ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Or Subtract "1" From The Current Selection?
May 6, 2009
Lets say I have 4 items on the stage item1_mc, item2_mc, etc...they're stacked vertically with a small space between them. I wish to cycle through these items with two keys, up and down would I go about doing this?
My current idea is to create an array of these items and have each press of the key add or subtract "1" from the current this the correct method to pursue? Are there better options?
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var number2 = 10
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trace("thisRot: " + thisRot);
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(The path is black and wide)
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Aug 19, 2009
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ActionScript Code:
var inside:Number=0;
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Aug 1, 2004
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_root.currMovie = "home";
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Apr 21, 2009
I'm trying to determine the difference in time between todays date and a future date. I only need to determine how many months and days it is between todays date and this future date. Anyone know of any prebaked scripts anywhere for determining what todays date is and subtracting it from the end date would be? [code]So if today's date is less then the end date I'd like to determine how many months and days are left until the end date is reached and display the number of months and days until that end date.
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Mar 1, 2009
how can i have another color of the selection?? i found nothing by using F1.
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Jun 24, 2009
I am finding that my flash object is not displaying properly in preview or after export. I basically have a long restaurant menu that is 748 wide by 2039 high full of static text. When I preview/export only the top 3/4 of the text are displayed, the lower end portion is blank. This text field is layered on top of a background jpg, which lies of top of the stage. I've made sure the stage's dimension covers exactly everything. My footer shows up properly, as well as the stage itself. Its just the lower portion of texts that is the problem.I should also mention that the height selection is grayed out with this text field I have. I tried creating a new smaller text field but again, its grayed out.
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