ActionScript 3.0 :: Hit Testing Objects In Array

Nov 25, 2011

I'm having a serious problem with looping through an array. I'm trying to hitTestObject every MC in an array against every other MC in that array.The issue is that in my hitTestObject statement, if obviously looks at only 2 elements at a time.When 2 MC's touch, I set a property called "Touching" to true.The problem is these are moving MCs and at any given time only 2 out of 3 are touching.So what's happening is:The loop runs once testing Array[0] and Array[1].Say those are touching.It sets their "Touching" properties to true(thats what I want).THEN, it runs again testing Array[1] and Array[2], and finds that they are NOT overlapping.It this process it sets both of their "Touching" properties to false, EVEN THOUGH one of them may be overlapping a different array object.I want to individual set the "Touching" property for each array object.Right now these properties are getting overwritten even though 2 out of 3 objects are actually overlapping.[code]

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import com.greensock.TweenMax;
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//this is the object I will be recycling
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[0] (object)
id = 1


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//class3 public function get xVal():int         {            return img1.x;         } // END GET _myProperty
//class2 public function get getEnemy():Array         {            return myEnemyList;         } // END GET _myProperty
/class1- calling class var enemyItem:Array = [];
myEnemy.moveEnemy();       enemyItem=myEnemy.getEnemy;

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Please see below:

ActionScript Code:
for (x = 0; x < room_sizex; x++)


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var arr:Array = ({num:0},{num:3},{num:1},{num:2})

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PHP Code:
var nc = 25;
var vd = 80;


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Aug 12, 2009

I have got an array of objects, each with properties, plus those objects have sub objects.

Array[0] = 0 = fish
Object.Array[0] = 0
object.variety = red tetra
[Code] .....

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Sep 14, 2009

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Jul 11, 2010

how do I remove objects, in this case of the LoadingItem type loaded by Bulkloader from an array that I've put them in, so that they are being cleared from memory. It doesn't seem to be sufficient to use removeAll or even clear the bulkloeader instance,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Various Objects From An Array?

Feb 23, 2009

I have a utility function:

function removeFromArray(item:Object, arr:Array):Object {
for(var i:uint = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if(item == arr


This function searches through an array and sees if an item exists in it, if it does, it removes it and returns a reference to that item.

This works fine for most things. But I just ran into a problem where I need to remove an array from an array.

so my array looks like this [ [item1a, item1b], [item2a, item2b] ]; and i need to remove [item1a, item1b] from it. But passing in the the array to remove and the full array to remove it from does not work because i guess of the casting to an object in the parameters list. Can the functionality i want be used? if so how?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Referencing Objects In Array?

Feb 25, 2010

I've created a for loop to do the following:add instances of button MovieClip from library to stagename the instances via name propertyadd instance names to array for later referenceadd event listenershese 4 steps are working peachy, however, I'm having troubles referencing these instances later on through my code. I'm pretty sure that the problem is in my data types not matching, but I'm not sure how to fix it.

var menuBtn:mc_menuBtn;var menuBtnList:Array = new Array();
for(var b:int = 0; b < numFiles; b++){  //add instances to stage  menuBtn = new mc_menuBtn();  testClip.addChild(menuBtn); //adding button instances to


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[PHP]import eu.rotundu.xml.*;
var s:SimpleXMLDecoder = new SimpleXMLDecoder(true);
/*var list:XML = <books>        <book publisher="Addison-Wesley" name="Design


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