ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Program With Multiple Classes From Scratch?
Jan 19, 2010
Are there any tutorials available that will show me how to create a multiple class program from scratch? I have 2 classes working with a fla and when I add a 3rd class every object I create comes up as an error.1120: Access of undefined property.I'm very frustrated cause I can't figure what the problem is. I have just migrated to OOP so I'm relatively new at this.
I am attempting to use multiple AS3 timers to run a short animation in flash but I'm having a problem with some of the instances running slowly or not being removed when they are supposed to. I found a way to make things work the way I want but in being new to AS3 I believe my runtime issues are due to jumbled code.
I have created a file called, in it are getter and setter methods that define variables that I need to reference throughout my system.
I have obviously made a mistake as I tried to access a variable in two files as indicated in a demo below:
Code: package { import Config; public class TestOne {
It seems quite clear to me that I have created two instance of the Config class and that is why in class TestTwo the trace statement doesn't return "hello world". Is there a common coding practice to access the same variable with multiple classes?
I need to create a webcam chat which i intend to use in my website. It will allow two or more persons to video chat through their webcams.I want to develop the webcam chat from the scratch. I have no idea which software to use. I did a thorough search for this topic and alli got is adobe flash with some actionscript is required to build it.
I have started learning about flash about 3 years ago, I had a shot at making a small application for my boss' website and that went down well... but since this first feeling of flash, this technology has evolved rather quickly. I used to write my scripts in AS 2.0, now AS 3.0 has come with a bunch of new stuff like event listeners and such. I have tried to catch up for the past two weeks but I kind of lack some training on all the new stuff added to or changed in AS 3.0.
So to come to the problem, I have tried to make a pretty simple menu from scratch, I wanted it dynamic so I took advantage of reading data in an xml file. I have created buttons but figured that movie clips were actually more flexible so I went down this way and it kind of works except that when i click one of my buttons, the button_down state works once but not twice, it stays as the button_over state even if i click repeatedly. My script is quite ugly as I could not figure out how to loop the creation of my menu buttons from a single set of movie clips (one for the up state, one for the over state and one for the down/clicked state).
I want to create an online q-bank with questions pertaining to a specific medical board examination. This is similar to the way kaplan and other companies creates Q-banks for standardized exams. The reason: No banks exist for these board examinations
what tools would you use to create a Question bank that has the ability to sort questions by user settings, implement timers, keep track of overall performace, display explanations for each questions, and have the options for video explanations. Is ActionScript up to this task?
I'm trying to make an scratch lottery ticket in as3 by using the bitmapData class. The scratch function is working fine, but I want to add an function that is challenging. When 75% of the lottery ticket surface is scratched of I want to trigger an event.
My ActionScript Code: var toolsize = skraper_mc.width; var tooloffset = toolsize/2; var basepoint = new flash.geom.Point(0,0); var bitmap:Bitmap=new Bitmap(); [Code] .....
I'm laying out my code differently for my latest project. I am making a game, and I am keeping the Flash API stuff in a seperate class from the game logic.It's an aproach I've never tried before, and it's made me realize just how little I understand good OOP design.
what I'm trying to acomplish is this: the Game class contains the step by step program flow of the game. it makes calls to a GameUtils class and DrawEngine class, these other classes have the Flash API stuff in themSo what is the best way to get the game class to control the other 2?
a more specific issue comes up at step 3: do I have the game class progress without using a listener?I'm thinking of creating a method of the Game class that simply increments a step counter of a switch/case statement and keeping each step of my program flow in each case.
The examples I'll use don't do anything - they're classes without ANY members - no variables, methods, anything.
Let's say I extends Sprite and call it MySprite.
I save it in test.core
Now I create another custom class called MyWindow that extends MySprite.
I save it in
Then I create another class that extends MyWindows (the example I'll use is a document class - but that doesn't matter - I've tested using an instance too).
Notice that I'm not even trying to instantiate the helper classes - just having them there throws the error.
If there is only a single helper class, everything runs fine.
Also note that - as far as I can tell - this only happens when extending one class from another package, then extending that class with more than one helper object.I'm pretty sure there's no namespace bumps or typographical errors, as this is a very pared-down version of the original application.
EDIT: seems the problem exists even without the crossing packages - even extending MySprite in the document class with multiple internal classes generates this error.
I am creating a video program in Flash CS4 with AS3. I have a main video FLVPlayer and small FLVPlayers at the bottom(click on the small video to view in main video)... simple What I would like to do is, instead of loading the whole movie in each small FLVPlayer, I would like to load the first frame and stop loading (kinda like a first frame screen shot). Is there any way that I can start the loading process and then stop after the first frame is loaded?
Creating a paint like program in Flash. I have it so the mouse is replaced with a brush and when the brush is over the toolbar, the brush goes back to the mouse. It works until you start to paint.
Code: var currentDepth:Number = 0; var startDrawing:Boolean = false; var brushSelect:Boolean = true;
Anyways, I started playing with flash applications a while back, and had a folder on my desktop to keep all the finished ones in, and eventually windows deemed it a default flash folder. I used to run the apps in SWF max, until I finally got flash to load them up in the player again, so I uninstalled that. I also went ahead last night to tidy up my files, and among that, I moved the folder with my flash games from my desktop to a sub folder in my documents. Now however, when I log back into the computer after a reboot, a folder called "Flash Games" (the name of the folder I kept them in) keeps creating itself. The only contents is its Desktop.ini file, the contents of which are:
[.ShellClassInfo] IconFile=C:Program FilesSWF.maxSWF.max.exe IconIndex=4 InfoTip=My Flash Folder: Your default folder with flash movies
So ultimately, I figured well it wasn't windows deeming it the default flash, but that silly program I'd already removed. (There are no traces of it in my program files anymore either) I have not as yet went through both registry and the rest of the computer to remove those traces yet, but I doubt there will be many, it was a portable program.
I am creating as2 programs in Flash Develop Editor and compling that .as2 file in MTASC compiler, I am not using the FLASH IDE , I want to write a pure AS2 program that should contain any of form elements link Input Box,Label ( we import controls mx.controls.* in Flash IDE) . I struggling a lot in importing graphice controls in AS2 program without the .fla file library, Is it possible to write graphics program and compile in MTASC Complier
i would like to produce a online windows 2003 emulator so anyone can use windows 2003 through a browser instead of installing the software - something similar to temulator [url]......- and zen internet emulator[url]...... - i have basic html & css skills can it be done using html/css or is it better to use java/flash etc ,i am thinking of just using screenshots and then linking them together , but its very time conusming to do. what is the best programming language and BEST approach?
As far as I can tell, it's convinced that I'm trying to use the load() method from the scrollpane class (that's where the context help takes me). How do I specify that I want to use the loader class method?
How to create multiple processes in Adobe Air program? Docs? Tuts? Algorithms? (for ex I have some design logic and some services client logic i want to run them in separate processes) (Air 2.0 is ok for me)
I am creating a project that will have 28 different "link" actions to appropriate flv clips that will then play in the center of my program/project. I am starting to realize that in Flash CS4 you can only import one flv clip at a time. How can I bring in multiple flv clips? I have started to create seperate layers for all the possible flv clips then I have created buttons out of my text and then provided script that would look for the mouse event of "click" that would then send the user to a lable that I have named on an "action/lable" layer thus playing the appropriate layer or flv clip.
I want to create a flash program that tracks mouse and keyboard biometrics such as mouse movement speed, click rate, length of keystrokes and so forth. How can I ensure that if a user duplicates his/her actions across multiple machines with varying processor speeds I will record the same data?
I'm new to flash, as3 and this forum so any help would be great!I've made an xml gallery, all the movieclips and everything have been created dynamically and the images are being loaded through an xml file. Except two buttons which are in the library and have the linkage names next_btn and prev_btn.
Now what I want to do is, I have 3 categories of galleries, so I want to convert my script into a class which I can use for every type of gallery. (I hope I'm being clear)When the user clicks on gallery, a the function startGallery() is called.
I need to know how to go about it I'm pretty much clueless, I've read a WHOLE LOT of tutorials about classes but I really can't understand how to do this.
I'm new to AS3. Learning how to create classes. Is comp = new HouseObjects creating a new class? Is comp creating an instance of the HouseObjects? I realize that this is inside public class TreeHouse. I'm thinking that HouseObjects, how I set it up is not a class...not sure what the correct way to set up classes and properties.
Also I noticed, that when I tried to link another movieclip using the same linkage name HouseObjects--it asked to enter a unique class. I'm trying to create multiple instances from the same class called HouseObjects.
I know this is possible because I've seen it done somewhere or other but I have no idea what it is called. Quite simply, I want to create some dynamic classes without having external .as files for each one - I just want to declare them inside a function in my doc class.
I am trying to load the movie clips in my library one by one, using a for look and tween them but it seems as i am getting an error Stuff in my Library
I've always wrote all my code into the .fla and now I'm trying to use classes more. I have my file loading the document class. Then the document class imports two additional classes. In my constructor of the document class I am creating a new instance of both additional classes. Here is my doc class:
Now inside of the other two classes I should be able to just use main_class.myFunc(); Correct? Why isn't is working? How can I interact classes? If I create a new instance to the class I want to access then I get a stack over flow error. Inside remoting class in the constructor my code; main_class = new CheckoutMain(); main_class.myFunc();
I'm making a game which loads map .swfs at runtime. The maps will contain graphics and code, which can both vary from map to map. I've decided to make all the maps implement an interface, so they can all be used in the same way by the game. I'm using a .swc to contain the interface, like in this page.
I can get classes to work in the .swc, but not interfaces!
I'm using Flash cs5, and flashdevelop for editing, in AS3. Here's how I've been doing it:
1- create map.fla with a symbol called Map, and a
I am starting to create classes instead of using the timeline and I am learning a lot more even if mistakes happen more often. However I have a question about linkage & library. For example let say that I have a ball pic called Ball1.mpg. I copy and past that Ball1.mpg in my folder where the Fla file is as well as the as file. If I want to utilize this Ball1.mpg in my code using Flash do I absolutely need to import into my library and link it and export using linkage? Or can I use the object Ball.1mpg just using actionscript. Of course that implies that I would use an actionscript class not the timeline.
I've been trying out small snippets of code just to practice with and get comfortable with making classes and small games.Right now I am trying to make a simple combat with Orks. Where there is a Parent Class ORK with several ORK children classes like SentryOrk, MetalOrk, etc.
The Ork class basically puts in the many stats used by the ork such as health, strength, vitality, special, luck, etc. And then the children classes modify those like Sentry Ork will have less health and more luck.I did all that fine, but the problem I have is I want there to be multiple Sentry Orks out with their own defined stats.Right now whenever I do initiate the attack one out of three orks on the screen, they all share the same health.I know what the problem is, I just don't know how to go about dynamically making each class their own?Do I have to make a whole other class to bring them onto the stage with their stats like create a new class that handles all ENEMY POP UPS? I don't see how to do that either?:
I have a designer who has created a set of movie clips that I want to create instances of using ActionScript, but all I have is the name of the MovieClip as it's stated in the library (not the instance name).
Is there any way to create instances of the MovieClips using just their name? Or do I have to create separate classes for each?