ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash With Compiling No Errors But Flash Won't Execute The Code

Apr 24, 2012

I have an weird issue with a fla file. I've worked on a big project for a long time ago. I use cs4 to compile the fla and Flash Develop for the classes. Yesterday I compiled many times and suddenly CS3 stopped executing actionscript. There is no compile errors, nothing. Just doesn't execute the code. I typed a simple trace in the first frame and deleted the symbols on the stage - it didn't trace nothing.When trying to compile this file I noticed that the size of the compiled swf cut down in the end of compiling - in decreases from 700KB to 300KB. I made a size report - it is strange that action script bytes is only 6, but I have many (about 100) classes:

ActionScript Bytes: 6
Location: ActionScript 3.0 Classes

It doesn't run any action script no matter whether it is in classes or directly in timeline frames.

The problem is not with CS3 because it compiles perfect other flash files. Do you have ideas why it happens? I've never seen such problem before?

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"Edit": Adobe Air 2.0 doesnt work either, iphone is Air aswell but diffrent publishing ofc.

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mainFoldersrccontainerMain.fla (and

When I compile Main.fla (all fla's are set to compile to the bin folder) I get the error -
1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: PageEvent.
Which refers to this line in the class -
protected function pageEventHandler(e:PageEvent):void

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3 errors appear, all the same for the 3 times the var e:PageEvent is referenced.
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When I try to compile I get the error -
1017: The definition of base class CaseSpaceCore was not found.
and then other errors about overridden methods that is cant find because it cant find the base class.

I am using Flashdevelop (if that makes a difference) as did the developer. I have tried adding the class path in the project settings to srcfolderB but this made no difference.

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Copy-paste Code Not Compiling?

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import fl.controls.Button;


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Would you use mxmlc?

Would you use compc?

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var new_content_string:String = content_string.slice( 0, -1 ); // After generating my string, I slice the last letter.content_txt.htmlText = HERE // Here is the place I want to execute my string

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Jan 3, 2011

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Aug 7, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Execute This Code When A Movieclip Ends?

Dec 22, 2004

So I have a quick movie clip and when that clip finished I want to do the following:

_root.logo_top.attachMovie("sabotage_media_logo", "sabotage_media_logo_mc", _root.logo_top.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.logo_top.sabotage_media_logo_mc._x = 50;
_root.logo_top.sabotage_media_logo_mc._y = 50;

What do I need to do? I tried doing onClipEvent(load) but it loads it at the start of the clip.

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IDE :: Execute Code Using ExternalInterface On Page Load?

Feb 19, 2008

I have been trying everything I can find to have code start on the window.onload event that uses callbacks exposed via the ExternalInterface. I've had many of the attempts working in IE, but Firefox is causing me grief.I tried simply calling the code via an "onload=" statement in the body tag for starters, but that didn't work because (I'm assuming) the Flash piece wasn't loaded when onload was called. So I tried putting a line in the Flash that calls a javascript function once it's loaded up. I tried this both by putting the statement in a "this.onLoad=function(){" block as well as just putting the call at the end of the statements on frame 1 of my presentation (with a stop() on the frame) - either way it isn't happening in Firefox.I also tried using a setInterval in Javascript to test to see if one of the methods exposed via the ExternalInterface is an object (or not undefined). Once again, it's working in IE, but not in Firefox.[code]

The only other thing I can think of at the moment is using the swfObject for writing the flash tags to the page, but I'm already writing them from an external file (and removing the IE "Click to activate this control" issue in the process). All these methods work fine after the initial load (although I also had issues with Firefox when I simply try to call the onload instructions after a setTimeout command as well).

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I am new to creating Flex applications and trying to target Flash Player 10.2 with my first. I have created it using Flash Builder 4.6 and compiled using the 4.5a SDK. I've also set the option to target 10.2.0 in the the Adobe Flash Player options. When I create the release build, there are no error and the resulting HTML file contains the following:For version detection, set to min. required Flash Player version, or 0 (or 0.0.0), for no version detection.var swfVersionStr = "10.2.0";However, if I try to visit the application in a browser with v10.2 of the plug-in it says 11.1 is needed. I also have the same problem with a simple Flash CS5 animation that only uses stop() and getURL(). The animation works but doesn't stop.URL..

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Sep 7, 2010

I have flash application with main document class, components which are on the scene are instancied at runtime, contrustor of these components are call before main class, but i'd like to execute code before main class and components instanciation, how can i do this ? i  tried to create an actionscript layer at frame 1 but still not work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Html Page To Execute Some Code Which Uses An External Library

Apr 28, 2011

I have embedded an swf into my html.  This swf allows a user to send an email to someone.  When the email is sent, I need the html page to execute some code which uses an external library (Not load a new page).  Is it possible for my html page to know when an email has been sent?

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Jan 26, 2011

In ActionScript 3.0, I have code that displays a list. When a row is selected, how do I add a listener to execute code and how do I extract the position of the selected row

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Apr 29, 2010

I have a swf file that will execute code when the mouse leaves the swf on screen. Everything works fine on a pc and a mac. But on a pc that has player installed throws the error below. TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at main_fla::MainTimeline/mouseLeave() This error is thrown out only when I try to call a function inside of loaded swf that is on the stage.

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Flash :: CS4 Crashing When Compiling?

Sep 5, 2011

Since I purchased flash CS4 (upgrading from flash 8), I have gradually shifted from writing code in AS2 to AS3. Now all of my projects are in AS3 except 1, it's an old legacy project written in such a way that conversion would be almost impossible. Earlier today I started to work on it and then tried to compile it causing flash to crash. After about an hour I realised that whenever I compile an AS2 project flash crashed. After trying to download patches, restarting countless times and searching the internet for similar bugs, I uninstalled and reinstalled flash. But to no avail, the bug persisted. So I decided to create an acount and post about the bug I encountered on this form, hoping that somone might know about it.

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