Flex - Replace 'hardcoded' Identifier COMMENT With The Variable EditedField?
Jun 3, 2010
as I probably do not describe the problem in the right terms, I was not able to get an answer with google. In the following code, I would like to replace 'hardcoded' identifier COMMENT with the variable editedField. How to do that?
var editedField:String = event.dataField;
if (model.multipleProcessingData[i][editedInformationProductNO].COMMENT != null{
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[Code] .....
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Comments:These are the comments.
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Nov 19, 2009
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Feb 28, 2011
I'm having a problem with the Toggle Comment command ("Comment Line / Selection") in TextMate for Actionscript 2 (I know, I know). I've tried completely stripping the language set down to isolate the issue, and tried walking through the Ruby, both to no avail. My issue is that the command insists on using block comments for comment toggling (⌘ + /) and doesn't respect when I add a preferences file to change TM_COMMENT_MODE. I even tried using this simple preference:
{ shellVariables = (
{ name = 'TM_COMMENT_START';
value = '// ';
but no luck. I'm hoping that someone who speaks Ruby much better than myself (ie. at all) can find a simple fix for this. You can reproduce in any (recent) install of TextMate by creating a new actionscript 2 file and trying to ⌘ + / a section of code (or even a line). Contrast to a JS file which will use a line comment. Copy the "Comments" snippet from JavaScript to Actionscript bundles, and the problem will persist.
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Jul 3, 2009
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Feb 29, 2012
I want to replace the tags "<" with < and ">" with "'>" in following xml:
<HISKPIValues StrategyID="0" PrimaryKPI="103" MonetaryBenefit="Yes"/>
<HISKPIValues StrategyID="0" PrimaryKPI="104" MonetaryBenefit="Yes"/>
<HISKPIValues StrategyID="0" PrimaryKPI="105" MonetaryBenefit="Yes"/>
How it can be possible.
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