Flex :: Mobile - Start A Phones Native Navigation Tool ?

Jun 2, 2011

I am building a mobile application in Flex 4.5 and from this app I would like to start the device's native navigation tool, like Google Navigation for example.Is there a way to open the Navigation App using Flex 4.5?

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Jun 18, 2010

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Windows :: Flex - Adobe Air Start Native Window Hidden?

Feb 16, 2011

How do I open a new window as hidden? (note the visible="false")

<s:Window xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"

If I declare a window this way, and then call this.open(false);, the window will quickly open and then hide, and then be reshown when I actually display it, I want to do this to be able to load content and fit the window to that size before showing it.

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Professional :: Printing From A Native Mobile App?

Dec 3, 2011

I'm on to designing my 3rd app. I have two already in the Android and Apple stores. Fairly simple ideas these were. Now, I've come across a bit of a challenge. I want to design an app that contains a database of text files, many also containing pictures. I'd like to have it where you can view these files on, lets say, the iPad, and then print them wirelessly, or send them to yourself in an email, so they can be printed elsewhere.

I have considered just creating an ebook and selling that on the store, but I don't think apple allows you to print from these books. Has to be in PDF, and having an app would be a much better way of distributing and updating it. My idea is creating something quite siimilar to how Apples 'Pages' works, just without any editing capabilities. Select document and print. Sounds simple enough but I can't find any code or tutorials to help me out with this. What I want to know is... can I add a button, that will open up and use the printing options built into iOS? Is this possible to do in Flash with AS3 or would I need to learn how to use Flash Builder and Flex? Could it possibly be done in InDesign?

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Actionscript :: AIR3 Native Process Will Not Start In Release Build?

Nov 2, 2011

Currently I am building an application that launches crtmpd (a rtmp server written in C++).

Whenever I launch the application from within Flash Builder it works great, if I install a release build from an air file the process.start() returns a generic "could not start process" error.

The crtmpserver.exe is stored in applicationDirectory and the config file is kept in applicationStorageDirectoy.

So I've moved it to the native storage directory. But the problem persists. I've found the following though:

startupInfo = new NativeProcessStartupInfo();
startupInfo.executable = binFile;
processArgs = new Vector.<String>();
startupInfo.arguments = processArgs;

In the IDE after this startupInfo is setup correctly. On client machines all properties of startupInfo are still null.

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Start Writing Code For Mobile Apps?

Jul 27, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: NetStream.seek() Not Seeking To Start Of Video On Mobile

Nov 4, 2011

I have a "video on demand" video that I'd like to seek at any point of the video. It's playing on a Motorola Xoom tablet. I can seek to the beginning of the video when the playhead is near the beginning. However, if I the playhead is towards the end of the video and I attempt to seek to the beginning of the video, the video seeks many seconds after the start of the video. I thought this might be a buffering issue, so I set inBufferSeek to true, but I still have the same issue.

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Jun 5, 2011

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Is Arabic support available in Flex Mobile Projects or AS Mobile Projects? I know TLF supports Desktop and web apps but does it support mobile platforms?

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Flex - Runing Native Process In Admin Mode In FLEX AIR 2 In Vista 6 Bit?

Jun 28, 2010

I have a Flex AIR2 application which uses native process to run CMD.exe. Application running fine on WinXP, Win R 2008 server. But not running on VISTA 64 bit OS. Flex not able to run CMD.exe when application installed in C:Program Files (x86). When I run application as Administrator mode it is working fine. Below is my code, I want to start cmd.exe as Administrator.


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Flash :: Plugin NOT Rooted With Android Phones

Feb 21, 2012

I have 2 Android phones that I use to test the app that I'm developing. One is rooted with CyanogenMod 7 and the other one is not rooted. Also both phones have Adobe Flash Player installed. After installing the APK to both phones, I tried the video playback. On the phone that was NOT rooted, it worked flawlessly. However on the rooted phone, I only got the audio to work with a blank video.

There was a "band-aid" fix that I found which tells me to remove all the permissions for the file /data/data/PACKAGE_NAME/app_plugins/com.adobe.flashplayer/.macromedia/Flash_Player/config.data According to the poster, this file restricts video playback of anything over 240p. Sorry but I don't have a link to that thread anymore. After removing all permissions for that file, I ran the app again on the rooted phone and it worked like a charm. What would be the best solution so that when I publish the app on the Android Market everyone who installs the app will not experience this problem on their phone?

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Professional :: Use Flash To Create Applications For Iphone And Other Phones?

May 15, 2011

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Android :: Get A Definitive List Of 2.2+ Phones That Don't Support Flash?

Jan 24, 2011

Where can I get a definitive list of Android 2.2+ phones that don't support Flash?I released an app that uses Flash for some features if installed on Android 2.2+ phones, but found out today from a user that the T-Mobile MyTouch 3G has 2.2 but can't get Flash. At this point I'm going in and adding a check against the Build.MODEL for the MyTouch 3G but I'd like to know if there are other phones I should check for as well.

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Flex :: Packaging Air App In Native Install

Feb 22, 2010

I have tried the options given on Adobe Livedocs : adt -package -target native myApp.exe myApp.air, but I keep getting the message "-storetype required". I then try with adt -package -target native -storetype pkcs12 -keystore myCert.pfx myApp.exe myApp.air and get the same message. I have already created the .air file and the .p12 cert file in flexbuilder, and am just pointing to these in the command prompt in the specified places, but the same problem occurs. Any ideas?

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Admob In Flex 4.6 Native Extensions?

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Flex :: Avoid Native Authentication Popup In AIR On Mac?

Sep 24, 2009

In AIR on Mac, when I send login creds to a service and they're incorrect, AIR displays a native popup window to try logging in again without dispatching an error event. Twitter provides a header (suppress_response_codes=true), which returns any error as a status 200 with the error message. I'm using HTTPService to connect to a service without a header like this. Are there any properties or headers I can send to avoid this popup?

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Flex :: Air RollOver On Inactive Native Window?

May 27, 2011

I have a Native Window in Flex AIR. Let's say the window doesn't have a focus. It is inactive. Is it possible to find out when mouse is over such window? The window is always in front. I heard that it is possible by checking stage.mouseX in ENTER FRAME handler.

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Actionscript 3 :: Run A Native Process In Flex Library?

Sep 6, 2011

It could run a native process in an adobe air application by enable extendedDesktop.
But if create an flex library, does it support running an native process. If yes, how to configure it?

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Flex :: Create AIR Native Installer With AIR Runtime?

Oct 19, 2011

How can i create native installer for windows, MAC and linux, which will check the system if air runtime is not install in the user system then installer will 1st install the AIR runtime and then the AIR application.

Do we need to use any third party software to achicve this?

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Flex :: Air Native Window CloseHandler Does Not Work?

Feb 21, 2012

In my Flex (Flash Builder 4) Air application, I have a spark window and have set the close="" event handler (also tried the 'closing' event) to a method that pops up an alert confirming if they want to close the window. This worked fine in my normal browser based app as a TitleWindow, but now that it's an Air app with a native spark window, it's not working. I never see the alert dialog, and if I debug trace, it does in fact go in to my close handler method, but visually I can see the window is already gone from the screen. In an AIR application, how do you add a confirmation dialog for when they click the "x" to close the window?

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Actionscript 3 :: Json - Decode Using Native In Flex 3?

Mar 12, 2012

I have the below Json (wf.json)



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Professional :: Whats The Adobe Flash Player 10.1 App Called On Android Phones

Nov 17, 2011

I want to download this app in the android market, but it says I need adobe flash player 10.1 but when I look for it, it doesn't show. Does anyone know what its called? I know its in the market because a lot of people are using that app. I have the Samsung Captivate. Should I just wait for Android2.2?

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Flex :: Adobe Air - Get OS Open A File In Their Native Applications?

Sep 9, 2009

In adobe air, is there anyway to get OS open a file, in their native applications?

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Flex - Adobe Native Air App Works On Windows7 But Not On WindowsXP?

Aug 26, 2010

i have an adobe air app that captures screen and saves image on desktop. The App works fine on windows 7 but it just does not work on windowsXp. The App use native windows exe that was built in C# using Visual Studio 2010. Its video tutorial and code is given at [URL]...

The app just does not work on windows and gives no compile time or runtime time error and offcourse it does not save image on desktop.

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Actionscript :: Flex Not Having Native JSON Parsing Abilities?

Aug 10, 2011

I have done some searching around, and from what it looks like so far, there is no native way to parse JSON in Actionscript/Flex. XML is automagiaclly parsed and life is good. Why isn't JSON parsed this same way?

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C++ :: Cross Compile AS3 Code Or Flex Project To Native C++?

Oct 7, 2011

I would like to tak emy existing AS3 or Flex project and compile it to run on native C++ code. Is there a way to do this? What sort of solutions exist? I do not want to change my AS3 code.

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Flex :: Acoustic Echo Cancellation In Flash Using Native Libraries

Feb 4, 2010

I have to implement AEC in Flex video conferencing application. I know that it can not be done directly in Flash. I'm thinking to write a native application or library that will do AEC outside Flex.

As far I know Adobe Connect Pro is using some external library that do AEC. I'd like to follow this direction and do something similiar.

There comes two possibilities in my mind:

1) Independend custom AEC filter.

The custom AEC filter will be run in the background and will be processing all data from microphone and sound card and doing AEC. The echo signal will be the data that is to be played but delayed in a temporary buffer, something like this: aec(input, delayed_input, output).

I don't know if it work, because Flash microphone input doesn't know about my custom input and the same with the speakers. But how it is done in WinXP/Vista that have AEC at the system level?

2) AEC filter interacting with Flex's NativeProcess.

The filter will be run by NativeProcess. Flex app will pass microphone sound, received remote voice to the filter and return voice with echo removed and then Flex will output this to the speakers. Will it be correct?

If the 2) method is OK then I have following questions:

I will start with Speex's AEC so in what format should be the data pased from Flex? If I choose Flex Speex codec for sound compression can I pass it directly to the speex library? Will be the performance OK? Calling NativeProcess library every sound frame buffer can be time consuming I think. Why there is no AEC implementation in AS3 that can be used directly from Flash? As far I know to do AEC you must have echo data and microphone data (in Flash 10 there is direct access to the microphone). There is definetly something that is stopping doing it like this but I don't know what it is yet :) Is there some free AEC implementation or a DSP library with in except Speex's that I can use?

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Flex :: Running A Java Program With A .dll From Adobe AIR's Native Process

Jun 18, 2010

I would like to be able to operate a scanner from my AIR application. Since there's no support for this natively, I'm trying to use the NativeProcess class to start a jar file that can run the scanner. The Java code is using the JTwain library to operate the scanner. The Java application runs fine by itself, and the AIR application can start and communicate with the Java application. The problem seems to be that any time I attempt to use a function from JTwain (which relies on the JTwain.dll), the application dies IF AIR STARTED IT.[code]

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Android :: Air Native Extension - Receive Broadcast In Flex Application?

Jan 31, 2012

I am developing application with Adobe Flex on AIR platform. Using native extension for Android, it is possible to send SMS from my Flex application. Would it also be possible to receive SMS with my application (receive Broadcast carrying information about incoming SMS)? More generally, is it possible to receive Android Broadcasts in my Flex application?

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