ActionScript 3.0 :: Comment Code On Flash Builder?

Nov 19, 2009

In fLash Builder 2, I would eventually like to select a bunch of lines of code in the actions panel, click with the right mouse button and click "apply // comment" but that doesnt work in FlashBuilder , at least not that way. this seems to be a kind of a silly problem but it iirrtates me

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Flash :: Eclipse - Builder 4.5 - Set Own Format For ActionScript 3.0 Code?

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I'm getting a Flash Builder warning message for multiple variable declarations of variable arr1 in the following AS3 [code]...

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In the main file, I would write[code]...

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on (release) {
if (!FirstName.length) {
EmailStatus = "Please Enter your name.";


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Find Unreferenced Code In Flex Builder?

Mar 22, 2010

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Feb 23, 2009

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package {
import PaperBase;
import org.papervision3d.objects.primitives.Cone;
import fl.controls.Button;


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1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type net.responsys:ListTablesForCampaignResultEvent to an unrelated type Responsys/src/net/
1119: Access of possibly undefined property headers through a reference with static type


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Bottom line is I don't always need to peer into SWC's, and I don't like having a 'default package' automatically created for me. Not sure why the interface wasn't made simpler, allowing access to more power and complexity only if necessary. I want to focus on the code, not on how to navigate and use the bells and whistles in the coding environment.

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The project access a web server to retrieve data using JSON.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Append A Comment In XML

Feb 4, 2011

I'm writing an XML preferences file for an Adobe AIR project, and I'd really like to include XML comments. How does one append a comment to XML? The following doesn't work (the file just ends up with a blank line where the comment should be):

ActionScript Code:
var prefs:XML = new XML();
prefs.ignoreComments = false;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Comment Box To Work On Website?

Mar 22, 2011

I'm trying to get a simple comment box to work on a a website I'm working on. I want it to be able to send an email with the comment to a specific email address. I have AS3 code and PHP code from a thread on these forums but I can't seem to get it to work.

ActionScript Code:
submit_btn.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, submitClick );
function submitClick( e:MouseEvent ):void {
[Code] .....

The php file is called mail.php in the main directory of the site along with the swf file with the AS code loacted in it. Does the AS have to be in a separate file or can I leave that on the frame where the actually text boxes are?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Columns Comment With Amfphp?

Aug 1, 2011

I'm using amfphp to get some info from SQL database.

My php code of the file in "services" folder looks like[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Chatbox With Name And Comment Field

Mar 10, 2009

I am trying to make a chatbox for my website, I don't even think I need a database because I don't want people to sign in. I want a Name field, and a comment field. So I want it to appear in a box saying:
Comments:These are the comments.

And so on. So I am still kind of new working with actionscript, I don't really know how this would work. I am looking to make something that looks like this: [URL]. That is my old freewebs account and I am shooting for something like that chatbox but instead of you having to log in you just type your name in a field and it appears.

I am Using Action Script 2.0 but I can make it 3.0 if required and I am running Flash CS3

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Flex :: Asdoc - Add A Comment To Some Elements In A Document?

Nov 21, 2010

I want to add a comment to some elements in a Flex document, and process the comments using ASDoc. I can easily do this for the script portion, but I end up with a ton of ugly "This property can be used as the source for data binding." messages for each element I declared in Flex. Is there any way to embed a comment into a flex element so that it can be read by ASDoc? I have tried using the standard

<!-- -->

notation, but that didn't seem to work.

EDIT: The notation seems to be swallowed up as an HTML comment..

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Ruby :: Broken Toggle-comment In Textmate?

Feb 28, 2011

I'm having a problem with the Toggle Comment command ("Comment Line / Selection") in TextMate for Actionscript 2 (I know, I know). I've tried completely stripping the language set down to isolate the issue, and tried walking through the Ruby, both to no avail. My issue is that the command insists on using block comments for comment toggling (⌘ + /) and doesn't respect when I add a preferences file to change TM_COMMENT_MODE. I even tried using this simple preference:

{ shellVariables = (
{ name = 'TM_COMMENT_START';
value = '// ';

but no luck. I'm hoping that someone who speaks Ruby much better than myself (ie. at all) can find a simple fix for this. You can reproduce in any (recent) install of TextMate by creating a new actionscript 2 file and trying to ⌘ + / a section of code (or even a line). Contrast to a JS file which will use a line comment. Copy the "Comments" snippet from JavaScript to Actionscript bundles, and the problem will persist.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Comment Box - Send Directly From Website To Email?

Jul 8, 2009

I use [URL] tutorials but the only comment box they offer (as far as I can see) is a code where the send button triggers the users outlook to open to send the email.


I am not sure which part of the code does that, but is there a way to just have the comment send directly from my website, rather than opening up their outlook? I find that most of my visitors don't use any mail software, only online email, so I find it's inconvenient to ask them to send comments this way. is there code to have a comment send directly from my website to my email?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add A Parenthesis <"> In Trace Without Turning It Into A Comment?

Nov 29, 2010

i'm trying to use the trace() function to get an output that uses a parentheses <"> within it.My problem is that when i type my trace, for example:
trace("Andy will say" + " " " + Hello.text + " " "); is suppose to come out saying: Andy will say "Hello".
But the AS3 reads it such that the parentheses after "Andy will say" and after Hello.txt are normally utilized parentheses.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Different Values For Each Name, Email, Comment Inserted From XML?

Jun 16, 2009

I have a Guestbook project to develop (personal project) but I can't multiply the values.. I'm testing with a XML (no PHP and DB yet)

For example: I need to load different values for each name, email, comment inserted from XML.

Name: (name_txt) -> Textfield;
Email: (email_txt) - > Textfield;
Comment: (comment_txt) -> Textfield;

Well.. I can load ONE node from XML, but i can't multiply it for 5 blocks of name,email and comment.And if i'd like to paginate if it runs more than 5 blocks, the next 5 goes to another page?

Here is my code:

// GuestBook
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var meuXML:XML; // vai guardar todo o conte�do do XML;
var imageLoader:Loader;


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