ActionScript 3.0 :: Enable Sprites To Resize When Stage Is Resized

Aug 5, 2010

This code creates a two arbitrary sprites, box and circle, and puts them on the stage. The circle is the child of the box.The purpose of the code is to enable the sprites to resize when the stage is resized. But the sprites only change size when the stage is smaller than their original size. When the stage is big enough, the sprites don't get any bigger than their original size. Throughout, they maintain their proportions.[code]

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""


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Feb 11, 2011

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I am pretty positive that the results I am looking for can be done through embedding the font, though I have not been able to come up with a solution from online. I am trying to do this with a CSS style since I will be using it for many different components (I dont just want to change it in the flex code directly).

EDIT Solution:

I attempted to use the ratio as www0z0k had suggested but it caused some serious issues when it was re-sized quickly or to a small screen (the component would not re-size correctly because it was multiplying by the ratio. What finally seems to have worked for me and caused no issues was that I ran the code and found the width (1152) and height (842) of the container.

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(where bottomGroup is the id of the borderContainer I am trying to resize)

bottomGroup.scaleX = width / widthX;;
bottomGroup.scaleY = height / heightY;


So far I have found some examples of embedding fonts in the <fx:Style> and attempted to remove any delaration of fontSize but that doesn't seem to work.

@namespace s "library://";
@font-face {


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IDE :: Script To Work Regardless Whether Stage Is Resized?

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2 - Now I've decided to make the Flash more into a widescreen format, like 800x400. I went to stage properties and changed the dimensions.

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4 - As a test, I tried scaling a lot higher past my original dimensions (like 1000x1000), and also scaling a lot lower (like 50x50). It seems like regardless of how much or little of the stage is revealed with a resize, Flash is complaining and the movie will only work with the original dimensions (500x440) that I've put 100 hours of work into.Anyhow I was kind of hoping to see good resize/crop/trim/canvas features in CS4. Seems like a no-brainer needed feature.

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Flash :: Removing Sprites From Stage

Sep 19, 2010

i created 5 pages, each of which contains several movie clips (text, graphics, forms, etc). There is one specific page however that contains autogenerated content via. sprites. If i happen to land on this page, the sprites will appear, but when i transition to another page, they are still there except for the non-sprite stuff (disappear). Im ripping my hair out on this one, i managed to get a few of the sprites to remove but some are still appearing. Below shows the layout of the one thats not being removed;


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function Main() {
var newBordText:GoldBordText0 = new GoldBordText0();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adjusting Columns And Rows On Stage Resize, According To Stage.width?

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Stage.align = "TL";
var numberOfGalleries:Number = 20;
var thumbMarginX:Number = 163;
var thumbMarginY:Number = 109;


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Actionscript 3 :: Android - Attach Mouse Event Listeners To The Stage Or To Individual Sprites?

Aug 16, 2011

In AS3 on Android is it bad from a performance perspective to attach mouse event listeners to individual sprites rather than to the stage? I am writing an app for an Android phone using AS3 in Flash Builder. The app has multiple screens that respond to user touch. The screens are arranged in a hierarchy and show list data so that when you click on an item in a list you are presented with a new screen with a new sub list on it.

I have been using an event listener to detect mouse / touch input and based on something I read that indicated that performance is much better if you keep the number of objects you are listening to to a minimum I have attached the mouse listeners from each screen to the stage object.

This all works fine but I am finding that as I move between screens (and they get popped or pushed onto the dislay stack) I have to keep track of alot of adding and removing listeners to the stage object. If I don't then windows higher up the hierarchy than the current screen keep receiving mouse events.

If I used listeners attached to sprites in each window then when the window was removed from the display even though it is kept in memory (ready to be popped back when a child window is closed) it won't receive any mouse events....

Performance doesn't seem to be impacted using listeners directly on sprites when using my HTC phone to test with, however I obviously don't know what it will be like on other phones. Does anyone have any experience either way or a view on the best approach?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Get Stage Resize Listener To Resize Movieclips In "main" Swf

Sep 9, 2009

I've got a large bitmap (1920 x1306) that my client wants as a bg image, scaled to the swf size on load (930 x 575); but that can "grow" up to its original size if/when a user expands the browser window. All the rest of clips in the display list are to remain in place (except for a copyright clip, which they want to always be 14 pix above the bottom of the browser frame. I've tried loading the bitmap dynamically at full size and then using scaleX,scaleY to set it's initial smaller (930x575) size, and I've tried just setting the height/width of the dynamically loaded image using the math of scaleX,ScaleY just in case the scaleX "transformed" the bitmap so that it couldn't return to its original size.  Both make the bitmap the right size. But the resize function below did  nothing to it, (or the copyright.y.) THEN I tried just putting the bitmap into the display list (both sizing methods work here, too). But even as an original member of the compiled display list, the resize event is still not reaching the target. Everything I've seen on the web says this should work - luck.
Here's the AS3 code in the 1st frame of my swf:
import flash.display.Stage;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;


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AS2 :: IDE - Stage.width Listener - Trace The Results Of Listener When The Browser Is Resized

Apr 13, 2009

Line 1 Frame 1:


I am trying to trace the results of my listener when the browser is avail. Are you able to see what I am doing wrong?

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Resize And Stage.stageHeight?

Jun 20, 2010

I have two problems. 1) the page still will not resize properly until the window is resized. I assume I have the code wrong somehow.

2) I changed the height of my menu object to stage.stageHeight, but its now coming up squished and only about 30% of the actual height of the stage. I am not sure what I did as it seemed to be working before, but I cant seem to fix it.

stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, stageresizeListener);


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Resize Everything On Stage In All Frames?

Nov 18, 2009

Is it possible to resize everything on the stage in one (or a few) step? I know scaling the movie has the same result, but when working in Flash it's a lot easier when you see the actual size.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resize Mc To Stage?

Aug 14, 2008

I've been working on my web site. Its 1024x768px and i run it fullscreen.I come up with an idea and i added a 1024x768px to the top (new frame) as a intro like action.When i try to resize it to stage it will really mess up my whole pageAnd also cause of resize my movieclip stretched and looking terrible

var xy:Tween = new Tween(asdasd, "_x", Strong.easeInOut, 0, -1024, 2, true);


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IDE :: Not To Resize Part Of The Stage?

May 15, 2009

They show their work as the page�s background which can be resize with the browser window, but their navigation always stays the same.I know how to achieve the resizing effect, but it resizes the whole stage including navigation.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Resize Stage Dynamically

Jan 31, 2010

The stage is set to 955x465 at 1st frame but once load external movie clip in 2nd frame the stage is set to 955x855 size, is it possible to do it?

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Actionscript 3 - Resize The Flash Stage?

Feb 6, 2010

I created a game but I made the game a little too big. It would be alot of hard work to shrink all the objects in the game and resize the stage using the properties. I notice that in debug mode the whole screen can shrink when you adjust the window. Is there some code I can use to this on it's own? and will it be costly on performance ?

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