ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding An Eraser To Custom Drawing App?
Jan 16, 2012
I've made most of my application now, which allows the user to draw on a canvas, I'm just not sure on how I would go about creating a button which allows the user to switch to an eraser, or what code I would even use?
I have a requirement to create a drawing tool. I have completed till where on mouse down i can draw and on mouse up i stop the drawing. Now i want a eraser in place; something very similar to what is there in paint. So on mouse down of the eraser and moving over the line segment should erase the portion of the lines.
I did make a eraser tool. But once I begin to erase a layer, the background layer is visible. I want the layer just below the topmost layer to be visible.
For eg consider 2 layers. Layer2 is above Layer1. When I perform erase on Layer2, I see the stage background. I want to actually see Layer1 when I erase from Layer2.
Here is the code I used: The comment entry shows that, I have tried that possiblity.
import flash.display.BitmapData; var linkageId:String = "myimage"; var myBitmapData:BitmapData = BitmapData.loadBitmap(linkageId);
I've created a drawing tool which allows the user to draw on the canvas, the problem is that if I try to draw over a movieclip nothing happens. Is there a way I can allow for the user to draw over movieclips? For example if I had a background of paper?
Here's the code I'm using for it:
// This code is for drawing the lines on the page //1. var drawingLine:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); addChildAt(drawingLine,0);
I'm making a Flash game, and I've encountered a really weird problem while trying to draw a polygonal shape in Box2D.
Here's the code I use:
var fixtureDefs:Array = new Array(); ... var fDef:b2FixtureDef = new b2FixtureDef(); fDef.density = 0;
Where vertexArray is a valid array containing 4 b2Vec2 vertices, making up a convex shape.The problem is, when I test, collisions don't work right for that body. Most other objects -enemies, user-controlled characters - pass straight through, as if the body isn't there at all. Some raycasts pass through as well.
Infuriatingly enough, one kind of bodies I have (a custom enemy) somehow does detect the body and collides with it. The raycasts that particular kind of enemy attempts do work - when your character hides behind the polygon, it's like they can't see him.The other weird thing: when I try the same code, only go for SetAsBox instead of SetAsArray, it works exactly as it should.I'm using a custom ContactListener class, but I haven't done any contact filtering (unless it's possible to do that without realising).I'm using the Flash 9 version of Box2D 2.1a.
I'm trying to construct an animation illustrating the angle of a circle.The user types in a value and the handle gets rotated on a timer tick. (Press Enter or the ndra-button to see the effect): Example So far so good.Now - my problem is when the rotation gets bigger than 360 degrees. I would like the arc's alpha to get darker, to see it draw upon the "existing" arc line. But I don't know how to do that and I can't find code for doing it, either.[code]The DrawingShapes.drawArc method comes from here.If anyone could point me in the right directon on how graphic updating works. I tried not removing the lineHolder from stage when it's updated, but that just made the line's alpha 1 instantly. I would like it to "gradually" get filled in when the arc exceeds 360 degrees.
As the heading dictates, i want to place bitmap files on the faces of the 3D object that i have created.Basically i found this tutorial code on a 3D rotating cube that is able to be rotated by the mouse. I have modified it to change its shape from a cube to a 'plane' or rectangular style object.
Code: var vertsArray:Array = []; var facesArray:Array = [];
Want to get custom image and which should be dragabble into drawing area...Below is the sample design which exactly i am looking for.
How to get custome image which i have rounded in red mark aslo i t should have input and output ports for ex:For TwoWaySplit.EU.OTHERS it contains IN as inputport and for Outputports:OTHERS and EU.same in the case with TwoWaySplit.US.OTHERS it contains IN as inputport and for Outputports:OTHERS and US and for main component it contains one input port and three output ports as shown in the diagram.Along with that node it should also display those ports and also when we move the node those ports should also move.
I'm trying to make annotations on an image. I want to store all these annotations into a collection so that I can later remove or edit particular note(annotation).I'm creating a UIComponent instance for example markUp and doing
I'm trying to create a custom component which displays a red rectangle in the middle with the following Flex Mobile project for Android (in Flash Builder 4.5 Burrito) -
even though I have added c:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Flash Builder Burritosdks4.5.0frameworkslibsmxmx.swc to Flex Build Path (by clicking "Add SWC" button in the project properties dialog).
PS: Power Stackoverflow-users, consider adding a tag for Android-AIR or Flex-Hero or maybe Flex-Mobile
If you see google finance or other such charts, they usually have a small pentagon on the chart that indicates when the dividend was paid. Note the D markers in the screenshot [URL]. In this link you will see A,B,C,D .... along the charts X-Axis. If you choose a larger data range say 2005- 2010 , then you will see blue dividend markers along the x-Axis. Is there any thing in Flex that will allow us to do that?
I have created a custom class called which i use to add my navigation to the stage. I was having problems getting the addChild to display my mc on the stage. So I passed the stage instance into my class and used that to attach my movieclips. _stage.addChild();
This worked but Im new to as3 and just wanted to know if this was a good way to do this below is my code.
For the game I am making, I'm using a self-made sprite managing system.I've got three classes: SpritesManager, SpriteGroup extends Movieclip and Sprite extends Movieclip.The idea is: SpritesManager is holding an object: "mainSprites", SpritesManager also hasa method "newGroup", wich creates a new SpriteGroup in mainSprites.In this way I want to make a system for creating and managing some sort of Movieclip-tree.For example:mainSprites.enemies.badEnemyThe method newGroup in SpritesManager has a param "name" wich is the name of the SpriteGroup to create.Here's where I'm stuck: how do I create a new SpriteGroup referenced to as "name" in mainSprites?
For the game I am making, I'm using a self-made sprite managing system. I've got three classes: SpritesManager, SpriteGroup extends Movieclip and Sprite extends Movieclip.
The idea is: SpritesManager is holding an object: "mainSprites", SpritesManager also has a method "newGroup", wich creates a new SpriteGroup in mainSprites. In this way I want to make a system for creating and managing some sort of Movieclip-tree. For example: mainSprites.enemies.badEnemy
The method newGroup in SpritesManager has a param "name" which is the name of the SpriteGroup to create. How do I create a new SpriteGroup referenced to as "name" in mainSprites?
Mac OS 10.4.11; Flash CS3.I cannot change the tool any more. It's stuck on the eraser. It doesn't erase anything, but I can't change it to another tool.I uninstalled Flash, preferences and all, and re-installed it, but the problem persists. Interesting is, my customized workspace is still there, even though I had all preferences and anything else that has the name "Flash" deleted.At the same time the computer opens both CD trays when booting up. Never did that before. So I re-installed the OS, but that didn't help either.
however i'm not able to use eraser, when i select the eraser shape and mode i can see a eraser moving over the area i actually want to erase, but in the end the layer is still there... i did search all criss cross the menu, cannot find, i'm sure it's something funny, how can i apply eraser fully?
My issue -I drawing with the pencile over the image and want to erase that graphic but not able to suucees please give some solution.My backgroud page is image and i am adding zoomIn/ZoomOut functionality to image. Is there solution to erase only graphic part and Image will remain as it is?
does any1 know how to do a flash interactive eraser?it's something like the other flash paint programs,but unlike those programs i have found so far,they only have a button for erasing the whole screen...i need a flash program that uses an interactive eraser tool...
I simulate a pencil tool in my application, now i want simulate a eraser tool, but no success. how can i eraser that lines draw by pencil in as 3? i try removeChildAt(0); it work's but all draw is erased. [code]...
I have a custom flv player and i'm slowly adding more functionality to it as I go along but i've hit a wall.I want to add a subtitle button that toggles between show/hide. I've seen on the internet that the best way is to use an XML file (holding the script, times etc.), which I have no problem writing.I'm having problems trying to replicate the 'FLVPlaybackCaptioning' component (in Flash CS3) in to my custom flv player. I.E. Adding the right actionscript to my toggle button.
I have a flex application and I want to add a new custom component with action script at runtime. This works fine. I have created my custom component and added the following code:
var freeView:FreeView=new FreeView(); freeView.setStyle("showEffect",this.fadeIn); freeView.setStyle("hideEffect",this.fadeOut);
But my problem is the fade in effecto is not working. I know I've declared the effect correctly because if I use it in another component (like a panel) it works fine.
I have a custom flv player and i'm slowly adding more functionality to it as I go along but i've hit a wall.
I want to add a subtitle button that toggles between show/hide. I've seen on the internet that the best way is to use an XML file (holding the script, times etc.), which I have no problem writing.
I'm having problems trying to replicate the 'FLVPlaybackCaptioning' component (in Flash CS3) in to my custom flv player. I.E. Adding the right actionscript to my toggle button.
The current actionscript for my flv player is:
Code: var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); nc.connect(null); var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc); theVideo.attachVideo(ns);
I made a movie clip button, which is a custom cursor, and i want to know if it's possible to add a clicking sound into it. Or is there any way for a sound to be played everytime the custom cursor is in the clicking state??
In class Main I am instantiating a custom class NavLabel that creates a textField. With in NavLabel I dispatch a custom event CustomEventWithParams on a reference to class Main that passes the parameter theLabelWidth along with it. from with in class Main i can trace the theLabelWidth for each of the instantiated NavLabel objects. I want to hold those values in an array labelWidthArray and then use them to position the NavLabel objects. how can I do this?
I have created a paint/drawing program, and I want to be able to add a button to the menu that allows you to open a new page. When you create the new page it creates a tab inside of the application and not just opening a new browser tab. I can do the new page to a new browser tab, but I want to be able to keep it inside the program itself.
Ive got this problem: the users of my webapplication can upload pictures and draw on them, but would it be possible to let the user erase parts of their uploaded picture (jpg or png) using the eraser tool?. like upload the picture and then convert it to a file that the user can manipulate?
get the zip file which will be very helpfull. I made some screenshots in photoshop for help.
1). map jpg: That's the map
2). the map is covered with a black layer
3).the user changes (somehow) the _alpha property (before starting revealing the image) to -let's say- 60% and reveals with the eraser the path of the map up to some point.
4).the user sets the _alpha of the cover back to 100% in order to get the picture shown in the example.
My AS3 application basically does the following (pseudo code from main application class) 3 or 4 times by adding custom objects to stage:
_movieClipClassVariable = new MyCustomSpriteSubclass(); _movieClipClassVariable.addEventListener(MyEvents.READY, function(event:Event):void { _hideLoading(); mcHolder.addChild(_movieClipClassVariable);}); _movieClipClassVariable.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myClickHandler); private function coverClickHandler(event:Event):void { }
What is the right way to allow Garbage Collector to recycle _movieClipClassVariable after it is not necessary? Assign null to it? Remove all listeners? Use weak reference for listeners?