ActionScript 3.0 :: URL Loads In Container On Same Window?

Mar 8, 2012

I have a gallery that has thumbnails, when I click on them, i want to load the pic next to them, and disable the rest of the thumbs until I click the large image to go back to the thumbs...right now it opens the image in its own window from an xml list..

function tn_click(e:MouseEvent):void
var mc:MovieClip = MovieClip(;
var s_no:Number = parseInt(,10));


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Animating Content Container As It Loads Additional Pages?

May 23, 2009

I am making a full flash site in which one container clip on the main timeline loads all the pages. I want to place a tween on this container so that once the content loads it animates as it enters. Code below.

import gs.TweenLite;
import gs.easing.*


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ActionScript 3.0 :: MouseClick Error - Add A Button Which Loads Another Image Or Swf In The SAME Container

Aug 11, 2010

I'm was following a tutorial where you can load an unload a image or swf in a container through clicking on a button (ofcourse). but now i'm trying to add a 2nd button which loads another image or swf in the SAME container. This is the code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button On Click, Loads A Pdf In New Window

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I am trying find the correct as3 code to make a button on Click, open a pdf in a new window. I have tried different ways, but when I add the code not only does it give me errors, but it makes my swf flip through all the pages instead of stopping on load. It is fine before I enter the code for this button. Just to let you know, this button is within a movie clip on the main stage. I really wanted it in a MC within another MC, but can't figure out where to put the code.
Should it go on the main timeline, where all the rest of the code is, or should it go within the MC?

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IDE :: CS3 Page Loads At Bottom Of Browser Window

Sep 26, 2009

- When you click on a link in the bottom menu bar of my site, the new page opens at the bottom of that page (instead of the top).

As you can see (from the action script at the bottom of this post ), it's basically just turning on and off the visibility of the pages. So when you click on the Ethnography button, it makes that page visible and the page that you were on, not visible.

So when the button being clicked (the Ethnography button) makes the Ethnography page visible, the page location stays in the same place (aka - the bottom of the page). Is there a quick action script statement that I can add to the EventListener for the button that will tell it to open the new page at the top of the page?

Something like: window.scrollTo(0,0) ?


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Actionscript 3 :: Container Resizing According Window Resize?

Jan 17, 2012

I have a window witch is resizing on creationcomplete phase according user preference. This part woks well. But inside this window a s:Group (maincontainer2) exists and even if width and height is in percent, the s:Group size is bigger that the new window measure.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<windowSkin:wCustomWindow xmlns:fx=""


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Intercept The Window Size Of The Swf Container?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: CS3 Page Loads At Bottom Of Browser Window

Sep 26, 2009

I'm building a Flash website and have a question which should be really easy to answer.

- When you click on a link in the bottom menu bar of my site, the new page opens at the bottom of that page (instead of the top).

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So when the button being clicked (the Ethnography button) makes the Ethnography page visible, the page location stays in the same place (aka - the bottom of the page). Is there a quick action script statement that I can add to the EventListener for the button that will tell it to open the new page at the top of the page?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Simple Window Manager With It's Own Container?

Aug 26, 2011

I've worked with PHP/MySQL for some time but have basically been editing existing OOP scripts or coding my own using procedural programming. I understand some about objects and how they work and I've read books but I am one who learns best by experimenting and trying to find solutions to my failed experiments.

That being said, I'm trying to create a simple window manager with it's own container. However, I can't get the container to display anything as I apparently don't understand how the stage works in flex applications. Here is my code, there are no errors but nothing gets displayed.Additionally, how do I get the current width & height of the application?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><s:Application xmlns:fx=""
xmlns:mx="library://" initialize="init()" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loader Or Loader Context - Container Loads The Module From An Absolute Path

Jan 23, 2009

I have two swf files, each one almost with the same classes, the most important one is a Singleton class, each swf does "singleton.getInstance()". The diference is that one swf is like a container and the other one is like a module. So when the container loads the module from an absolute path like loader.load("file://c:/modules/module.swf") or loader.load("[URL]"), two different singletons (same class) are created

But when the container loads from a relative path like loader.load("module.swf") , just one singleton is created (that is what I want) I am just intrigued with this behavior, could someone explain me this? PD: I believe is something related to loaderContext and applicationDomain but It also appears that isn't working right. -Patricio Foieri , Vertigo Labs

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Loads In A Separate Window Instead Of The The Main Timeline

Jun 21, 2003

I have a button that I want to have load a movie when pressed. It works, howerver, the movie loads in a separate window instead of the the main timeline where I would like it to. How can I correct this? Here's how I have it scripted now:


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Actionscript 3 :: Resizing Container On Resize Of Application Window In Adobe Flex/AIR Application?

Mar 4, 2011

I am working on an Adobe AIR Application. The size on Application window is 800X600 and is contains border container and border container contains many controls. What I want is to if user re-sizes the application then that container should also be re-sized according to scale. i.e If user maximizes or minimizes the window then that border container should also be maximized or minimized respectively.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: HTML Loads A Preloader That Then Loads The Actual Flash Movie?

Mar 28, 2009

Everything is embedded in an HTML site. The HTML loads a preloader that then loads the actual flash movie. Inside this movie I created a few buttons, inside a scroll bar movie clip. I want the buttons to load a whole new movie inside the same html. The code I'm using in the button is simply:

on(release) {
loadMovie("new_movie.swf", 0);

The problem is that it works beautifully in the Flash movie tester but doesn't do anything when tested inside the browser, embedded in the HTML. I think the problem is that the HTML embeds as an object the first movie, the preloader for the menu movie, not the menu movie itself.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: When The Xml Menu Loads Swf File Its Structure Loads But Not Its Data?

Feb 23, 2010

have this flash xml menu that loads external swf files like this:

<item title="ABOUT"content_path=""target=""mouse_rollover_color="0xFFFFFF" mouse_rollout_color="0xDDDDDD" />

and I have this swf file with cms that I'd like for this menu to load. Currently the swf file load external text using this code:

if (contenturl1 ne "") {
loadVariablesNum(contenturl1 + "/" + userid + "/content.txt", 0);[code].....

but when the xml menu loads this swf file its structure loads but not its data.I tried using :

this._lockroot = true;

in the loading swf main time line but it did not work.I should also mention that the dynamic data that loads onto the swf that is to be loaded by the menu, resides not in it main time line but 4 movie clips deep .I don't know if that makes a difference or not.

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Flex :: Prevent Container In ItemRenderer From Exceeding Width Of List Container?

Jul 2, 2011

In a Flex Mobile project I have a simple itemRenderer where I'm trying to create an "bubble" texting effect, similar to ichat or iphone (just so you get what im going for). But if the text is longer than the screen it runs off, rather than just going down a line.

If I set Group thats holding the rectangle(to create the bubble effect) and the label to 100% it works and keeps it from exceeding the list containers bounds, BUT the group is always at 100% and looks bad, I'm trying to keep the "bubble" JUST AROUND the text.

Anyway so, at the top of my itemRenderer I tried specifying:

<s:ItemRenderer xmlns:fx=""
xmlns:s="library://" width="100%" height="100%">

And here's my layout I figured since msg_container has a width of 100% I was hoping bubble_lable_group would just not exceed that just runs off. I tried setting a max width but that does not allow you to input percents. And just to say it 1 more time. I know if i set bubble_lable_group width to 100% it works, and keeps it from going off the edge, but then the rectangle "bubble" stretches all the way across and just looks bad.

<s:VGroup id="main_container" horizontalAlign="left" paddingBottom="10" paddingTop="10"
verticalAlign="top" width="100%">


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Professional :: Run Project (main Container SWF And Child SWFs) Into Another Container File Which Place On A Website?

Jun 17, 2010

I am facing a issue in Flash container. I am having a project which has main container which call different SWFs into it. Now I call this main container file into another container, and their problem starts. Many option doesn't work properly which generally have _root, _parent etc...
If I want to run project (main container SWF and child SWFs) into another container file which place on a website. I want to show whole project from this container file so what I need to do?

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Flex :: Dynamically Adding Container To A Dynamic Container

Sep 21, 2011

I have a loop that goes through data from a book and displays it. The book is not consistent in it's layout so I am trying to display it in two different ways. First way(works fine) is to load the text from that section in to a panel and display it. The second way is to create a new panel (panel creates fine) and then add collapsable panels(nested) to that panel. Here is the code from the else loop.

else if (newPanel == false){
// simpleData is just for the title bar of the new panel
// otherwise the panel has no content


The error I get is: ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property panel4.4 not found on components.readTest and there is no default value.

I have tried setting the "name" property instead of the "id" property.

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Flex - Hide Container Of A Viewstack Container?

Dec 23, 2010

I have a viewstack container w/ 3 views: red, black, and blue. How can I completely hide the black & not include it?


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Flex :: Drag Circle From One Container To Another Container?

Jan 13, 2012

I am creating an flex Air project,so mxml file will run. I have circles in one Big circle at one side and will be same on other side.

Now how to drag any circle from any Big circle to other side. Or it could be like any two container having circles, then how to drag and drop circle?

For one circle i am able to do drag and drop.But I want one Big circle on left hand side and one big circle on right hand side .And small circles with class names will be in these big circles.Now i want to drag and drop those small circles in big circles.Big cicles should not move. Even i have tried this code in actionscript

import flash.display.Sprite;


But in this i want big circles should not move and small circles should only be dragged.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scale Container In Another Variable Container?

May 6, 2010

I need to place an image into a container. The problem is that I will not know the size of the image or the container beforehand, so it all has to be dynamic.this is how I started (have not gotten to stage(or container) changing size yet. No matter what I try, either all the images are the same width, or they are all the same height. If some images are portrait and other landscape, I don't want all the images to be X pixels high. In this variation of the code, all the images turn out the same height, regardless of portrait or landscape.

ActionScript Code:
var ratio:Number = container.width/container.height;//get the ratio, if width is bigger than height then ratio is greater than 1, else ratio is smaller than 1


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Have An Animated Logo Swf File That Loads And Runs Once On The Home Page Every Time The Page Loads?

Jun 25, 2009

I have an animated logo swf file that loads and runs once on the home page every time the page loads. The logo has been updated to appear in three different colour schemes. I want one scheme to load and when the page is refreshed or revisited, one of the other colour schemes to load in its place. They can appear in any random order, just a different one to the one that played before reloading.Can someone point me to an answer or tell me how to do it? I have found a way in JavaScript but this only works on plain images, not swf files.

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Flex :: Moving Children Of A Container (defined In MXML) Inside An "inner Container"

Jan 27, 2010

I'm currently working on a custom component which extends Canvas (let's call it SuperCanvas) ; it's basically a container that let you zoom & pan its contents. It would be too long to explain why, but I can't use scrollRect, so I was forced to declare a Canvas object (called innerCanvas)... inside my SuperCanvas (I know, not very nice =/) I would like to know if there's a proper way to "redirect" the creation of my component's children in this canvas.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loads An External Swf That Loads 2 External Swf Files

Nov 21, 2005

the best way to do it but i have a preloader the loads an external swf that loads 2 external swf files. one on layer o and the other seems to load the swf on layer 1 twice.url...if i run the swf that loads the 2 external swf files by it's self and the same problem happens.mouse over the navagation button and then mouse over the close button and follow the animation down to were it turns back into the navagation button. sometimes the close stays up.if i run the swf file that just contains the navagation it dosen't happen.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Toggle_window - Window Opens And Closes Not By Clicking On The Button But On The Window Itself?

Jun 12, 2009

i would like that my window opens and closes (opens: scale out; closes: scale in) not by clicking on the button but on the window are 3 applications of mine (schuifwindow, scroll and fotoalbum).
Grtz,Jan the man
here are 3 applications of mine (schuifwindow, scroll and fotoalbum).
schuifwindow only picture one (left up corner) has a X button (i dont want to use this button)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Flash DVD - Put Video Window Playing Certain Amount Of Time Then Repeats Itself In Main Window?

Oct 20, 2011

I am preparing a presentation DVD... DVD will contain wmv video, user manual and another flash exe file... So DVD interface will contain three elements; user manual, a flash exe file and video.. Flash video window will be short-time video, playing like 5-10 seconds then repeats itself... My question is, how could I accomplish to put video window playing certain amount of time then repeats itself, in main window? I need as3 fla example, which could be so useful for me..

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Flex :: Placing Popup Window In The Middle Of The Main Window

Mar 16, 2010

I'm trying to place a popup window (TitleWindow) in the middle of the main application window. how do i set the coordinates of my popup window to be of the main application window? i tried the localToGlobal function but with no luck, I just can't get the main window x and y.

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Actionscript 3 :: Detect Clicks Outside Of A Window For A Multi-window AIR App In Flex?

Mar 13, 2011

So I have this AIR app coded in flex where I have several floating native windows and what I want is to detect when a user clicks outside of a window so that I can close it. (I don't want to use the PopupManager Class and would want to use the native windows).

My question is, is there a way to detect a click outside of a spark window, or alternativley is there some root container/object which is a parent to all the native windows so that a click inside any native window would bubble up to it? (Apparently the stage object of the root windowed application is not that object since each window is not a child of the stage for the root application).

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Flex :: Reload Main Window's Variable In Popup Window?

Aug 12, 2011

How to access main window's variable from popup window.

I create a popup window in the main window, and pass variable "content" to this popup window as following [code]...

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Flash :: POST To Opened Javascript Window And Have Close The Window

Nov 30, 2011

I created a Flash application that reads POST data from a form. A user clicks the button, and the data gets posted to the flash app in a new window (_blank). Now takes the data and then spins a wheel to give users a prize. If they don't win a message pops up letting them know they didn't win. If they don't win, clicking the OK button needs to close the browser window.

I've tried a number of solutions and it seems that the only way to get this done is to launch the window with javascript and then use'window.close'); to close the window from within the Flash actionscript (3) because otherwise the window won't close (I've tried just using window.close and window.close() with no luck)

I understand how to launch a new window with javascript, but I don't know how to simultaneously launch and POST data to that window (the Flash application has to have the POST data. Is this the best solution? Is there a way to close a browser window easier than what I'm describing?[URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Close Pop-up Window -> Trigger Action In Parent Window?

Sep 25, 2009

I'm trying to create a pop up window in Flash which also fades the background window to 75% black. When the user closes the pop up window, I'd like for the parent window to un-fade back to normal. Is this possible? I can do the first half of it and make the background window fade to 75% black. The difficult thing is making it fade back to normal when the user closes the pop up window.My thoughts are that I need to attach some code to the browser's built in close window button. It might require some javascript or a fscommand. I'm not sure.

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