ActionScript 3.0 :: Testing New AS Code?

Jun 4, 2009

if the Flash IDE provides a way to test snippets of AS code without actually putting the code in a frame and playing a movie. In Visual Basic, for example, the IDE provides an immediate window. I can key in something like this:

for i=1 to 10rint rnd():next i

to print 10 random numbers. D

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Actionscript 3 :: Testing - Writing/compiling A Block Of Code Without A Class Or Function?

Feb 7, 2011

Having done some programming in Groovy, I know you can write test code in the Groovy console. I classify this as true a scripting language as it doesn't force you to have a class definition. So I'd assume with a name like ActionScript with 'script' in it's name that, you can write a series of statements that act linearly, such as a sequence of variables assignments, their manipulation and dumping out a value.

My question is if this is possible, how do you go about doing it, in order to test some code with ActionScript3? Does the code have to exist in a package?Can the code exist on it's own? (If so, what would the name be you'd give to the source file in order to compile it from the command line?

Would you use mxmlc?

Would you use compc?

I've heard about fsch too. How about that?I also read about a command called 'asc' in R.Braunstein's AS3 Bible 2nd ed (P8), but don't even see this in the SDK bin folders.... So what's that all about? Assuming I've managed to compile this file, how do I execute it and see results? Do I have to run it through a browser and the HTML template, or can I execute from a command line?

Do you have to have a class in the source to bypass this? Can the code block be placed outside a dummy class? If so, does it have to exist in a function? Or can it exist on it's own?Does it have to exist in a code blocks, by wrapping them in curly braces?

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Feb 2, 2011

I basically need to scale an object up when the user rollsover the button which I have created dynamically already and I need to make sure the object is fully scaled up before I can allow the user to scale it back down again.Ive tried putting 2 tweens (x and yscale) into a function but not sure how to check if the tweens have finished. Im assuming if I check the function is complete it wont take into consideration the tweens may still be running.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Testing When I = 20?

Nov 27, 2005

In the duplicate movieclip tutorial on Kirupa I want to jump to a scene when a certain amount of movieclips are created. Here is the actionscript I have on my button which duplicates the moveclips:

[AS]on (press) {
i = i + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (, "circle" + i, i);
if (i == 20){
gotoAndStop("Scene 2");

I presume that when the button is pressed the movieclip "circle" is duplicated with increasing numbers created in the duplicate instance, i.e; circle, circle1, circle2 etc...So, how do I create a small portion of actionscript that detects that when the 20th movieclip of "circle" (circle20) has been created and execute my script (which, at the moment, jumps to another scene)? As you can see, the part in bold is the actionscript I thought was needed, but it doesn't seem to work.

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Flex UI Testing Automation?

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I have heard of FleXmonkey, but have read negative reviews of it and hence wary of trying it.


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Actionscript 3 :: Hit Testing For A Maze?

Apr 21, 2011

I am making a maze game and i have the edge of the maze as a movieclip. I'm trying to test if the player hit tests the maze to make him stop using this code.


But wether or not It's actually touching the maze (it's in the empty space on the inside) it always registers as touching.

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XMLSocket Works While Testing In CS3, Not In A Browser?

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I am sure that I am missing something simple but I am doing an overhaul of a flash chat application that I wrote a few years back.I have everything humming along in Actionscript 3 and it works well when I test the .swf in Flash CS3 Pro but when I publish it and view it in the browser, I get no joy.I can see the flash plug-in retrieving the crossdomain.xml in my web server's root directory but in the browser, the XMLSocket Object fails to connect I installed flashpolicy server that is responding on port 843, but again, through the browser, the XMLSocket Object fails to connect.I have tried both Firefox and Safari browsers with the same result.I have swapped out the XMLSocket Object for the Socket Object and I am able to connect to my socket server, from within Flash CS3, but not from a browser.

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I added a bit of Action Script 3.0 code into a premade flash file that came with my website template.I wanted to link a navigation button to an external url, heres the code:

home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoURL);function gotoURL(event:MouseEvent):void{navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""));}


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Professional :: Automate Testing Of Various UI Navigation

Jan 31, 2010

I have a website , which uses rich flashes . I want to automate the testing of various UI navigation/features - so that for each build/release , I can quickly validate the integrity of UI with these tests. I do not want to do the unit testing of action script APIs , instead I want to simulate the user events and assert the response against the known good results. I tried with Selenium, [URL] but if fails to record/recongnize the events fired in the flash component. Is there any tool (preferable Java based) available?

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When I test a movie in Flash CS5, it usually crashes. The output panel scrollbars flicker and sometimes show the following output[code]...

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May 18, 2010

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function test (e:Event) {
if (square_mc.visible==true) {
trace("square is visible");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Hit Testing Without Instance Names?

Jun 18, 2010

I know its possible to hit test From something without an instance name if you have it in a seperate .as file. All you have to do is type in this.hitTest(InstanceName);

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The app "XXXXXX" was not installed on the iPod "XXXXX's Ipod" because it is not compatible with this iPod.I've even tried it with a simple "Hello World!" app but I get the same error.I'm using Flash Pro Cs5.5 on a Windows PC.

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Testing Movie Can't Work After Upgrade To 5.5

Aug 17, 2011

In Flash 5.0 i could create a file with ios-settings and test it on my pc by choosing Control/Test movie/Test or by using Ctrl + Enter. A new window opened. Now I have upgraded Flash to 5.5 and when I do the above nothing happens. In a tutorial I could see the teacher testing his ios-file on his mac so it seems like it should work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Hit Testing Objects In Array

Nov 25, 2011

I'm having a serious problem with looping through an array. I'm trying to hitTestObject every MC in an array against every other MC in that array.The issue is that in my hitTestObject statement, if obviously looks at only 2 elements at a time.When 2 MC's touch, I set a property called "Touching" to true.The problem is these are moving MCs and at any given time only 2 out of 3 are touching.So what's happening is:The loop runs once testing Array[0] and Array[1].Say those are touching.It sets their "Touching" properties to true(thats what I want).THEN, it runs again testing Array[1] and Array[2], and finds that they are NOT overlapping.It this process it sets both of their "Touching" properties to false, EVEN THOUGH one of them may be overlapping a different array object.I want to individual set the "Touching" property for each array object.Right now these properties are getting overwritten even though 2 out of 3 objects are actually overlapping.[code]

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ActionScript 3 :: Testing And Mocking With Flex

Dec 16, 2009

I am developing a "dumb" front-end, it's an AIR application that interacts with a "smart" LiveCycle server. There are currently about 20 request & response pairs for the application. For many reasons (testing, developing outside the corporate network, etc), we have several XML files of fake data, and if a certain configuration flag is set, the files are loaded, a specific file is parsed and used to create a mock response. Each XML file is a set of responses for different situation, all internally consistent. We currently have about 10 XML files, each corresponding to different situation we can run into.

This is probably going to grow to 30-50 XML files. The current system was developed by me during one of those 90-hour-week release cycles, when we were under duress because LiveCycle was down again and we had a deadline to meet. Most of the minor crap has been cleaned up. The fake data is in an object called FakeData, with properties like customerType1:XML, customerType2:XML, overdueCustomer1:XML, etc. Then in the FakeData constructor, all of the properties are set like this:

customerType1:XML = FileUtil.loadXML(File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("fakeData/customerType1.xml");

And whenever you need some fake data (this happens in special FakeDelegates that extend the real LiveCycle Delegates), you get it from an instance of FakeData. This is awful, for many reasons, but it works. One embarrassing part is that every time you create an instance of FakeData, it reloads all the XML files. If there's a design pattern that is not Singleton that can handle this more elegantly. The constraints are:

No global instances can be required (currently, all the code dealing with the fake data, including the fake delegates, is pulled out of production builds without any side-effects, and it needs to stay that way). This puts the Factory pattern out of the running. It can handle multiple objects using the XML data without performance issues. The XML files are read centrally so that the other code doesn't have to know where the XML files are, and so some preprocessing can be done (like creating a map of certain tag values and the associated XML file).

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Testing :: How To Test Flash Applications

Dec 30, 2009

flashwatir appears to be there anyway I can interact with objects in flash apps ?ike clicking button and such from a gui-less linux server ?"flash button")puts flashapp.button.text # returns the text label of flash button

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Actionscript 3 :: XML Cached In Local Testing?

Mar 17, 2010

My question is about XML loading. I need to avoid xml caching. On a web server, the technique is adding a random param to reload each time the XML file. But on local testing (in Flash CS4 IDE, CTRL + Enter), the following lines are not possible :

var my_date : Date; path = "toto.xml?time="+my_date.getSeconds()+my_date.getMilliseconds();

Is there any trick to bypass this issue ? I've read on different forum about the "delete" method, we delete the xml object and then recreate one new.


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Flex :: Automate Testing Of Application?

Mar 25, 2011

I want to automate testing of flex application. I have heard that Flex provides with classes that help you automate the testing. But I don't know where to find them and how to use them.

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