ActionScript 3.0 :: Error When Adding Flash To Html?
Feb 20, 2009
i'm trying to add a music player that i created in CS3 w/ AS3 to an html page, also created in CS3, DW, using XHTML 1.0 Transitionalthe player works just fine when i test it in flash but then when i try to view it through the html page i get this error ::
Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error.
at player_fla::MainTimeline/loadSong()
at player_fla::MainTimeline/player_fla::frame1()
I currently have an HTML website but add some music.The specific type of music player I want looks a lot like this:[URL]It seems that it is flash I can find the proper code and steps in adding this to my current HTML based website? Is it even possible since my site is not a flash site?I adore this music player but I'm not sure how it would work and where I can find the proper information on either downloading it or coding it into my website.
I have to add GA code to a site for a client. As I search the web I see this can easily turn into a nightmare as there is no set answer for this question as all answers do not show anything but just tell that the GA code needs to be before the end of the body tag. But I need to double check this as I set all my Flash files the following way
main.swf sits inside an html page
do I still add the GA code to the bottom of the page just before the< /body> ?????
In my flash, I created a transparent button in the first frame in the uppermost layer and in the timeline it spanned the entire flash. I'm running CS4 AS 2.0 and flash player 10 When I right click the button and add the code in actions on (release) { if (clickTAG.substr(0,5) == "http:") { getURL(clickTAG, "_blank"); } } and I try to export, I get a compiler error: Mouse Events Are Permitted Only For Button Instances.
Is it possible to add code (...html or php?) to an html link (i.e the link will be featured in an html website) that passes a variable into the flash site it links to (just something simple like '_root.pageChoice = "home3" '? So when the site opens the swf turns to a certain page?This will be necessary as there will be links to the site from different html sites and each will need to see a different version of a certain page.
In my flash, I created a transparent button in the first frame in the uppermost layer and in the timeline it spanned the entire flash.I'm running CS4 AS 2.0 and flash player 10When I right click the button and add the code
on (release) { if (clickTAG.substr(0,5) == "http:") { getURL(clickTAG, "_blank");
ERROR 1046: Type was not found or was not compile-time constant:textline. I have nested my animation into a movie clip and have tried to use a pre-loader on it. The nested movie clip opening screen as a button on and the second screen as back and forward buttons. The movie clip works fine no problem until adding it to the pre-loader. The code for the pre-loader is (below) on frame 1 frame 2 to is tells it to stop and also were my nested movie clip is
function loadProgress(my_content:ProgressEvent):void { var percent:Number = Math.floor( (my_content.bytesLoaded*100)/my_content.bytesTotal); myLoadText.text = percent + "%"; } function loadComplete(e:Event):void { currentFrame + 1; } loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loadProgress); loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadComplete);
I'm trying to add a preloader to my flash movie so the user doesn't have to wait for additional frames to load while they are navigating. When I try to shift my current frames over by 2 frames to make room for the preloader I get this error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at APIVisionDigitalRecall_fla::MainTimeline/frame3()[APIVisionDigitalRecall_fla.MainTimeline::frame3:20] at flash.display::Sprite/constructChildren() at flash.display::Sprite() at flash.display::MovieClip() at navBar()
Everything works fine before I shift the frames by 2, so I don't understand why I'm getting a complier error abut an object not existing. What to do to add a pre-loader to my existing movie without moving everything over by two frames?
I was planning on putting this code on frame 1: ActionScript Code: var kbtotal:Number=stage.loaderInfo.bytesTotal/1024; var kbloaded:Number=stage.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded/1024; var percent:Number= Math.round(kbloaded/kbtotal*100) loader.gotoAndStop(Math.floor((precent/100)*100)); loader.loadingStatus.text=Math.round(kbloaded) + " lb / " + Math.round(kbtotal) + "kb";
This code on frame 2: ActionScript Code: if (kbloaded == kbtotal){ gotoAndPlay("Main"); } else{ gotoAndPlay("Load"); }
I was thinking of adding frame on top of my home poage to give users better navigation with a meun on top.But how do you make when you press the button in flash the hyperlink will make the frame at the bottom or specific frame page to change?
I have a swf that I have created that make a few HTML posts. When I run and compile the swf locally, it successfully makes posts to my php code hosted on my domain. However when I then upload my swf to my domain, and then alter the embed tag to have a fully qualified path to my hosted swf, the swf will load correctly but it will make any HTML posts to my PHP scripts. The reason that I have an an embed tag with the fully qualified url in it, is that my goal here is to be able to place the html embed code on a number of different sites.
I have it working on a single remote site, and it has a wild card crossdomain.xml file in it. However when I try to apply a crossdomain.xml to any of the hosted sites, or to my computer locally nothing runs when the I use the embed with the fully qualified URL, if I just the locally hosted swf on my computer the HTML post work just fine. I feel this is related to the crossdomain.xml file, however I guess I'm not understanding some aspect of the security model.
When I embed the flash into HTML I get an error saying: "This page required AC_RunActiveContents.js" What is this supposed to mean? It works fine when its not inside HTML.
I've got a strange problem running some test files.If i make a form in HTML to upload a file and then send it using PHP that's not a problem.The strange thing is. If i do it in flash with practically the same code, then i get an HTML error 500.Backend php scipt used my basic html upload form:
I have been given an .swf file that needs to be added to an HTML page - no problem. That file then needs to link to another site. Is this something that needs to be added to the file before it is loaded onto a website?
I've seen the following code provided in other threads, but either it is meant to be used when creating the file, or I'm not using it correctly when I try adding it to my .asp page.
on (release) { getURL ("<URL here>", "_blank"); }
If I'm not trying to do something impossible, edit the code below to make this file link:
When i use html in my xml it seems that as3 add the html text hidden to the textfield causing an y moving because of the html. How can i do to use html in xml without adding it to the textfield?
i have followed a tutorial to build a flash craousel and have had no problems in building that. i wanted to add a html link to a section of the carousel but everything i have tried up to now has failed. All the information is passed through to the carousel from an xml file and everything works fine except for the link.
i have slightly modified the tutorial so i have an extra box on the information page which holds the web address for the site they are looking at in the portfolio. i have the address showing up but i cannot use the text as a link. the box that i am putting it in is a dynamic text box which has been set up with the following settings
Here is my code for buttons(working)is there a way to add links to html pages to the buttons.// Catalogue Bottom Button//stop();//hide button on the stage
catBtmBut.visible = false; var catBtmmenu_label:Array = new Array("Visit: The Grange Kitchen","Visit: The Bergerie","Visit: Badens ");var catBtmtotal:Number = catBtmmenu_label.length;var catBtmpage:Number;var catBtmmain_menu:MovieClip = new MovieClip();catBtmmain_menu.x = 35;catBtmmain_menu.y = 231;stage.addChild(catBtmmain_menu);for (var catBtmi:int = 0; catBtmi < catBtmtotal; catBtmi++){ var
Possible Duplicate:Why Embeded html file doesnt run on ubuntu system wrote code like this to add swf file to html content. it is working good in all browsers(windows,mac) but not in ubuntu browsers why?
I absolutely love the carousel however in the item description I would like to have html links. I have tried the following: FLASH: theText.html = true; <<< i added this to the main AS code import mx.utils.Delegate; ETC.....
XML: <icon image="icon1.png" tooltip="LimeWire" content="LimeWire is a peer-to-peer file sharing client for the Gnutella network. It is free software released under the GNU General Public License. Limewire was the first file sharing program Java installed <a href="[URL]">orchard</a>."/> I also just added the standard html link into the xml. However all that loads is the background content, the main carousel refuses to load.
I been making a histroy frame (similar to the one above) where people can see where they were on the site before they came to the new section of the site. I have successfully done this using html text and ASFunction and it works perfectly. The problem is when I add a new html link into the textfield the new entry goes to a second line. I wanted it to appear in one lineie. home > tutorials > easin menu...the script i used to add are as follows:
I took a .flv and placed it in a .swf in Flash Professional CS5 (for smoother playback on my website), and I used Dreamweaver to embed the .swf on one of my webpages. The video plays back fine, but there are no playback controls. In Dreamweaver, I set "PLAY" and "LOOP" to false, so in order to play my video, I have to right-click it and press "Play." That seems odd and possibly confusing/inconvenient for anyone viewing my website (particular potential employers, because this is my online portfolio). how to add playback controls? I don't want to use any external players (like Flowplayer), as I am trying hard to avoid watermarks and having to pay for anything extra.
Interesting note: when I used Dreamweaver to insert the .flv, I had the option to select from a list of playback controls. However, the .flv did not play smoothly on my website, and I found the solution to place the .flv in an .swf for nicer playback.
I am attempting to add google analytics tracking to an Adobe Air app created with HTML and javascript.I have tried adding the ga.js file and using it like I would in a webpage:
But this doesn't seem to register anything on the analytics dashboard.Have also tried using the GA for flash actionscript library but I can't seem to create an instance of the GATracker as it needs a DisplayObject?
EDIT :using the information from grapefrukt I tried the following:
air.Sprite = window.runtime.flash.display.Sprite; air.GATracker =; var tracker = new air.GATracker( new air.Sprite(), "UA-XXXXXXX-X", "AS3", false );
but I get the following error:TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference
For some reason, when I import my external html to my page, I'm getting extra line breaks. Even if I don't use a <br> in the line, but do a hard return, I'm getting a line break. So that's weird too. As well, it doesn't do the bold (which may be an embedding issue, as I'm using a nonstandard font. I've got the normal font embedded. of coruse, the italics works, which is weird.). What am I doing wrong?I don't think it does anything, but I've set the textbox to "render as HTML," if that effects anything.
My AS code: ActionScript Code: dynamic_txt.visible = false;
So I'm getting a memory error when I try adding a keyframe to a rather large flash file that says "Not enough memory available" but I know I have plenty.
I'm running a 3.0ghz Quad core with 8GB of ram and about 100 gigs of HD space free on every drive (save the one where flash is installed, it has 16gb).
I've increased my virtual memory to 4096 - 8192 on my C drive and to 2048-4096 on the drive flash is installed to so it shouldn't be a page file issue either.
I know what a #1009 is and typically it's some bit of code that's referencing an object that has not been instantiated yet. I'm receiving this error:
Code: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at envelope_1069_fla::MainTimeline/__setTab_first5_Main_interface_2() at envelope_1069_fla::MainTimeline/frame3()
Everything works 100% perfectly until I've added a new scene to the movie and placed it before the scene that throws this error. setTab has something to do with the tab order, so when I removed that it just jumps to another component and throws the same error. Text inputs and buttons. I can't seem to wrap my head around why this error keeps cropping up because the changes I make to get this error should not affect what it is. The scene added was a preloader, the movie does not progress to this scene unless the movie is completely loaded.The errors are being given for frame 3, there are components that are fully functional and similar in frame 1.