Actionscript 3 :: Testing - Writing/compiling A Block Of Code Without A Class Or Function?

Feb 7, 2011

Having done some programming in Groovy, I know you can write test code in the Groovy console. I classify this as true a scripting language as it doesn't force you to have a class definition. So I'd assume with a name like ActionScript with 'script' in it's name that, you can write a series of statements that act linearly, such as a sequence of variables assignments, their manipulation and dumping out a value.

My question is if this is possible, how do you go about doing it, in order to test some code with ActionScript3? Does the code have to exist in a package?Can the code exist on it's own? (If so, what would the name be you'd give to the source file in order to compile it from the command line?

Would you use mxmlc?

Would you use compc?

I've heard about fsch too. How about that?I also read about a command called 'asc' in R.Braunstein's AS3 Bible 2nd ed (P8), but don't even see this in the SDK bin folders.... So what's that all about? Assuming I've managed to compile this file, how do I execute it and see results? Do I have to run it through a browser and the HTML template, or can I execute from a command line?

Do you have to have a class in the source to bypass this? Can the code block be placed outside a dummy class? If so, does it have to exist in a function? Or can it exist on it's own?Does it have to exist in a code blocks, by wrapping them in curly braces?

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In my button:

I've tried:
But, that doesn't get me anywhere, either.

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ActionScript Bytes: 6
Location: ActionScript 3.0 Classes

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Oct 29, 2009

So I am starting off writing a class to parse an XML file

In the setup of the FLA, I start off with this:

ActionScript Code:
import flash.xml.XMLDocument;


I get a compile time error telling me that it can't find the class. So I check, and recheck, and the class is there, so I'm baffled.

Then, just for giggles, I try typing:

ActionScript Code:

right after I import the classes. And for some reason, suddenly, I get no compile time errors, and the document loads, traces out, and the method I call in the class traces out its little "hello" message...

If I comment out that trace, it goes right back to being broken...

So seriously, what gives. Has anyone ever run into anything like this before? I'm running CS4 on an iMac, if that makes a difference.

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I have a small question : I gave a geturl function to one movie clip to link it to a website. the link works fine when testing the swf in Flash but not when testing in HTML, I tried 2 ways : put the code in my as script and with the behaviors, but it is the same.

here is my code :

link_mc.onRelease = function() {
getURL("", "_blank");

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