ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash8] Use Many Copies Of One Instance To Build The Visible Part Of Maze?

Aug 1, 2006

I am writing a maze program for school. I am using a 2d array to represent to location of walls for the maze. The background (for figuring out where a player can move) is not the problem.I am using this algorithm for places the images...

for (i = 0; i < 22; i++) {for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {if (maze[i][j] == 1) {instanceName = "wall" add i add j; //for multiple names for each instance
duplicateMovieClip("wall", newname = "instanceName", 1);
setProperty("instanceName", _x, (25*i+13));


What needs to be done to use many copies of one instance to build the visible part of my maze? I want to be able to have all pieces anmed "wall" instead of "wall1", "wall2", etc...which isn't working anyway.

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_root.currMovie = "home";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 Variable From Instance Name?

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Jun 5, 2009

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mc_1_0.onRollOver = function() {
if (_root.mc_1_0._currentFrame == 1) {


Now, what i want achieve is to change the instance names of the MC's (mc_1_0 for example) so that when the user interacts with this MC on the stage, they are taken to locations of my choice (and the actions of another MC), by switching the instance names. IE, i want to change the instance name of 'mc_1_0' to 'mc_2_0' at runtime, BUT i want to do it with a variable from a .txt file.i would need to start with a script that looks for the MC with a certain instance name

-- look for instance mc_1_0, and then change the instance name to 'mc_2_0'

The effect would be that the user would instigate the same actions, regardless of which of the two MC's they rolled over.Maybe i could call the instances initially 'MC_1_Temp' and 'MC_2_Temp' etc: and then i would need a script to change them to 'mc_1_0' and 'mc_2_0' at runtime.SO in the text file i would need something like this


this way the behaviour of the MC on the stage wil take on the functions of another MC.should i be looking at something like this placed on the MC.....

//make this instance called - var = MC_1_Temp_name

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var my_string = "string";
var index = my_string.indexOf("g");



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Add Lazers To A Maze Game?

Jan 7, 2011

I've just finished making a maze game similar to the "Scary Maze Game" and would like to add lazers around the maze to make it harder to get through.

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Actionscript 3 :: Hit Testing For A Maze?

Apr 21, 2011

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But wether or not It's actually touching the maze (it's in the empty space on the inside) it always registers as touching.

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Create Flash Maze Game

Mar 10, 2011

I am creating a Simple Flash Maze Game,and i have 2 'Movie Clips' that i want to react when the collide.IE. When 'CHAR_LVL1' (A Movie Clip, controlled with the Arrow Keys) comes into contact with 'WALL_LVL1'. I want it to 'gotoAndStop(27);'[code].I am using Flash CS5 and Action Script 2.0

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Hack-proof Maze Game?

Jul 22, 2009

I'm making V.2 of a maze game I made a while ago [URL] I want this version to be unhackable only I can't find any tutorials

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Developing A Flash Maze Game?

Feb 13, 2009

I am developing a flash maze game and I have a problem with changing direction of my movie clip. I can move around my maze and I have a hit test sorted. But what I want is when a player presses a keyboard button, the first animation of the MC rotating will be played, then when the play head hits stop the MC will stay in this same position (pos from last frame) until another key for example up is pressed.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Simple Maze Game (Pac Man Style)

Jan 29, 2010

I want to create a really basic pac man style maze game, its actually for some marketing materials and it will be really used as means of navigation rather than as a game, I want pac mac to eat certain words and when that happens it will tell the user about that topic. What the best way for pac man to work his way around the maze would be? Would I be best using hit detection? Also what would be the best way to remove the pellets as he eats them? visibility or remove child?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Maze Game Teleporter?

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I'm making a maze game and i want to make a teleporter so that when my mc hits it he goes to a certain coordinate?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multidimensional Arrays - Maze Is Not Being Displayed Correctly?

Feb 6, 2010

I have some working code that I created in C and ported over to the PSP. I decided that I wanted to work with it in flash and ported it over to AS3.0. It took me a bit to get used to the graphics commands but over the course of a few days I managed to get the code typed in. I compiled it and watched my baby come to life in a new environment. But there was something wrong, everything looked correct but felt wrong. I looked closer and saw what the problem was. The maze is not being displayed like how I put it in.First let me give you some visuals to look at.


When I run the program this is how flash displays the mazeThe starting position is the bottom left corner. Which in flash terms is 13,1. Why oh why is flash rotating and then inverting the map? If row = 13 and col = 1, then [row-1][col] should equal 12,1. I've broken it down and analyzed it till my brain hurt... I can not find any reason for this bizarre behavior... All the program does is interpret the 1's and 0's to know where to place a wall. If the square has a 1 then a wall goes there, if not then its open and the player can walk there. I look at the surrounding squares and then draw what I see... no rotating and no inverting is done.I remind you that the code works as intended in C. So I don't think its a coding issue.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Maze That's Not Made Of Square Blocks?

Apr 2, 2004

I'm trying to make a maze that's not made of square blocks,The little guy in the left-hand side moves when the user presses an arrow button, but when he can't walk through the lines (walls)I'm guessing that I can't use the usual "hitTest" command, so is there any way i can achieve this without finding every point where the lines cross and do a specific hitTest (hitTest (x,y,true) )?

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Multiple Copies Of The Library Panel?

Nov 6, 2009

I've used the New Library panel to copy symbols from one Flash document to another & subsequently closed the extra Library panel. I did this twice for on different occasions.
My Library panel is usually docked & collapsed so ocassionally I use Crtl-L to expand it. Now, when I do that, the previous 2 extra Library panels also appear & I have 3 Library panels on the screen - 1 docked & 2 extra floating ones! How do I get rid of the other 2 for good?

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Flash - AS3 CPU Performance With 100 MovieClip Copies

Aug 16, 2010

I have a movieclip wich has a simple movement of a simple shape. This movieclip is copied many times to create a graphical effect. As the number of copies, or the complexity of the movieclip increases, CPU usage goes up. As from 90 copies, when I keep moving the mouse over the swf movie in a circle, playback stops (hangs). When the mouse movement stops, the swf continues again at the right position, as if calculation has continued, but updating the display has not. Now this is a quadcore pc, and we're 2010. I can't believe or accept that 100 mc's is the maximum number of movieclips that can be rendered. The obvious question is what can be done to optimize CPU performance ?

I'm using AS3, flash player 9.
Movieclip is a simple rectangle shape which moves along 1 axis.
var myLinkage:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName(getQualifiedClassName(McToRepeat)));
var newMC:MovieClip = new myLinkage();
containerMC.addChild( newMC );

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Get Number Of Copies During Print In Flex?

Sep 7, 2011

Am working on the flex application with print option.

I need to check the print count[code]...

I attained the print count but unfortunately I can't get the

no of copies during print. When the user increases the no of

copies i need increment the PrintCount.

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