ActionScript 3.0 :: Combo Box And Changing Fonts?

Sep 17, 2008

i want to load font types into a combo box and depending onwhat the user selects change the font of a text box. this is what ihave so far...changedFont.enumerateFonts(true).sortOn("fontNam") to false as i didntwant all the fonts loaded from my system. I have embedded the fontsthat i want. but they will not change to what i select.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedding Fonts To Combo Box?

Nov 27, 2009

I have a combo box under a mask and I've done some research and discovered that I need to embed the fonts in to it in order for the text to show. I don't want to embed my own fonts, I just want to use the basic default font and get this working, yet I can't seem to find any tutorials that tell you how to do this, they all seem to be about setting the font colour, size and type.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedded Fonts A Combo Box And Complete Madness

Sep 22, 2008

I have a combo box that has an array of fonts loaded into them, not here is my problem. For some reason, when i select the fonts in the array, some of them change and some of them dont. I have created font symbols like instructed in the live docs, but i dont get why they arent showing up.i.e. I have 7 fonts loaded into this combo box and i can select Arial Bold and my text field will show the text in arial bold, but when i select hobo, i get some substitute!here's my code, maybe you guys will see something i haven't.

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IDE :: Get 5 Embedded Fonts To Be Added In To A Combo Box And On Selection To Apply The Font Type To Several Dynamic Text Boxes?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Changing Font Size In Combo Box AS This

Apr 5, 2010

I'm pretty new to working with components in flash and for the life of me cannot figure this out!

I'm using AS 2.0. I have a combobox component on my stage called my_combo

In the actions panel in the same frame as the combo box I have the following[code]...

When I publish the movie I get an error saying "Statement must appear with on/onClipEvent handler"

Ok, I understand that, but putting an onClipEvent handler in still doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Color Of Movie Clip With Combo Box?

Mar 24, 2009

I have a combo box called "jcolor1". I have a Movie Clip called "main". In my combobox I have set all of the color names in the labels section, and all of their hex values in the values section. I am trying to be able to change the color of the movie clip using actionsctipt.My actionscript I have (attached to the combobox)

on (change) {
myColor = new Color(main);

Its not working, I think the link between the Movie Clip and the combobox is not right, maybe I am not declaring the variable correctly.I want the combo box to reference the hex value I put into the data section in the component inspector and change "main" to that color.

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I can't cope with the inheritance of this AS 3.0! I have the next code:

package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.*;
public class CText extends Sprite {


My only purpose is to create a text field, which is formatted and to have a chance to manipulate it later, so I think I need to express it as a Sprite.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Embedded Fonts Dynamically?

Jan 28, 2011

I have a movie with multiple languages. Most of the fonts used are embedded. What I've been doing is creating a new MovieClip for each language and in that movie clip assigning a font that can display that language, then depending on the language, load the appropriate MovieClip. I wonder though if there is a way to just change the font dynamically. However, it would be changing from one embedded font to another.

Would it be efficient to just make one generic text MovieClip with a certain font in it, then just title the movie clip by the font, and load that movie clip whenever I want to use that font?

like so:

ActionScript Code:
var title = new Arial;
title.textBox.text = "Page Title";

Also: Then could I change the font size dynamically if I did it the later way?

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I have a Flash Scene with a black background.Into that scene, I inserted a standard "Combobox" fromthe Flash component menu.As I want to have a black background in the Combobox, tooand also white text instead of black text, I wrote an action-script to customize my combobox (I gave it the instance name "splashesscroll").

splashesscroll.setStyleProperty("arrow", 0xFFFFFF);
splashesscroll.setStyleProperty("background", 0x000000);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Combo Box Making A Hint For Each Item - Placing An Event Listener Into The Function That Populates The Combo Box?

Mar 10, 2011

It might be something simple I'm doing wrong.I have an array populated by XML in a function by doing the following inside the function:

first_special.addItem({label: xmlMenuFile.item.headers[i],data:
xmlMenuFile.item.descriptions[i],data2: xmlMenuFile.item.hints[i]});

The problem I'm having is trying to figure out a way so that the "data2" will fill the text field "hint_txt" on ROLL_OVER of that items name in the list.I've tried to placing an event listener into the function that populates the combo box .this populates the combo box label and data with the Loaded XML File. This works

function changeHandler(ev:Event):void
menuText_mc.heading1_txt.text = ev.currentTarget.selectedItem.label;[code]......

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Populate Combo Box Values Using Another Combo Box Instance

Dec 21, 2005

I have two combo boxes. The first combo box's data is added through an XMLConnector object, the second combo box, I would like to populate through an on (change) event in the first combo box. The items in the second combo box would relate to the selection made in the first combo box.

I have attempted the following within the Actions for the first combo box:

on(change) {
switch(this.value) {
case "value1":
} // end switch
} // end event

which is not working.

should an event be dispatched by comboBox1 and a listener be attached to comboBox2? I can't find any examples of this on the internet.. but i might be using the wrong search terms.

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Flash Fonts - Text Fields' Fonts Replace To Default Fonts.some Text Gone Down

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Flash Detect Missing Embedded Fonts And/or Replace With Available Fonts?

Dec 22, 2010

Edited Short Version:The Adobe Flash docs list a property embedFonts on TextAreas:

A Boolean value that indicates whether the font specified in fontFamily is an embedded font. This style must be set to true if fontFamily refers to an embedded font. Otherwise, the embedded font is not used. If this style is set to true and fontFamily does not refer to an embedded font, no text is displayed. The default value is false. Regarding the "If this style is set to true and fontFamily does not refer to an embedded font, no text is displayed" statement: How can I detect in ActionScript when this scenario happens?

TL;DR Original Version: I have a flash application which loads external .swf files containing embedded fonts, so that these fonts can be used within the main application. We're accomplishing this by using the following ActionScript code on anything which uses custom fonts:


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Jul 21, 2010

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Feb 1, 2006

basically when you load the .swf it changed everytime u re-load it , i want it to keep on changing even when the user hasnt reloaded the image


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Combo Box Not Expanding?

Apr 20, 2006

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Action On A Combo Box?

May 20, 2009

I am new to Flash and I can find out how to make something happen when a selection is made in a combo box. All I want to do is go to the next frame when a selection is made, but I can't use on(release), because I keep getting "this is not a button" errors.

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Reset A Combo Box?

Nov 25, 2009

What script can reset a combobox ? After the user submitted the form all the information needs to go. I found how to do it for the field text and the checkboxes but not how to reset the combobox.

e.g. working;
txtfirst.text = "";
workshop1_box.selected = false;
combobox = ???

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Combo Box With Icons

May 14, 2009

Im looking to have a combobox dropdown with the name of an operating system along side its logo ie Image -> Red Hat 5 This is my code so far


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Link Combo Box To Different Frames?

Jan 12, 2010

I know how to link a combo box to url's but i need to be able to link the data to different frames in my project.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: No Text In Combo Box?

Jan 30, 2010

ok I am having an issue with a combo box being inside a MC.

when I click to have it show the list everything shows up fine. but when I select the item the combobox shows blank but the item is still showing as selected via actionscript checking it.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Create Combo Box From Another

Oct 27, 2009

I currently have a combo box in my movie. The selections are 1, 2, 3,  and 4. I would like to generate another X combo boxes of the same structure based on that number. I.e. Someone choose 2 in ComboBoxA. So 2 of ComboxB's are generated below that.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Data Into Combo Box?

Mar 16, 2010

I need to pass items through script. or taking from xml

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Combo Box Set Selection Can Not Appear

May 4, 2010

I have read several posting on this site and others.  I can't seem to find the right solution to get my combo box to work.  I am publishing for Flash player 10 and AS 2.  The final file will be imported into a Articulate/PPT file.
I am simulating a form that my audience needs to fill out.  For 2 text fields, I am using a combo box to allow them to select the proper input.  If they leave the form screen, I need to save their answers so they do not have to start from the beginning.  I am using global variables.
My problem occurs, when I try to populate the combo box using the audience's previously selected response.  I have tried using setSelectedIndex.  It works to the extent that the choice indicated highlights in the combo box, but the actual selection is not appearing in the text area.  Do I need to set Combobox.text = selection?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Compare Value Of Two Combo Box?

Sep 8, 2010

I've two Combo Box(cbFirst & cbSecond). I want to compare the value that has been selected by the user and based on the result, output is displayed. In both Combo Box I've provided the value.Here is my code:

var a:Number;var b:Number;
function First(evt:Event):void{  a =;  trace(a);  }cbFirst.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, First);


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