ActionScript 3.0 :: TweenMax/Lite - Animating Color Of Stroke And Fill Independently?
Oct 7, 2009
When I animate the color of any shape that has a stroke, the whole thing changes color. I'm using "tint" and "removeTint" for that. I'd like to animate either the stroke or the fill independently.I'm using TweenMax.
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ActionScript Code:
private function subMenuItemOver(evt:MouseEvent):void {, 1, {tint:0x9ca26e}); // Works, 1, {tint:0xffffff}); // Doesn't work
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var myColor:ColorTransform = myRectangle.transform.colorTransform;
savedColor = myRectangle.transform.colorTransform;
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var myArrow:ArrowMovieClip = new ArrowMovieClip();
var vectorDisplayObject:DisplayObject = stage.addChild( myArrow );
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<s:Ellipse x="7" y="7" width="136" height="136">
<s:LinearGradientStroke weight="14">
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var mycol1 = V123 Plum;V123 Plum = "0xFF6600"colorchange.setRGB(mycol1);
var mycol2 = V456 Ruby;
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import com.Polygon;
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May 23, 2009
I'm trying to get a movieclip fill color to change once clicked. I'm able to get the mouseover and mouseout working. But the click state isn't working properly.
Here's my code:
my_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onFolderOver, false, 0, true);
my_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onFolderOut, false, 0, true);
my_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showMovieclip, false, 0, true);
When I use the above code, nothing happens once clicked. I tried using the color property, but, although that made a color change (black), it wasn't the color I had indicated (white).What I have is a movieclip ("my_mc"). Inside the movieclip are other movieclips. When one is clicked, only that movieclip ("my_mc.movieclip01"), is highlighted.
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Jul 7, 2010
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Circle function starts
function fnDrawArc(mc,x,y,r,angle){
mc.beginFill(0xFF0000); // this is not working....
[Code] .....
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I am very new to Flash so hopefully it is a simple answer, but I am not seeing it yet.
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May 17, 2010
I am writing a custom item renderer to render a column series in my application.
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Jan 13, 2009
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Dec 29, 2009
When I use begin/endFill it work only for sprite dynamicaly drawed. So I use colorTransform to color a Sprite which is already on the stage. However all is colored. Is it possible to select what you want to color (line or fill)? I want to change only the fill color.
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Aug 23, 2011
I'm trying to make a preloader in which a grayscale logo fills with color based on the number of frames loaded. What I've done is make a static grayscale version of the logo named border and a colored in version on top of it named LoadBar.I have this code in frame 1,
bytes_loaded = Math.round(this.getBytesLoaded());
bytes_total = Math.round(this.getBytesTotal());
getPercent = bytes_loaded/bytes_total;[code]....
but now it's telling me this.onRelease = function () { must appear within an on handler. I thought that onRelease was an on handler.
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Apr 22, 2009
How to attach a graphic to the slider (slider component flash cs3) drag-handle so that when the slider moves up and down it fills with a color? All the solution I find are all about flex. But I need to do it in Flash...
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