ActionScript 3.0 :: Display The Vertical Scrollbar In An .fla That Is Taller Than The Browser Window?
May 9, 2011
How can I display the vertical scrollbar in an .fla that is taller than the browser window?'ve created a file that loads thumbs from an .XML file and displays them in rows. You guys taught me how to do that and it works greatThe stage will be larger than a typical browser window and extends below the botom of the users' screen. When I test the file (in the environment) and when I publish it to HTML, no vertical scroll buttons are visible. The thumbs seem to be displayed properly except for the fact that the rows of thumbs go beyond the bottom of the screen and there is no way to scroll down to see all of them.When I publish just the .fla and manually embed it into an HTML page in Dreamweaver, the vertical scrollbar appears and works as expected.
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onClipEvent (load) {
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scrolling = function () {
var scrollWidth:Number = scrollTrack._Width;
var contentWidth:Number = contentMain._Width;
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// IN Parent MC
stop()var AudCh:SoundChannelvar AudFile:Stringvar Audio:Soundvar AudPos:Numbervar CRF_Array = new Array()var Domain:Stringvar [code]....
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1. Next to begin
2. Matching Source Document = "The CRF is the source document"
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4. Next to continue ..
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