ActionScript 3.0 :: Cant Get Shape To Refresh And Change / When Change Its Variable Using Text Field

Dec 3, 2010

Im really new to as3, and im just trying out some stuff, but i cant get a shape to refresh and change when i change its variable using a text field.If i change the text fields text before i test it, it works, but while its running it doesnt change it again.Btw, trying to change the stroke size.[code]i just want is so that when i change the strokeSize_txt text box, it will change the stroke for the shape.

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Actionscript 3 :: Change The Content Of A Regular Text Field Created With The Text Tool In Adobe Flash CS5?

Nov 21, 2010

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I have my movie linked to an external AS3 file with this:

package com {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Stage;


however it gives me that server_time doesn't exist. I have tried root and parent.

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this.result1.onChanged = function() {
myTextFormat = new TextFormat();
myTextFormat.size = 25-(this.text.length/2);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Font Of Dynamic Text Field

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Dynamic Text Field Value Via Button?

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Feb 1, 2009

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i need a little help. I need to know how to set a dynamic fields' font (and other properties) with actionScript.I thought it could be something like:

myDynamicTextField.font = "Comic Sans MS";

or at a long shot:

myDynamicTextField.setStyle("fontFamily", "Comic Sans MS");

(The second one only seems to work with "TextArea" components from the Components menu)

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Jun 29, 2007

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btn_mc.onRelease = function(){

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Text In Dynamic Field With Instance Name?

Dec 6, 2008

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