ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Decimals Giving Wrong Output
Apr 24, 2009
I faced a strange problem today while adding some decimal number in AS3. I have simply adding trace(1.025 + 0.025); statment. It didn't returned proper output i.e. 1.05., instead it has given as 1.0499999999999998.
know the reason behind this. Actually we are calculating some angle and leng in geometric function.And we are getting some diffrence in calculation.
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Why the output would be NaN?
convertToCNY_btn.onRelease = convertToCNY;
convertToUSD_btn.onRelease = convertToUSD;
function convertToCNY() {
trace("convertToCNY clicked");
[Code] .....
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function hashId($fn) {
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ERROR 1046: Type was not found or was not compile-time constant:textline.
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function loadProgress(my_content:ProgressEvent):void {
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ActionScript Code:
Math.round (xTwo*0.39);
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ActionScript Code:
public static const SCORE_PER_APPLE:Number = 1;
public static const SCORE_MULTIPLIER:Number = 1;
private var score:Number;
So yeah.. it displays every decimal. Is there a way to round up the numbers, or not displaying anything less than a whole number?
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Mar 31, 2010
Two questions concerning the numericStepper component and I think they both have to do with how to access the textfield part of the component.
1. How do you change the color of the textfield border in the numericStepper component.
2. I'm using the numericStepper to step up/down by increments of .25 (25 cents) and would like it to always show 2 decimals. But when it reaches a whole number (like 25) it will not show the 2 decimals. Do I treat this like a textfield to force the text to have 2 decimals? And if so, how do I access the .text?
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myListener.onLoadProgress = function(empty10MC:MovieClip, loaded:Number, total:Number):Void{
var percent:Number = loaded/total*100;
loadingTxt.text = beginTxt + percent + endTxt;
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Jun 22, 2006
var nextY = 0;
var nextY2 = 18;
for (var count = 0; count < result_lv.typeCount; count++)
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Nov 5, 2010
Does a Flash CMS site give you the best of both worlds? I want asite but I need it to be searchable. Does a Flash CMS site rank well enough to do the job? If it does not rank well, is it because the Flash portions would get no SEO but the HTML portions would?OR is it something inherently missing in the software that will keep it low on the rankings, no matter what the ratio of Flash versus HTML there is on that site? Would an HTML site with Flash plugins hurt my rankings much? Could I solve my problem best by having an HTML based landing page that gives access to 2 sites, one strictly HTML and one either Flash or Flash CMS based? Assuming the landing page and HTML portions are optimized properly, is the content that is on the HTML landing page and HTML site going to give me good SEO results, even though one of the options to choose is a Flash site?
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Feb 27, 2009
PHP Code:
stage.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, lala);
function lala (event:Event) {
var object = new object_mc;
How do I correctly declare a variable for each duplicate? The final line doesn't work in AS3 but it does in AS2. I want the same variable for each duplicate that I can individually change. Also how do I make a function for each duplicate? In AS2 I can do it by:
PHP Code:
object = duplicateMovieClip(........);
object.onEnterFrame = function () {
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