Sound();
firstSound.loadSound("track 01.mp3");
through to
ninthSound = new Sound();
ninthSound.loadSound("track 09.mp3");

Then I have the actions for my buttons
on (press) {
//Track 01 Button
[Code] .....

I have uploaded the 9 mp3's, the swf & html file to same folder and this is what happens: [URL]. When any of the 9 track buttons are pressed 7 of the nine mp3's download all at the same time from pressing 1 single button (no track 3 or 9 which play fine normally and have definitely been uploaded) and none of the sounds work. But, when I refresh the page the 7 mp3's that were downloaded now work. The stop all sounds still work on buttons 3 & 9.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Opposite Action To "stopAllSounds"?

Jul 30, 2010

In have 10 scenes, each will having different audio files. Each scene will have buttons which take next and previous sc�ne. I am facing difficulties on controlling sounds.

I have placed action �stopAllSounds()� , because of this it will stop sounds in next scene also. I can�t call sound object as they are many.

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Actionscript 3 :: Sound Latency - Set It For Any Silence Before The Actual Sound By Calling The Sound

Apr 16, 2011

I am triggering short sounds dynamically from the library for a game (Specifically Air for Android). When the user clicks a button the sound can take up to 600ms to actually play. I have set it for any silence before the actual sound by calling the sound like so:


All return the same results. I know there are threads here that talk about this but none have offered a real solution that I can find. Is there no way to cache the sound or store it in a buffer?

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IDE :: Toggle Fullscreen In Flash?

Mar 15, 2010

note;ok considerinh flash swfs in flashplayer app all works fine so i think the problem is not inside swf but HTML when i run my index.html for the 1st time in browser(all of them i tried) it opens in normal mode. i hit toggle button and it switches me into a fullscreen mode. great success...well it aint)

normal ----(1click) -- fullscrenn---(1click)--Normal

now when i go back from fullscr in to normal mode for the 2nd time, and want to hit toggle button to get again for the 2nd time to fullscren, i click the button and all that happends is my hand pointer turns to arrow pointer. And then i have to rollover and click button again to get to full scren mode..

normal ----(1click) -- fullscrenn---(1click)--Normal ---(2clicks)--Fullscreen---(1click)--Normal

NOTE;from fullscreen to normal it always works ok(browser or flash palyer)but from 2nd normal to 2nd fullscreen i gotta click twice...something like once to activate a button again and then to click it for the action to execute..i dont know if i run this only in flash player localy toggle works perfect, and that is why i think the problem is in html parameters and not in swf...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Toggle Shape On/off?

Mar 22, 2010

I have a diagram with three buttons that when clicked, draws a line from that button to the corresponding movieclip on the stage. All this works fine but I'd like to build in a toggle button so I can turn each line off in any order. I'm having trouble understanding how to reference each shape that's been draw on the stage so I can remove it

var btnArray:Array = new Array(btn1, btn2, btn3);
var spotArray:Array = new Array(hotspot1, hotspot2, hotspot3);


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Buttons To Toggle Fields On/off?

Oct 8, 2009

I am trying to create an interface with multiple buttons (left side of screen) that will toggle on or off (increase alpha) multiple graphic fields (right side of screen) that are not mutually exclusive


If btn1 is pressed (checked), fields a, b, c will turn on.
If btn1 is pressed (unchecked) again, fields a, b, c will turn off.
If btn2 is pressed (checked), fields b, c, d will turn on.
If btn2 is pressed again (unchecked), fields b, c, d will turn off.


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Jun 18, 2009

I can't figure out how to get a button to toggle between to functions?It has to be more simple than an if()...else().. statement right?example:

myBtn_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, what goes here?);

/* if the MOUSE_UP event is called and the chalkboard is blank, then write to the chalkboard
else erase the chalkboard */[code].......

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Button 'toggle'?

Dec 5, 2006

I'm simply creating a button in flash that should alternate between a 'play' graphic (i.e. > ) and a pause graphic (i.e. || ) every time its clicked. That's all!

In shockwave I would simply type a line of code that would set a new memberNumber or memberName to swap the graphics on mouseUp. How do I do it in Flash? I called a friend and he though I had to do something like create a movieClip inside a button or vice versa. It all seems rather complicated for such a simple task.

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