ActionScript 3.0 :: Variable Identifier Limitations - Any Length Restrictions?
Aug 20, 2010
Googling and trying, I've found: Variables identifiers cant begin with numbers and can only contain letters, numbers and the _ character. I was wondering if there is a length restriction.
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thats the code i have.
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Feb 25, 2003
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PHP Code:
on (rollOver) {
startDrag("_root.orangebox", true, 60, 362, 742, 362);
That works fine and dandy, but I want it to ease when it follows, not stay on the mouse. I think it will give it a cooler look. The code Kirupa has for ease is...
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Jun 7, 2010
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if (contentMC.currentFrame == contentMC.totalFrames) {
trace("end of external swf");
//next button code here...continue cycling through array...
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Jun 19, 2009
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Jun 25, 2009
I'm studying John Lindquist's example from here: [URL] I'm trying to figure out how to add restrict his matrix3d method, so the sphere has limited movement.
Select all override protected function onRenderTick(event:Event=null):void {
var currentMousePoint:Point = new Point(viewport.containerSprite.mouseX, viewport.containerSprite.mouseY);
if(isMouseDown) {
var difference:Point = currentMousePoint.subtract(previousMousePoint);
[Code] .....
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Jun 28, 2009
I have the following code which works fine but I would like to set a restriction on how far the movie will travel on it's x and y axis. How can this be achieved?
speed = .99;
setInterval(CursorMovement, 40);
function CursorMovement() {
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Feb 5, 2010
do anyone know how to script the dynamic text length to the amount of text in the text file instead of manually drag it to the length?
myLoadVars_lv = new LoadVars();
myLoadVars_lv.onLoad = function(success) {
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Feb 12, 2009
limits to number of SWFs that can establish local connection on MAC? The architecture is: One Manager ("server") and N number of other SWFs that communicate with the manager.When I embed more than 8 SWFs (manager + more than 7 dependents) and attempt to establish connection between them - only first 7 dependent swfs are capable to communicate with the manager on MAC (both Safary and FF). The rest are ignored. It doesn't seem to be an issue on PC where I went up to 20 and it worked (with some quirks of course). Is it a native behavior on MAC?
I did not check if number of connections is at stake (as opposed to number of swfs). There are 14 connections all together when 7 dependents are involved.
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Oct 5, 2010
I currently have a script that allows the user to click on a right or left arrow to scroll across a movie under a mask, but currently they can scroll it so you don't see anything in the middle. How can I add an X and Y axis limitations so this doesnt happen to the following script:
var move_fn:String="";
var speed:Number = 5;
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Sep 19, 2011
What is the reason Flash Builder 4's Network Monitor does not support applications that were created using pure ActionScript and Library projects? It seems to work only for Flex projects.
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