ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Subtract Part Of Instance Name In Function

Aug 1, 2004

I have the following code from a tutorial on Kirupa:

_root.currMovie = "home";


As you can see are the button names: home, about, service and contact. This are also the names of the external swf's. But now I have chanced my button names in: btn_home, btn_about, etc. Now is it a little stange to name my external swf's btn_home etc, so how can I substract the prefix btn_ from the buttons so that the externa swf's can keep their normal names? I know it has something to do with substr but I don't know how and where to implement it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX]Substract Part Of Instance Name In Function?

Aug 1, 2004

I have the following code from a tutorial on Kirupa:

_root.currMovie = "home";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using CurrentTarget As Part Of Another Instance Name

Jun 20, 2010

I'm new to AS3 and was wondering how I can use something like:
var mc:MovieClip = MovieClip(e.currentTarget);
As part of another instance name.
For example if the currentTarget was a move clip with an instance name of "oneNav" and then I wanted to control a movieclip with the name of "SuboneNav", how could I do it? All the variations of concatenation I'm familiar with weren't working. I even tied getting instead but there always seems to be an issue.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Grabbing Part Of An Instance Name And Using As A Variable

Jun 11, 2005

I have 36 buttons on my stage that are named [thumbBut0, thumbBut1, thumbBut2,..., thumbBut35]. Each button is a thumbnail image. I want to have it so that when the user clicks on a given thumbnail, the full-sized image corresponding to the thumbnail gets loaded and viewed...yada, yada, yada... So, if the user clicks on thumbBut25, the 25th image gets viewed...

My question: is there some cool way that I could avoid writing 36 different (although they would be similar) "_level0.thumbButXX.onRelease = function()..." type things for each of the 36 buttons. In other words, when the user clicks the instance "thumbBut25" something grabs the "25" part out of the instance name, converts it to an integer, and passes it on to a function that loads up the image that corresponds to "25"?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash8] Use Many Copies Of One Instance To Build The Visible Part Of Maze?

Aug 1, 2006

I am writing a maze program for school. I am using a 2d array to represent to location of walls for the maze. The background (for figuring out where a player can move) is not the problem.I am using this algorithm for places the images...

for (i = 0; i < 22; i++) {for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {if (maze[i][j] == 1) {instanceName = "wall" add i add j; //for multiple names for each instance
duplicateMovieClip("wall", newname = "instanceName", 1);
setProperty("instanceName", _x, (25*i+13));


What needs to be done to use many copies of one instance to build the visible part of my maze? I want to be able to have all pieces anmed "wall" instead of "wall1", "wall2", etc...which isn't working anyway.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Instance Or No Instance - Call A Function From Another Class?

Jan 26, 2009

I have a general / somewhat newbie question. Is it better practice to call a function from another class like so:


Does one way free up more memory or enhance performance?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Function Invocation PART 1?

Jun 19, 2004

will not work if i invoke like this on button with this function:

function showMC(clip){
on (release) {


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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Run A Function Only If Instance Within Function Is Defined

Mar 3, 2011

I have a situation where, upon loading my swf, I add an event listener to the stage to listen for keyboard commands. One of them is to listen for the spacebar, and if it is pressed, it should play a movie. The problem is, that movie is not loaded until later on, depending other user interactions, therefore, until it is loaded, the reference to it would be undefined.

But if I wait and add the listener for key commands only when the movie is loaded, then I can't utilize the listener for other keyboard commands, like RIGHT or LEFT, which are the buttons which get you to the movie in the first place. Is there a way to add a conditional or something to prevent that code from being executed if the video is not defined yet? Here's my code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Subtract The Number One From?

Jan 25, 2010

I am kind of new to Actionscripting, and I have kind of hit a brick wall. I have a variable that I want to subtract the number one from, but I have this formatted incorrectly.

on (release) {
var currentslide = 2
var subtractedcurrentslide = (currentlide - 1);
txt = String(subtractedcurrentslide);
var myString = subtractedcurrentslide + '.' + 'swf';
loadMovie(myString, "rightcontent_MC")


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Variable - Subtract Number And Show In The Box

Jun 7, 2010

i have something like this in the frame:

var number1 = 10
var number2 = 10

And in the stage i have 3 dynamic text boxes. The 1 one has the variable number1 the secound one has the variable number2. But how do i do so in the third box it says 20? I want it to substract number1 and number 2 and show that in the box.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Subtract 7 Hours From Date?

Sep 15, 2011

[code]This passes the date to another function that uses the date to see who in my office is oncall in the database and displays their name. The problem is, everyone that is oncall has to be oncall until 7am the next morning. So this works great IF they were off at Midnight each night. Is it possible to subtract 7 hours from this date?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Subtract A Value From Given Height - Ignored Subtraction

Oct 6, 2005

i'm trying to subtract a very small value from given height.

myMC._height -= .05;

it just doesn't subtract anything. so is flash ignoring to subtract it, possibly because i've too much in my flash file? then again, this works: myMC._height -= .20;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add And Subtract A Number To The Var CurrentProj

Apr 7, 2005

i want to add and subtract a number to the var currentProj heres my logic start value for currentProj is 0 code on prevbtn currentProj -= 1; // should subtract 1 from currentProj when prevbtn is clicked the variable currentProj goes from 0 to -1 to -2 to -3...etc with every click. this is fine once i set my limits at zero

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add And Subtract Days From Current Date?

Jun 17, 2010

I'm working in CS4 and using ActionScript 2.0.I need to display a date that is five days in the future and a date that is five days in the past based on whatever the current date is on the user's system. The dates must be in the format M/D/YYYY.After much struggling, I figured out how to make the current date display by creating a dynamic text box named showtoday in a movie clip and adding the following ActionScript to the movie clip:[code](Please mentally replace the silly smiley face with a colon followed by a capital D.)Can anyone tell me where to go from here to add or subtract five days from the current date?

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Professional :: Subtract Parts Of A Movie Clip?

May 18, 2010

I am trying to build a game just for fun and i found something interesting that i really don't know how to do, so any help that you can give me is going to be useful, this is what i need to do, i have a movie clip and i want to subtract another one from just like THIS i can detect the contact but i don't know how to do that.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Round Or Subtract A Large Number

Nov 23, 2010

When getting the rotation of a movie clip I sometimes get a number like this: -1.4033418597069754e-14
And this number seems to break simple math.  see my code below:
var thisRot:Number = rotation;
trace("thisRot: " + thisRot);
//outputs - thisRot: -1.4033418597069754e-14

How can -1.4033418597069754e-14 round down to 0? And Math.round(thisRotAbs) also results in 0.  So how can this be? And how can 180 - -1.4033418597069754e-14 = 180?

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Actionscript 3 :: Subtract A Circle Shape From Path?

Apr 5, 2012

I'm drawing a path in Flex using Spark:Path.

I want to subtract a circle shape from this path, as in the following image:

(The path is black and wide)

I tried creating a mask using a Shape object but couldn't quite manage to create a mask that has a circular hole in it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add And Subtract To A Dynamic Text Field?

Aug 19, 2009

I'm working on a game for young children and basically I have a dynamic text field with two buttons - one to increase the digit by one, and one to decrease the digit by one. The problem I am having is that although the box starts at 0, you have to click the add button twice to get it started (the same thing with the minus button). After two presses, it increases fine with each single click.

ActionScript Code:
var inside:Number=0;


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Actionscript 3 :: Subtract 2hrs ,8hrs, 1 Day And 1 Week From The Current Date?

Feb 8, 2010

I need to be able to subtract 2hrs ,8hrs, 1 day and 1 week from the current Date.Then convert to yyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.So far I have been unsuccessful.What is the proper method to do this in actionscript?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Objects - XML - Creating A New Instance Of An Object That Uses An Identical Name To An Older Instance Delete The Previous Instance?

Mar 20, 2009

Does creating a new instance of an Object that uses an identical name to an older instance, delete the previous instance? Or should the original instance be deleted first? The code uses a ridiculous amount of XML vars. Isn't it less memory intensive to parse the XML and save the properties to an Object, and then delete the XML Object, rather than keep the XML Object around and reference it's child nodes directly? Is it better form to break up a huge XML file (>600lines/3200vars) into smaller chunks?

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Only One Instance Of Same Button Calling Function?

May 17, 2009

I have 4 instances of the same button on a single layer in a timeline of the mc 'coverflow_mc' named 'ThatsMe_btn_a' to 'ThatsMe_btn_d' ie same button, same position.. it just changes instance name on 4 keyframes. Why does it call the function fine for button a but not for b,c, or d? There is a stop on each of these frames and I can see from the swf that it is stopping at the correct frames.
function thatsMe() {
right = new Sound();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Trace Mc Instance Name In Function

Mar 2, 2010

So this is my code:

ActionScript Code:
onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
if (!this.already) {
setTimeout(win, 2000); 


The problem is that I can't do trace(this); How to get it work? I have tried to do this.setTimeout etc..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adressing Instance Name From Out Of Function?

Jun 4, 2003

I've got this function, in which I declare a variable. according to that variable I want to adress an instancename...


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Function Allowing Only One Instance?

Jan 11, 2005

I'm using two functions, one for an onRollOver event and the other onRollOut.

The problem is that when the second mc calls either of the functions, the inital function running ends its cycle, leaving that animation unfinished.

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Regex :: If Part Of Substring Is True Then Replace Part Of Substring With Running Var?

Mar 9, 2011

Ok perhaps ive bitten off too much here...I know you are not supposed to parse xml/html to regex but the thing is there just arent many other options.Im using parsing the source of textflowlayout text to a different format.

string to parse :

< fontFamily=Verdana encoding=unicode fontWeight="bold"> some text < fontFamily=Verdana encoding=unicode > some text < fontFamily=Arial encoding=unicode fontStyle="italic"> some text < fontFamily=Arial encoding=unicode fontWeight="bold" fontStyle="italic"> some text

what i really need is:

< fontname=Verdanabold encoding=unicode> some text < fontname=Verdana encoding=unicode > some text < fontname=Arialitalic encoding=unicode > some text < fontname=Arialbolditalic encoding=unicode > some text

logically i think of it as taking apart the string into substrings

checking if there are fontWeight or fontStyle in the substring

if there is then appending the font name with the weight or style so so that the font name becomes font NameWeightStyle.then rebuilding the string.The font could be any font with variouse styles or far:

pattern = /<(.*?)>/gixsm;
var matches:Object = pattern.exec(str);
var finalstring:String = "";[code]...........

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Flash :: Flv/video Player Which Allows To Seek For Part Of Not Loaded Video Part?

Mar 11, 2012

I'am looking for a flv/video player which allow to seek for not loaded part of the video,just like on youtube.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing An Instance Name Argument Into A Function?

Sep 29, 2010

Well I want to set up a function that will calculate the x position of where my MovieClip's instance name will go. Here is the code i currently have.

function xBtnPosition(btnName: String, btnXpercentage: Number):String
var xFinalPosition: String = -(((btnName.width * btnXpercentage) / btnName.scaleY));


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple MCs Using The Same Instance Name - Only 1 Of Them Working For The Function?

Nov 17, 2010

Got 9 MCs which I want a rollover effect for. I made 1, copied it and it's instance name 9 times. And made this script:

function menu_btn_over() {
myTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(, "_x", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut,, 0, inspeed);


But it only works for one of the buttons. The one I made the copies from.I figured you could do this since it's the same MC? I could be wrong though. If that is the case, is there some way I can make the same action for every button without having to make a bunch of calls for each one? for example:

" <and> btn2 <and> btn3 <and> etc.onRollOut = function() {"

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Variable Instance Name For A Function?

Aug 7, 2009

I have created a function that creates a pop-up text box: I have named instanceName as a String but sadly it doesn't work. The only way I can get it to work is to name the instance within the function. Is there any way of creating a variable for the instance name? [code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pass Instance Name To Function As A Variable?

Apr 24, 2006

the idea is that the site keeps tracks of whatever page is current and passes this variable to the alpha function which will target that movie instance to fade when moving to another page - then that page's name will be assigned to current.this is the code that i have now..

#include ""
evolution.onRelease = function() {


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