Actionscript 3 :: Hit Testing For A Maze?

Apr 21, 2011

I am making a maze game and i have the edge of the maze as a movieclip. I'm trying to test if the player hit tests the maze to make him stop using this code.


But wether or not It's actually touching the maze (it's in the empty space on the inside) it always registers as touching.

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When I run the program this is how flash displays the mazeThe starting position is the bottom left corner. Which in flash terms is 13,1. Why oh why is flash rotating and then inverting the map? If row = 13 and col = 1, then [row-1][col] should equal 12,1. I've broken it down and analyzed it till my brain hurt... I can not find any reason for this bizarre behavior... All the program does is interpret the 1's and 0's to know where to place a wall. If the square has a 1 then a wall goes there, if not then its open and the player can walk there. I look at the surrounding squares and then draw what I see... no rotating and no inverting is done.I remind you that the code works as intended in C. So I don't think its a coding issue.

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for (i = 0; i < 22; i++) {for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {if (maze[i][j] == 1) {instanceName = "wall" add i add j; //for multiple names for each instance
duplicateMovieClip("wall", newname = "instanceName", 1);
setProperty("instanceName", _x, (25*i+13));


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[AS]on (press) {
i = i + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (, "circle" + i, i);
if (i == 20){
gotoAndStop("Scene 2");

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for i=1 to 10rint rnd():next i

to print 10 random numbers. D

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Swf Runs A Blank Stage In Testing?

Dec 7, 2009

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home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoURL);function gotoURL(event:MouseEvent):void{navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""));}


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Professional :: Automate Testing Of Various UI Navigation

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I have a website , which uses rich flashes . I want to automate the testing of various UI navigation/features - so that for each build/release , I can quickly validate the integrity of UI with these tests. I do not want to do the unit testing of action script APIs , instead I want to simulate the user events and assert the response against the known good results. I tried with Selenium, [URL] but if fails to record/recongnize the events fired in the flash component. Is there any tool (preferable Java based) available?

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function test (e:Event) {
if (square_mc.visible==true) {
trace("square is visible");


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