ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Order Of The Arrow Is Aligned Correctly?

Aug 4, 2011

I have the following problem: I use that script to rotate a arrow. from 0 to 90 Degrees.But with this script I can the arrow only between 0 and 90 degrees can rotate when the mouse hovers over it in this area. how can I change the order of the arrow is aligned correctly when I do with the mouse only the corresponding circular movement no matter where it is located on the Flash Programm?

My Script:

ActionScript Code:
// calculate rotation based on mouse X & Y
_dx = Eichhorn.x - mouseX;
_dy = Eichhorn.y - mouseY;


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function moveStuff(){
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import flash.text.TextField;


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var frameTimer:Timer = new Timer(1000);frameTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER,


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Professional :: Label Text Wont Change Correctly?

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title>Something 2</title>


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May 12, 2010

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Code as follows. Does anyone know what i would change to reverse the order? 
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var mc:MovieClip;var total:Number = mcs.length; 


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there is a movie clip in the library. Has three layers.Each of the layers is also in the library.Layer 1 has a button symbol, layer 2 a text symbol with instance name 'item_label', layer 3 is color. instance name is 'flbutton' it looks like this was created into a symbol itself and given intance name of 'menu_item'.An array is created with button label names.A loop is created based on the number of labels in the array.An instance of 'menu_item' is created each loop and placed on the stage/screen and the text on the button is changed to the item in the array.[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Display List Order

Nov 4, 2009

I have a series of mc's that I'm adding to the a display list of "theContainer". This is a "canvas" I'm using to drag mc's around on to make various pictures.I've set up my code so I can click any mc in that list and make it "selected". I can then, with controls outside "theContainer", change the selected clip's scale or alpha, etc.I'd like to set up 2 buttons outside that display list so I can change the stacking order of those clips in "theContainer".So if I add clip "a" to the display list, then add clip "b" to the display list, then add "c" and "d" and "e and "f" to it, I want to be able to move any of those clips forward or backward.First I'd need to learn what the index is of the clip I want to move up or down in the display list.[code]That's my problem, I can't know what the index is, or how to get a property to find it.I'm looking for a way to "get the clip's index" then to "make the index, the current index + 1", to move it up in the display list."setChildIndex( dispObj, index ) would be nice if I could know what the index was and then add +1 to it like this:setChildIndex(clip, current index + 1);

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex: Content Not Rendering Correctly After Transitioned State Change?

Mar 1, 2012

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<!-- different states of this component -->
<s:State name="useForFree"[code].....

where the variables being set as masks are UIComponent instances where I have used their graphics property to draw a rectangle.

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import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.SimpleButton;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Stacking Order On Display List?

Nov 3, 2009

I have a series of mc's that I'm adding to the a display list of "theContainer".

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I'd like to set up 2 buttons outside that display list so I can change the stacking order of those clips in "theContainer".

So if I add clip "a" to the display list, then add clip "b" to the display list then add "c" and "d" and "e and "f" to it, I want to be able to move any of those clips forward or backward.

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How do I change the stacking order of Display Objects in AS3? I have a semi-transparent caption box that is supposed to be on top of externally loaded images. no matter where I place the script for that box in the code, the images always load on top of it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Order System To Cart Based

Dec 3, 2009

I currently have a system that takes the users order and then sends the data to a php file where the details are then emailed to the shop admin. I accomplish this by using...

ActionScript Code:
//Retreive and pass the information to a PHP page
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
var request:URLRequest=new URLRequest("sendmail.php");
[Code] .....

However I need to change this system so that rather than each order being sent automatically, the details are stored in an array so that a cart system can be produced somehow! It doesn't need to be overly secure, the system simply needs to email colour details etc to the admin.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Change The Stacking Order Of Objects??

Mar 13, 2011

Is there a way to use actionscript to change the stacking order of objects?I run two functions when i start my game, one that adds the player and set it's properties and one that generates the map. The add player function is run last so the player will appear above the map, the problem is that i have some objects on my map that i would like to appear infront of the hero, like certain tree's for example.

Is there a way i can make these objects appear infront by using actionscript? Using different layers won't work as everything is generated dynamically.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change The TAB Order Of Text Input Boxes?

Mar 27, 2005

how do you change the TAB order of text input boxes i want to tell it what box to go to next depending on which one it is on now making a login form ..

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Flash :: Getting A Reference To A Textbox In Order To Dynamically Change The Font?

Jul 4, 2011

I am unfamiliar with Flash and actionscript and I need help to dynamically change the font of a textbox based on the value of a flashvar. I have a flash template whose content I can edit through XML. The flashvar value specifies the language and points to a different XML file. This works without problems, and I have found online a way to change the font via actionscript. However I need help on how to get a reference to that textbox.

There are two files an .fla and file. Within the fla file there is a single Scene and when the textbox is selected the properties display "thisLogo" as its name and "Dynamic Text" in the combo box below. Within the file I have attempted to add the following code:


1119: Access of possibly undefined property thisLogo through a reference with static type Main.

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Actionscript 3 :: Change To Flex Sdk 4.5 In Order To Work With Flash Player 11

Oct 24, 2011

I hava a project in flashdevelop 4.0 and I used flex sdk 4.0.

Although I add support for FP 11 in flex config file and also in project settings and compiler options, I still get my project stated after comiplation in FP 10 not FP 11. (I uninstalled FP 10 with adobe unninstaller).

And also when I embed the swf in html page with swfobject I keep getting that I need to install FP 11 which is already installed.

So I am asking is it neccesary to migrate to flex sdk 4.5 in order to use FP 11?

If this is not a programming question than move it, but I dont know where to place it elsewhere.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Front Child - Alternate The Order Of Children With In An Mc?

Oct 17, 2009

I am loading in some images and adding them to a movie using: mc.addChild(imageLoader); once all the images have been loaded in , i want to alternate the order of the children, so a different child is in the front and in view. i have been reading up a little on it and it seems the example i find are changing the order of different mc's . whereas i have 1 mc and im trying to change the order of its children.

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Data Integration :: The Order Of Swf Sliding Images Change Once The Html Page Is Reloaded?

Apr 4, 2007

I do have a set of images (lets say 1,2,3,4 and 5) in an html page. what I want is once the html page is reloaded, the order of the sliding should change randomly (from 1,2,3,4 and 5) to (4,5,3,4,5...)for example.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating An Order Form For Flash Site - Results Of The Order Sent To A Pre-specified Email Adress In A Certain Format?

Aug 17, 2004

I am creating an order form for my flash site. I have never done this before in flash but I have in visual basic. I have a few questions:

1. Is assigning variable names to checkboxes and radio buttons the same as in visual basic? I mean i know that you probably assign them in the properties. ex..say i name a radio button 'radio1', to run a check in my actionscript whether radio1 was checked or not would it be something like if(radio1){}

2. After the person fills out the form I would like to have the results of the order sent to a pre-specified email adress in a certain format. What would be a good way to do this?

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