ActionScript 3.0 :: Add An Image To The Email Body?

Jan 27, 2009

I want to send an email with the image through URLRequest.

How can I add the image to the email body ?

Something like this:

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("mailto:"+to.text+"?subject="+subject.t ext+"&body="+body.text+"&Attachment="+myBmp);

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Nov 9, 2010

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submit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sendMessage);
var subject="My Subject"var body="This is text. This is text. This is text. This is text. This is text. This is text. "var to=""
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[Code] .....

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Is it possible to get the positions of static objects?

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Jun 21, 2009

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Aug 1, 2005

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What I'm trying to do is have the menu expanded at the appropriate point automatically if you're on a sub menu page. I've been thinking how to do this and I'm guessing CSS would be the key. Could the flash menu detect a BODY ID and expand appropriately should it detect the right body id.Check out the ZIP file for source files HTML/CSS/FLASH/XML.

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