ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling File Names From An XML Document
Aug 12, 2009
I've calling file names from an XML document, for example: <file>thisGraphicab.swf</file> Then when I call the graphic, the graphic with the matching file name does not exist, but similar named files do exist. For example: thisGraphicab does not exist but thisGraphicbb does exist. Flash will load the thisGraphicbb.swf file in place of the file actually called.
Is there a way to remedy this? I want flash to fail when the file requested does not exist. When you type the name graphics/thisGraphicab.swf into the browser address bar, the file name is changed by the browser to be thisGraphicbb.swf, and it displays, but here again I need it to fail when something like this happens. I know this seems odd, but there's more to it in the end. Anyway, this is what I need to take care of now.
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loadMovieNum("icon1.swf", target1_mc);
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package {
import Tooltip;// Import custom class
public class Drag_and_Drop extends MovieClip {
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basecompany namecomponent name
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Mar 19, 2004
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Jun 26, 2003
I tried to do that;a txt file which created by PHP , includes :[code]I load the values image1,image2,image3 but I can't show the images please help me ? how it can be possible,LoadMovie(image1) does not work,how it can be possible ?
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Apr 16, 2010
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May 1, 2010
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Nov 4, 2009
I have a flex application that reads from external XML file(URL loader) and displays graph. My xml file is dynamically generated using PHP and the filename=currentloggedin user name(i.e. username.xml).How should I load the xml into SWC? Will Flashvars work? I have a HTML page that has PHP code to get username and the same file embes the swc. How to pass the PHP varibale to my SWC?
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