ActionScript 3.0 :: Unlloading A Movie From Inside The Movie?

Nov 6, 2009

How can I unload a movie from with in the UI Loader. I have loaded a movie into my UI Loader and there is a go back button And I simply want to unload that movie and return to normal.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Targeting A Movie Clip Inside A Movie Clip Inside Another Movie Clip With A Twist?

May 9, 2010

Im able to link to a movieclip inside a movieclipUnfortunately one of the movieclips now are a scrollbar and scroll. Now the actionscript isnt working?cal.onPress = function() {gotoAndPlay(2); = unit1;

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Addressing Movie Clips Inside A Movie Clip That Has Been Loaded Into A ScrollPane

Jul 6, 2009

I'm trying to use the scroll pane component for the first time, and I've spent most of the day getting nowhere. Based on my experience with other components and with loading content into movie clips, I expected that I would point my scroll pane to its content and be off and running, but that hasn't happened.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reference A Movie Clip Instance Name From Inside Child Movie Clips?

Oct 23, 2009

I have a label I am referencing form a movie clip inside the movie clip which contains the "label_2." Here is the code I used: MovieClip(parent.parent).gotoAndPlay("return_2"); Now I need to reference a instance name of a movie clip in side the same scene.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Referencing _root.Button  From A Movie Loaded Inside Another Movie?

Oct 18, 2009

MainMove.swf is doing a loadmovie of SecondMovie.swfThe Button that loads SecondMovie.swf also disables other buttons in MainMovie.swfon (release) {  _root.intro_btn.enabled = flase;  loadMovieNum("SecondMovie.swf", 2);How do I Re enabled the Buttons in MainMovie.swf from a Button within SecondMovie.swf???

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can Not Execute Code From Nested Movie Inside Of Main Movie

Mar 7, 2010

I can not execute a code from nested movie inside of my main movie when I declare import like that:[code]I get these errors: 1172: Definition com.greensock:easing could not be found.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Loading Multiple Movie Clips Inside Another Movie Clip?

Mar 11, 2010

I was wondering about the flexability of loading movies into a movie clip. Currently, I am well able to load one movie into a movie "loader" clip, but thought maybe there is a way to load additional movie clips into that same "loader" clip, as i am starting to accumulate several different graphics that i need to have be inside movie clips so that i can make them change colors on the same frame when needed.
i shot from the hip and tried this code, but didnt have any luck:
mc_LCD_loader.attachMovie("hilight", "g", 1), ("header", "X", 1); mc_LCD_loader.g._x = 0; mc_LCD_loader.g._y = 1000;
mc_LCD_loader.X._x = 0; mc_LCD_loader.X._y = 1000;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Movie Clips Embedded Inside A Movie Clip On The Main Timeline?

Dec 6, 2009

I have my flash document set up in the following way: On the main timeline I have my buttons that I want to play movie clips embedded inside a movie clip on the main timeline.However, when I click each different button, the current movie clip stops playing and then the movie clip corresponding to the button plays.

I want them all to be able to play at once. So for example you push button 1 and the alien plays, but half way through you could click button 2 and the alien clip would keep playing, but also the helicopter clip would begin to play as well.Here is the code I have so far:

building_btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, alien);
building_btn2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, helicopter);
function helicopter(e:MouseEvent):void {[code]......

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Roll Over Actions And External Links To Movie Clips That Are Inside Of Another Movie Clip?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a menu bar that has 2 Drop down menus. Each drop down is a separate movie clip, with 3 buttons inside that are separate movie clips. I have a class set to the buttons that are movie clips for a roll over effect. But when I mouse over it does not work. Also on the main time line I tried to add a like to a web page but it did not work. But I only have this problem with the movie clips that are inside the drop down movie clips.

Why is this? How do I add roll over actions and external links to movie clips that are inside of another movie clip? I really need some help this is a problem I have been having for about a month or more. I am still a AS3 newb and this is my first time using classes. The other classes I have work with everything else, Im just having trouble with the movie clips that are inside movie clips.

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Create A Movie Clip And Place Other Movie Clips Inside Of It?

Oct 6, 2009

At step four, it says to
4- Inside another Movie Clip named "Limits" place "Pads" and "Wall". Pads' instance name should be "Pads" and Wall's instance named "Border". We put the Wall and Pads inside the same Movie Clip, to use it to know when the ball collided. And we couldn't put everything together because the ball behaves different if hits the Wall instead of the Pads.
How do I create this movie clip and put the other movie clips "inside it"? Also, if anyone can find out, where do I put this movie clip? Do i put it at the same spot as the wall?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reaching A Movie On The Stage From Inside Another Movie Clip?

Dec 28, 2009

I'm trying to reach a body of text which i turned into a movie clip which is on the main stage, and have it scroll up/down whenever it rolls over the designated hot spots. Here's what i have.

function down1(e:MouseEvent):void {
if (mouseX>=0 && mouseX<=42 && mouseY>111.1 && mouseY<146.1) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pause All Movie Clips Inside A Movie Clip?

Feb 14, 2009

i made a game with all the levels put into a movieclip named "game". Every level is put into a different frame and i want to make a pause and play button.I found this code but dont know how to use it:

on (release) {
for (var i in mc) {
typeof (mc[i]) == "movieclip" ? mc[i].stop() : trace("mm");


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop All Movie Clips Inside A Movie Clip\/

Feb 24, 2006

Is there a way to do stop/pause all the movie clips inside a Big movie clip? I wanna control the movie clips as well with a slider. Yes i can control the Big movie clip yet i couldn't control those movie clips lie inside that Big movie clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How Many Movie Clips Are Inside A Movie Clip And Then Remove Them

Oct 25, 2005

What is the code I use to find out how many movie clips are inside a movie clip and then remove them?

clips = some_mc.numberOfClipsAtThisLocation;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Access Movie Clips' _y Inside A Movie Clip?

Jun 14, 2007

i got a school flash project where i need to access the _y properties of many movie clips buttons that set with name like sel 1 sel2 sel 3 and so on the problem is i have 2 sets of those, one on the main timeline which i can access with "for" looped _root["sel"+i]._y and one which is inside another movieclip problem is i don't know how to access the later using for loop? this is the script that i used to access the _y on the _root.selx


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Referring To Other Movie Clips Inside A Movie Clip?

Sep 22, 2009

Okay, SO i have a movie clip, and to stop it i use

and to stop the main timeline I use


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie With Document Class Inside Another Movie

Sep 25, 2009

I've got a movie with a main document class which controls all the other classes used in the movie. As I need to add a scrollbar which will scroll the entire movie I thought the easiest way would be to create a container movie, put the scrollbar in that and load my main movie into that.However, it generates a ton of errors.I think the problem is possibly related to the fact that the MainClass passes references to itself to the other classes in the movie and something's going wrong because it's no longer the top-level timeline.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swapping Depth Of Movie Inside Of Movie?

Jan 18, 2010

I have a movie "keyB" which contains many other movies "d", "e", "f"..."keyB" has a mouse event listener so when I click on "keyB" it tells me which movie inside of "keyB" I have just clicked on - d, e or f.d, e and f are the same movie from the library but with different names and are all on the same frame in the timeline.d, e and f are overlapping and I want whichever one was clicked on to come to the front.Here's what I've tried without any success:

ActionScript Code:
keyB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, tellKey);
function tellKey(event:Event):void


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Actionscript :: Loading A Movie Inside Movie?

Mar 21, 2011

My scenario is that i have host swf that is of as3 and need to load an as2 movie into it.Now I need to control the as2 movie for keeping the host as3 swf and the as2 swf in sync. To do that I am using a local connection. But the problem i'm facing is that, when as2 loaded via as3 movie, I don't see as2 events being fired. For example, I kept a trace in onEnterFrame in as2 movie. Stand-alone I could see the traces. But when loaded from as3 movie, I could not see any of them.

I have 3 movie clips Loader as3 movie AS2 wrapper movie (Generic for all AS2 movies that will have local connection code.this will get msgs from as3 and internally does what ever we wanted) the actual as2 movie to be loaded into as3

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Actions On Movie Clip Inside Another Movie Clip (menu) Won't Work

May 15, 2009

I have a very simple problem but I can't find the very simple solution to it. I've create an animated menu with animated movie clips inside to work as buttons. All the main buttons work perfectely but I've got just on button with a sub-menu. On this sub-menu I've placed an invisible hitarea button in order to place some gotoAndStop action. The thing is, it seems to me like this submenu hitarea are underneath something else (even though is the seccond layers right about the actions layers). I've placed a simple trace action whenever the mouse rolls over this area but I get nothing... Am I doing something really wrong? I'm losing all my hair already.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: HitTest Movie Clip Hitting Another Inside In A Movie Clip?

Mar 25, 2011

I have in my root:

1 Movie Clip instancied as a "cursor" 1 Movie Clip instancied as a "Mc_Obstacles" with others 5 Movie Clipsand the 5 Movie Clips inside the "Mc_Obstacles" are instancied as "Obstacle" , all with the same instance...I want this: when the mc "cursor" hit one of mcs "obstacles" gotoandstop to frame X then i did in frame with actions in another layer:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Apply A Function To A Movie Clip Inside A Movie Clip?

Aug 22, 2009

The question is, How do you apply a function to a movie clip inside a movie clip inside a movie clip. So there are three mc and I need to apply the function to the inner most one.

Here is what I have. The 'a' is in 'spin_4' wich needs to be in 'portal'.

ActionScript Code:
for(var i = 1; i<=12; i++){
this.spin_4['a_'+i].onEnterFrame = function(){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Access A Movie Clip Inside A Movie Clip Through Array?

Feb 11, 2012

i made a movie clip name floor, and inside it are movieclips called plan0, plan1, plan2, plan2, and so on.

so to make it easy, it put the movieclips inside the floor movieclip into an array, like this:

daFloor = new Array();
for(a=0; a<10; a++){
daFloor[a] = "plan"+a


both didn;t work. how to access the inside movieclips through array;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Placing Movie Clip Inside A Movie Clip Symbol?

Feb 27, 2008

I'm loading an external image into an empty actionscript movie clip (holder1) using MovieClipLoader(); on frame one of my movie and is invisible. Then when the movie plays, there is an empty movie clip symbol (image1_mc) that is placed manually on the stage within another movie clip symbol (flash_mc), and is also on a bottom layer of a mask layer which is animated. Is it possible to place "holder1" inside of "image1_mc" so that I can treat it as if it were an embedded image? In other words, have the image in "holder1" inside of the manually placed movie clip symbol "image1_mc" so that I can use it like a regular symbol on the stage?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Button Inside Movie Clip Won't Work

May 27, 2008

ive got a slider menu which opens when clicked. however the buttons (also mc instanced) inside the slider mc wont work... here is the code:


the slider mc works however i cant seem to get the 'web_MC' to respond..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: In IE - Link In A Button Inside A Flash Movie To Open A New Window And Play A Youtube Movie

Jul 13, 2009

I work with 3d animation. Im have a problem with a personal website Im doing, I have a link in a button inside a flash movie to open a new window and play a youtube movie:

on (release) {
var jscommand:String = "'','win','height=344,width=4 25,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes');"; getURL("javascript:" + jscommand + " void(0);");

This works fine in Firefox but in IE it doesnt work, I then change the /v/ in the youtube link with /p.swf?video_id= and now I have the window open showing the small youtube thumbnail of my video but once a click play, nothing happens, I check it and is not loading anything.

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Controlling A Movie Clip With A Button Inside The Movie Clip?

Mar 9, 2009

I'm just trying to find the right action scrip for instance on my button to control the movie clip it is within.I have currently tried..

on (press) {


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Buttons Inside A Movie Clip To Control Same Movie Clip?

Aug 27, 2009

I am trying to place buttons inside a movie clip to control the timeline of the same movie clip. This does not seam to work like buttons on the main timeline. When I play the movie the cursor does not turn into a hand and the rolloever affects only sort of work. I have read about controling the movie clip with buttons on the main timeline, but I need one of the buttons to change halfway through the movieclip. I want to be able to jump to interior shots while in the exterior section and vice versa. It would seem that button would work the same way inside a movie clip as they do on the main timeline, but that does not appear to be the case. I am using CS3. Action scrip 2.0 is selected, but I could change it to 3.0 if it would make a difference.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Eventlistener For A Movie Clip Inside A Movie Clip

Feb 22, 2010

What I am trying to do is set up a 4x5 grid of boxes. Inside each box is 1) an image 2) four arrow keys 3) a text field to enter the code corresponding to the image. The idea is that someone could enter product codes into each text field, and be able to save this information in an external xml file. If they wanted to change the order, but keep an image, they could just use the arrow keys to move the product around the grid.

Where I am running into problems is I can put the boxes up on the screen in a grid. I can give each box an instance name. But I haven't yet been able to discover a way to address a movie clip (say one of the arrow buttons) which is a child of the original movieclip place by my for loops. Ideally I am looking for a way find, target and change values:


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Targeting A Movie Clip Inside Another Movie Clip?

May 9, 2010

im currently trying to target frame 2 and a movieclip on that frame  This works. But now im trying to target a movieclip inside a movie clip.This code works when trying to target one = function() {gotoAndPlay(2); = unit1;}how can i edit that code to find another movieclip inside the movieclip message?

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