Flash - Preloader Giving Error When Adding Nested MovieClip

Mar 5, 2012

ERROR 1046: Type was not found or was not compile-time constant:textline.
I have nested my animation into a movie clip and have tried to use a pre-loader on it. The nested movie clip opening screen as a button on and the second screen as back and forward buttons. The movie clip works fine no problem until adding it to the pre-loader. The code for the pre-loader is (below) on frame 1 frame 2 to is tells it to stop and also were my nested movie clip is

function loadProgress(my_content:ProgressEvent):void {
var percent:Number = Math.floor( (my_content.bytesLoaded*100)/my_content.bytesTotal);
myLoadText.text = percent + "%";
} function loadComplete(e:Event):void {
currentFrame + 1;
} loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loadProgress);
loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadComplete);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Error 1009 When Adding Preloader To Flash Movie

Aug 11, 2010

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TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at APIVisionDigitalRecall_fla::MainTimeline/frame3()[APIVisionDigitalRecall_fla.MainTimeline::frame3:20]
at flash.display::Sprite/constructChildren()
at flash.display::Sprite()
at flash.display::MovieClip()
at navBar()

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I was planning on putting this code on frame 1:
ActionScript Code:
var kbtotal:Number=stage.loaderInfo.bytesTotal/1024;
var kbloaded:Number=stage.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded/1024;
var percent:Number= Math.round(kbloaded/kbtotal*100)
loader.loadingStatus.text=Math.round(kbloaded) + " lb / " + Math.round(kbtotal) + "kb";

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ActionScript Code:
if (kbloaded == kbtotal){
} else{

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[Code] .....

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**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Actions, frame=1:Line 10: Syntax error.
Function scrollPanel() {
**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Actions, frame=1:Line 11: There is no property with the name 'b'.
if(_xmouse,b.xMin || _xmouse>b.xMax || _ymouse<b.yMin || _ymouse.b.yMax) {

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var gridContainerMC:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var gridSize:Array = [col,row]; //Rows, Columns
var gridArray:Array = new Array();
var col:Number = 44;


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function populateBasket(){
trace("B4 REMOVE:" + basketRows.loader.container.getDepth());


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Mar 17, 2010

I got an fla file with nested movieclips. The "username" text box is present in a movieclip "login" which is included in another movieclip "member"How to access the value of the textbox "username" in actionscript when a button is clicked(on(release) event ). the button is also present in the "login" movieclip

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Jan 10, 2011

Hi. I'm teaching myself flash, and to that end I'm making a simple top-down shooting game. My (current) problem is this:

All of the basic enemies and allies are currently represented by a simple MovieClip consisting of a circle (the 'body', also used for hit detection) and a named Weapon instance. 'Weapon' is a class linked to another simple MovieClip. The Weapon class serves as an abstract base class for a variety of 'real' weapons (Rifle, Laser, etc), each of which has a matching ActionScript (3) file and MovieClip. All the weapon MovieClips are visually unique.

Ok, with me so far? Well, I want my little soldiers to be able to change weapon, so I've created a function "swapWeapon(newWeapon:Weapon)". This sets the soldier's Weapon instance to the 'newWeapon' variable. This is where it gets confusing: the functions and code of the new weapon (eg, bullet speed and accuracy) all transfer correctly, but the appearance remains the same (the default 'Weapon' MovieClip).

My guess would be it's to do with the fact that I'm swapping a MovieClip instance for different (sub-) class of MovieClip. But that's as far as my knowledge of flash takes me

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding AddEventListener To Nested MovieClips?

Jan 14, 2012

I am creating a picture gallery and I got stuck when I tried to listen to a MOUSE_OVER event on a parent movieclip. They are nested like this... scene1/imageBar/imageBarInside. Im trying to call a addEventListener-mouse_over from imageBarInside to imageBar. But my attemps are worthless.Tried the target to path "tool" but it didnt work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Buttons That Open Nested Movieclips?

Jan 7, 2011

All the movieclips are nested with the actionscript saved in a seperate file so the stage is empty. As I am new to as3 I don't know how to add buttons to which will then open other nested movieclips. I have looked at various tutorials but none cover exactly this issue.Otherwise if someone could maybe create a mc button and movieclip and add it to this file along with the relevant actionscript that would be really appreciated as I would have an example to refer to.

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Flash - Accessing Nested Movieclips From Main Movieclip Class?

Feb 16, 2011

I have a MovieClip, that I'm going to add to the display list with my document class at runtime beacuase there will be many instances of it. The MoviClip "box" has 3 more MovieClip instances inside it,and each of those three have two more.It looks like this:

circle 0


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