Flash :: Removing Sprites From Stage

Sep 19, 2010

i created 5 pages, each of which contains several movie clips (text, graphics, forms, etc). There is one specific page however that contains autogenerated content via. sprites. If i happen to land on this page, the sprites will appear, but when i transition to another page, they are still there except for the non-sprite stuff (disappear). Im ripping my hair out on this one, i managed to get a few of the sprites to remove but some are still appearing. Below shows the layout of the one thats not being removed;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing All Filters From Sprites?

Apr 27, 2009

I'm making a picture gallery. I have a thumbnail container, which contains a mask and a dynamically generated mc called "thumbnail_mc". Thumbnail_mc contains all the sprites of the thumbnails.When I click on a thumbnail, the thumbnail get's a glow filter added to it. Now, I want to remove all filters on all the other sprites before I apply that filter to the Sprite.

This is what I'm trying to do:


thumbnail_mc.children.filters = [];

How do I do that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing The Nested Sprites?

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I'm having two problems. First off I'm trying to remove container0 on roll out, but I can't remove it from the outView function because it doesn't recognize it.
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var container0:Sprite;
var loader0:Loader;
var boolean0:Boolean = false;


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Optimization :: Increasing Flash Performance When So Many Sprites On Stage

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I have a problem with this code:[code]There are two overlapping objects on my stage: character_mc and vanish_mc. As soon as i start the scene [Ctrl+Enter] vanish_mc is VISUALLY removed. But the code still sees a collision somehow. How can i Entirely remove the object vanish_mc?

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Flash :: Removing FLV SeekBar Component From Stage In SWF?

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I have an AS2 swf that loads FLV videos into a FLVPlayback component and attaches a seekBar component. When the video stops I unload the seek bar from the screen and set the FLVPlayback.seekBar = null. When another video is to be played I set up the seek bar again by attaching the seekBar component to the stage and assigning FLVPlayback.seekBar = newSeekBarInstance.


What Im noticing is that sometimes the seek bar is removed from the screen and sometimes it isnt? I cant seem to notice any pattern here. Has anyone had similar problems? Do I need to force garbage collection?

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Flash : Removing Movieclips Of An Array From The Stage?

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I've tried several variations of this with either the same result or an error. Also, what is the zero in hard brackets for? I haven't seen that in many tutorials/explanations, but when I take it out, I get all kinds of errors.

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I have a timmer on the Main Stage, I want to Call Multiple Sprites to stage, in order, one after the other, and remove them when the Tweens Inside them are complete. The the first two Sprite's containing sample text do display, yet the third does not.

I need to call many sprites to the stage. But I need them to display and then remove from stage.

function Main() {
var newBordText:GoldBordText0 = new GoldBordText0();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Sprites From Container And Onto Stage?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Enable Sprites To Resize When Stage Is Resized

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Aug 16, 2011

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I have been using an event listener to detect mouse / touch input and based on something I read that indicated that performance is much better if you keep the number of objects you are listening to to a minimum I have attached the mouse listeners from each screen to the stage object.

This all works fine but I am finding that as I move between screens (and they get popped or pushed onto the dislay stack) I have to keep track of alot of adding and removing listeners to the stage object. If I don't then windows higher up the hierarchy than the current screen keep receiving mouse events.

If I used listeners attached to sprites in each window then when the window was removed from the display even though it is kept in memory (ready to be popped back when a child window is closed) it won't receive any mouse events....

Performance doesn't seem to be impacted using listeners directly on sprites when using my HTC phone to test with, however I obviously don't know what it will be like on other phones. Does anyone have any experience either way or a view on the best approach?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Flv From The Stage?

Dec 15, 2009

I have a main. fla with navigation btns activated by GoToFrame actions. Some btns load content and some use the UI loader component.

I have one btn that calls a UI loader "loaderVideoGallery" which loads an external .swf inside that .swf is an flv player "flvPlayer".

This also works fine except after that button is selected and that swf is on stage no matter what button you call next the video stream from the flv does not stop, it continues to play.

The UI loader removes itself as you can see the other loaders come up on button presses but the video's audio still plays.

the UI Loader instance is "loaderVideoGallery" and the .flv player inside the external .swf is flvPlayer

I was told to use

MovieClip(loaderVideoGallery.content).flvPlayer.st op()

I would think that the logical place to put this code would be inside the btns where the EventListeners are, is that correct?

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IDE :: Removing Children From Stage

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Everything From Stage?

May 10, 2011

I wanna remove everything from stage if i click on an image. Well it ain't that hard but there is one problem. I want to leave albumbg on stage but it's a child of bg and if i removeChild(bg) it will remove all the childs of bg so also albumbg. The problem now is, if i set the albumbg to addChild(albumbg) it won't show up.

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Something From The Stage?

Oct 8, 2011

I am making a little drag and drop game where you click on a movieclip, which acts as a button. When the moviclip/button is clicked a duplicate of that same movieclip, only larger, is added to the stage. You then drag and drop it in a designated area on the stage.

I have that part of the code working fine. What I need is a reset button that removes the larger movieclip that was dragged. I am not sure how to do this.Below is my code that is working fine. In the code I am the movieclip instance is named "myMC" and its class is "MyMC".

myMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, moveMC);
function moveMC(e:MouseEvent){
var newMC:MyMC = new MyMC();


I tried removeChild for (myMC); and that removed everything. I only want to remove the second larger duplicate movieclip "newMC".

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Streams From The Stage?

Mar 10, 2010

I have a main timeline which loads swfs in certain frames. It all works great except when I select one of the swfs that has a flv video inside. When I try to select any other frame the swf unloads but the audio stream remains.

Here is what I have

var Xpos:Number = 0;
var Ypos:Number = 0;
var swf:MovieClip;


I will have 3 more swfs with videos inside which I did not add yet as I need to get this sorted first.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing A Video From Stage?

Jul 30, 2010

So I have a 5 page website, on the home page when I opens you see a video and it automatically plays. When you click to a different page though you can still hear the sound in the background. The video has an instance name of video, I tried using video.stop(); in the code for each button and it works but then it doesn't allow me to navigate when it isn't away from the home page.Here is the code I have for one of my buttons (it's the same for the others with different names though):

home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoFrame);
function gotoFrame(e:MouseEvent):void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing A Mc From The Stage And Adding A New Mc?

Jun 30, 2009

I am pretty new to actionscript 3. I want to remove the movieclip on the stage and add a new movieclip but the button is within the currently running movieclip that I want removed. I am trying this function

homeArtist_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, newArtist);
function newArtist(e:MouseEvent):void{ removeChild(homeAni_mc); addChild(artistAni_mc);}
I get these errors


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing UI Loader From The Stage?

Dec 14, 2009

I have 5 GoToframe activated UI loaders that appear on stage when a btn is clicked. All work fine except when either video galleries are clicked (there are two) . After the video gallery appears on stage any button clicked after that adds the next UI loader but the video gallery remains playing.

Do I use a removeEventListener?
Do I use on all buttons?
Create separate functions?
here is the code to one of the galleries
btnGallImg.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, vgall2);
function vgall2(evt:Event):void {

View 6 Replies

ActionScript 1/2 :: Removing MovieClip Placed On Stage?

Dec 21, 2011

I placed a movieclip on the stage, what functions are there to remove it?
Only seems to work on MCs which have been attached to the stage E.g.
The _visible property keeps the movieclip there just keeps it invisible. What completely removes it? It is called tankCPU.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Completely Removing Something From Stage?

Mar 5, 2012

I made a game where you have a bunch of enemies coming at you from the top of the screen and you move your mouse to avoid them but now i am trying to add a shooting ability and I tried using the code

if (shipenimy.hitTestObject(bullet)){
  }else {   }

but when this happens it removes the child from being displayed but even though it is not displayed if you go to where it would be it still counts it as a collision and will end the game even though the child has been removed and I need to find a way to completely remove it so that there is not a chance of running into it after you have shot it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing MovieClip Placed On Stage?

Jan 28, 2009

In my .fla file, I have a MovieClip (we'll call it Clip1) linked to a corresponding class defined in a separate .as file.There's a case where I want to create a new MovieClip (Clip2) where Clip1 is, then remove Clip1. This case is dealt with by a function in Clip1's class.So, when I get to removing I do:ActionScript Code:this.parent.removeChild(this)Now, if the DocumentClass created Clip1 and placed it on the screen, this goes fine. But if Clip1 was placed on the stage in the .fla file (by dragging and dropping), it looks like Clip1 is not removed. I think it does get removed, but for some reason it gets recreated. This is the problem.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing A Movieclip Off The Stage?

Nov 30, 2009

i am having trouble with removing a movieclip off the stage, i am using removechild but i get an error:

ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
at flash.display:isplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
at agptest_fla::MainTimeline/removeArrow()

here is my script

ActionScript Code:
var aLeft:MovieClip = new arrowLeft();
var n1:Number = 0;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing An Array From The Stage?

Dec 7, 2009

i added a bunch off object to the stage. The objects were added through an array. Now i want to remove all of them but i dont really know how to do this. removeChild(array[i]) doesnt work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Images From The Stage

Jun 11, 2010

i've made an array and assigned 40 images. then i added them randomly to the stage. now i don't know how i can remove them from the stage.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Removing .flv Streams From The Stage?

Mar 5, 2010

I have a main timeline that has labels for different pages. On certain labels I have swfs loading using the UI loader with each swf removing itself while another appears. In some swfs I have .flvs called the same way and my problem is when an swf containing an flv is called the flv plays fine but soon as I select another frame the stream remains. How do I remove the stream so the next frame can play by itself?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing E.target From Stage?

Jun 10, 2009

I've got a project with a bunch of stuff floating around the screen (enter_frame moves them all around). I instantiate them with one function, and I want to have them removed in a separate function (all timeline code, no .as files). I want them to remove themselves after floating 500 px off screen. Here are the two I've tried:

for (var i:int = 0; i < this.numChildren - 1; i++)
if ((getChildAt(i).x < -500 ||


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing A Video From The Stage?

Jul 30, 2010

So I have a 5 page website, on the home page when I opens you see a video and it automatically plays. When you click to a different page though you can still hear the sound in the background. The video has an instance name of video, I tried using video.stop(); in the code for each button and it works but then it doesn't allow me to navigate when it isn't away from the home page.Here is the code I have for one of my buttons (it's the same for the others with different names though):

home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoFrame);

function gotoFrame(e:MouseEvent):void
if(e.target.name == "home_btn")[code]....

Do I have to use an else statement or another if statement?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing MovieClip On Leaving Stage?

May 26, 2010

I'm trying a shooting game from an incomplete tutorial online. I'm trying to finish it off myself and hopefully learning more in the process but straight away I've hit a brick wall.The stage is 900 x 350. Bullets are fired from a turret near the center of the screen and will travel and eventually leave the stage at some point. I want to remove the bullet from memory and the display list once it has left the stage and can no longer be seen.I'm using a conditional if statement to check the x and y position of the movieclip, and if it outside the width or height of the stage then I want to remove it completely.

PHP Code:
stop();var angle:Number=0;var radiansToDegrees:Number=180/Math.PI;var degreesToRadians:Number=Math.PI/180;var currentTurretRotation:Number;var


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