Start Writing Code For Mobile Apps?
Jul 27, 2011
I have some basic as3 knowledge and I have built 2 apps. in as3 but I want to use them for mobile systems as I guess for symbians.Which program should I use. I searched here flash lite but there is no forum about it.
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I've looked at a few demos from adobe that show apps built with Flex 4.5 running on iOS from simple list views to video capture. This has made me wonder if its an effective solution to build cross platform mobile apps.
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Jan 16, 2012
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Feb 10, 2012
Due to screen density of iPhone, image assets are developed larger. So, when specifying the icons and images to Flex components takes this form.
<s:ViewNavigator id="tab1" label="Tab1 width="100%" height="100%" firstView="views.Tab1">
<s:MultiDPIBitmapSource source160dpi="@Embed('assets/tabIcon.png')"/>
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Feb 7, 2011
Having done some programming in Groovy, I know you can write test code in the Groovy console. I classify this as true a scripting language as it doesn't force you to have a class definition. So I'd assume with a name like ActionScript with 'script' in it's name that, you can write a series of statements that act linearly, such as a sequence of variables assignments, their manipulation and dumping out a value.
My question is if this is possible, how do you go about doing it, in order to test some code with ActionScript3? Does the code have to exist in a package?Can the code exist on it's own? (If so, what would the name be you'd give to the source file in order to compile it from the command line?
Would you use mxmlc?
Would you use compc?
I've heard about fsch too. How about that?I also read about a command called 'asc' in R.Braunstein's AS3 Bible 2nd ed (P8), but don't even see this in the SDK bin folders.... So what's that all about? Assuming I've managed to compile this file, how do I execute it and see results? Do I have to run it through a browser and the HTML template, or can I execute from a command line?
Do you have to have a class in the source to bypass this? Can the code block be placed outside a dummy class? If so, does it have to exist in a function? Or can it exist on it's own?Does it have to exist in a code blocks, by wrapping them in curly braces?
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Jun 24, 2010
How can I write the Actionscript3 code if I want to start MyLogo 5 seconds after loading my webpage and then stop for 1minute and loop in the same manner.The following is the code right on my Actions_Layer:
var l:Loader=new Loader();addChild(l);l.load(new URLRequest("MyLogo.swf"));l.x = 17;l.y = 60;
l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, growLoader);
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Sep 22, 2009
i have a animation on loop but it does not give the desired effect. is there some code to tell it to start before it finishes.something like at frame 300 start.
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Jun 15, 2011
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Mar 16, 2012
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Jul 16, 2009
I try to execute a code on my Stage, the problem is when I declare my own class on which they load the file (xml) the code start in the background.I tried to add a listener in the custom class for Event.COMPLETE but it doesn't work because it only affect the custom class, not the whole movie.I tried something like this:
var xmlLoad: XMLLoadData = new XMLLoadData("navigation.xml");
var menuBox:MenuBox = new MenuBox();
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Aug 25, 2009
I have this code in frame 1 [code]In frame 2 the animation/flash application starts.The preloader works fine BUT when it gets to frame 2 it stops. I cannot get it to start. I think it is a simple issue but I cannot see it.
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Feb 20, 2011
Ok so I have this simple animation I created of a circle that moves from one side of the stage to the other. I have added a new layer and called it buttons. On this layer I have added 2 buttons. One for start and another one for stop. The purpose is to get my circle to move from one side of the stage to the other but be able to use my buttons so that I can start and stop the animations at random times during playback. I fixed all my compiler errors now the problem lies in that everytime I click the start or the stop button I get an output error. I have a 3rd layer in which is titled actions and this is where all my code is posted. I removed that layer and placed my code in the first frame of the buttons layer to see if this would change anything but I still get the same output errors. So I just added back my actions layer. What could I be doing wrong? I have made sure to name all my movie clips and buttons correctly and I even added an instance name to them.[code]Here is my code and the errors I am getting when I press the play and stop button on test.Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
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Jul 16, 2009
I try to execute a code on my Stage, the problem is when I declare my own class on which they load the file (xml) the code start in the background.
I tried to add a listener in the custom class for Event.COMPLETE but it doesn't work because it only affect the custom class, not the whole movie.[code]...
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Feb 4, 2010
I am trying to write a class file using a .as file instead of writing code into the script tab of a .fla file.When I write stage.addChild(img); I get an error that stage is null. When I take out stage, and just write addChild(img); the code runs fine, but nothing appears on stage. Do I need to do something to set a stage active?
Is this because I don't have a Main class? My class is named after the file and I don't have a file named Main.Here is the code. As it is, it runs and I get the two trace outputs, but no graphic on my screen.
package { import flash.display.DisplayObject; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.Loader; import*; import*; public class HelloWorldImage extends Sprite { private var background:DisplayObject, foreground:DisplayObject; private var url:String = "hw_jpg.jpg"; private var loader:Loader = new Loader( ); public function
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Apr 10, 2010
I have been trying for a while to change this code from Flickr so it would auto start and loop.
Original code
<object width="150" height="150"> <param name="flashvars" value="offsite=true&lang=en-us&page_show_url=%2Fphotos%2F49111858%40N06%2Fsho w%2F&page_show_back_url=%2Fphotos%2F49111858%40N06%2F&user_id=49111858 @N06&jump_to=&autostart=true"></param> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="
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Oct 17, 2009
I'm designing a platformer game, in which the code is all held within the character MC. I want to pause the game using something like 'delete this.onEnterFrame' as a start point to terminate code. The code layout within the character is like so:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.onEnterFrame = function(){ //within clip event
if(btnon == 1){ // when button pressed(on stage)) global value of 1 is true
delete this.onEnterFrame;
Due to the fact its within a clip event structure, it doesn't pause it, instead it slows everything down. Would I have to construct all my code in a frame layer or can I still use an MC to terminate this?
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Feb 23, 2012
I have a grails application using jquery mobile. I am hoping to find some way to access the camera on the devices. I thought about using flash to grab the webcam but that obviously wont work on Apple devices. Does anyone know of a way to do it and keep it all browser based? I am hoping that there is a plugin somewhere or maybe html5 has some magic in there that supports it.
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