ActionScript 3.0 :: Trace Hexdecimal From XML?
Sep 1, 2010
I would like to trace the full hexdecimal value from a xml attribute color="0x000000". I don�t know if there is a special datatype for hexdecimal values so i declared it with color:uint;
If i try tracing it out i only get the first letter "0" instead of "0x000000"
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trace(itemClip1._y); //traces "32"
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dane_xml = new XML();
dane_xml.ignoreWhite = true;[code]....
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Aug 24, 2011
Im using hitTestObect to detect collision.
if (movieclip1.hitTestObject(movieclip2) {
// do something
the above code detects whether movieclip1 hits movieclip2.... ok
if (hitTestObject(movieclip2) {
// do something
the above code detects whether 'Anything' has hit movieclip2.... ok
what i want is a way to use the second code but for example, trace the movieclip's name that hit movieclip2
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the only way i've thought of doing it is doing a loop using the first method (replace movieclip1 with movieclipArray[x])
but rather than doing a loop i would just like for it to trace the name of whatever hit movieclip2
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What could I be doing wrong? All tutorials I've seen make this seem so straight forward, but it's just not working for me?
//////EDIT////here is the question clarified.
protected var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
public var xmlData:XML = new XML();
public function loadXML(_filename:String) {
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how to trace value within ActionScript function.
Problem solved moderators can close this thread.
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Apr 26, 2004
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Aug 5, 2005
The box got this code:
PHP Code:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {if (_parent.hitTest(this)) { trace("hitting"); }}
I want the box to trace when it hits mc2, but it don't works!
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Feb 28, 2006
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Jul 1, 2009
This has never happened before. One of my .fla's suddenly won't trace at all. Anywhere I put a trace statement, it does not work. On the main timeline, in an MC, in a function... nothing!
Is there an option that I could have accidentally turned off or on?
In the meantime I'm debugging with dynamic text.
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Aug 28, 2009
I am trying to things efficiently and put as little code as possible on the timeline.
I have a document class loading and working at runtime.
It creates a button that takes me to a different frame on the timeline.
I have a movie clip there. I put a trace in the constructor of the class of that movie clip but it will not show the trace comment in the output window-its not working. There are no errors.
I also tried instantiating the same movie clip from the document class-which worked-but the trace in it's class's constructor still does not output.
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