ActionScript 3.0 :: Find Tutorials Or Even Examples For Connecting To A Remote Web Server Via XML-RPC

Jul 23, 2009

Does anyone know where can i find tutorials or even examples for connecting to a remote web server via XML-RPC. I want to establish connection with the server and call a remote method ...

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This works on a Windows XP development server, but not on the RedHat deployment server. Are there any configuration options that I need to be aware of in order to allow my application to perform requests such as these (i.e. HTTP requests to remote servers)?

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Flex :: Use DTOs Or Domain Objects When Connecting To Blazeds/java/jpa Using Remote-services?

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I am working on an Adobe Flex front-end with a Java back-end using JPA for persistence. he protocol I am using is remote objects (AMF) implemented with BlazeDS.I started out with a service-facade and entity DAOs, but without any specific DTOs. The same POJOs, the domain objects, were passed in the service-facade as those used as DTOs passed to the Hibernate DAOs.However, the latest few days I have been thinking whether this is a good approach or not. The latest article on the subject I read was this one:Interesting JPA Pattern blogThe situation:Say I have POJO Book with a unidirection ManyToOne relation with the POJO Category (i.e. each book may only be associated with one category, but the same category may be associated with many books). I see some alternatives:Alternative 1:I expose a method/operation addUpdateBook(Book book). In the implementation of this operation I add/update both the book and the referenced category.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
<mx:WebService id="DirectoryService"


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Media Server :: Connecting FLME With DVRCast - Get An Error "Failure To Connect To Primary Server?

Jun 22, 2011

I am trying to set up DVR streaming using FLME. I'm following this tutorial: http:[url]........I'm up to Step 2,

I put in the following information into the FLME:
FMS URL: rtmp://
Stream: mp4:sample.f4v

Then click 'Connect' , but I get an error "Failure to connect to primary server verify that your server URL and application name are valid and that your internet connection is working and retry". My server is a 32-bit windows 2007 VPS , with FMS running.I don't know if I set up the DVR Cast application correct. All I did was copy the dvrcast_origin into the installationdirectory/applications, then I started a new instance of dvrcast_origin with _definst_...Also, I am running the trial version of FMS, and DVR needs FMIS. Is there a way I can just run FMIS?

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Flash :: Connecting To A Secure Server From Media Server Via Xml.sendAndLoad?

Jun 24, 2009

I have inherited a custom application on Flash Media Interactive Server 3.0 that broadcasts audio in real time. The custom app is written using Adobe Flash Professional 8 and actionscript 2.0.
A little background of how the custom app works When a user connects to the media server to join a stream, our custom application calls out to a seperate application server (that is not Flash) to determine if the user is allowed to connect to a broadcast stream and which stream they should join. We use Xml.sendAndLoad() to do this. The application server we call sends back Xml to the custom App on the Flash Media Server.


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Facebook :: Flash - Connecting To Facebook From A Remote Website With OAuth2?

Jan 13, 2012

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Media Server :: Error While Connecting To The Video Server

Jun 20, 2009

I try to establich the connection with asc file from applications/videochat $connection_string="rtmp://videochat/"; And I'm getting the result from media server
Connecting to the video server...>>The client does not have permission to connect to the application, or the application expected different parameters from those that were passed.>>The connection was closed successfully

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Media Server :: Development Server Be Installed On A Remote Server?

Oct 14, 2010

The instructions for installation only cover installation on "localhost".  I'm wondering if I could use the development server for a small scale website depolyment with restricted traffic, from a commercial server, such as goDaddy?And if so, what''s the method?  Do I download the package from Adobe to my local hard drive and install over the network, or copy the package to the server and install it online?

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Media Server :: RTMFP Connection - Change The NetConnection Url To The Remote FMS Server

Sep 27, 2010

I'm using the RTMFP protocol to publish and play video and audio, but i'm with a little problem. I installed the FMS 4 Development Server in a Windows Server machine located in our local network and it works perfectly. In order to deploy our application, we have a remote server with a fresh install of the Ubuntu 10.04 Server, and the FMS 4 installed in this server. In other server we have the Java and Flex application, which will be used in the client browser.

The problem is that when trying to change the NetConnection url to the remote FMS server, which is the Ubuntu server, the netconnection can't connect to it. When changing to the RTMP protocol it connects, but with the RTMFP don't. I can't find any information in the log files or anything else.

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Media Server :: Find The Find PStreamName In Access Plug-in?

May 18, 2010

I must rejected all users outside Denmark from our live streaming (c-ip) and this is done in an access plug-insBut now I need to open up one of the streams, but I can't get the streaming name in the access-plug-ins only in the Auth-plug-ins.I cant use x-page-url or s-uri I need pStreamName. in access-plug-in like thissetStringField(m_pAev, IFmsAuthEvent::F_STREAM_NAME, pStreamName);but I cant get it inside  the access-plug-in

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Media Server :: String Parsing By Remote Java Server?

Jan 4, 2011

I am writing a game where positions of an object are being exchanged between the two flash clients through a java server. The secnario goes simply like this:
PlayerA ---> Server : "Position X + Position Y+
Server ---> PlayerB: "Position X + Position Y+

and it works both ways of course.the problem here is that on my computer where i use "localhost" everything is fine and the data is exchanged seamlessly .. when I loaded the server on a remote host the message received strangely turns into something like "Position X + NaN" (i.e. the y position is wrongly parsed by the server), what is weird even more, is that sometimes, the message gets parsed correctly..the server is wrote in java and it is exactly the same source code that works on my machine that fails over the internet

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Media Server :: FLVPlayback Component's NcMgr.netConnection Is Null When Connecting To My Flash Media Server?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm trying to troubleshoot a Flash Media Server working with a little video playback application I wrote a few years ago that has suddenly stopped working.I'm using CS3/Actionscript 3.My app uses the FLVPlayback Component, and was working well last time I checked.  I recevied a report that the videos stopped working, and have been looking into it.I figured I'd add a bunch of event listeners to the FLVPlayback's ncMgr.netConnection so I could get debug info on things like io errors, net status, etc.The problem I'm running into is that the netConnection is null when I set it to anything on my Flash Media Server, and adding any event listeners to this netConnection throws errors.Here's what I've tried so far:

Playback of a local FLV file works fine.In the FLVPlayback documentation, I found an example and stole the URL of the stream they were using in the example, and that works fine, although it is an HTTP protocol stream rather than RTMP.Any attempt to access FLV files on my Media Server, which has worked fine in the past, basically cause the FLVPlayback object to sit and hang in "buffering" mode and never progresses beyond this point.The netConnection object in this case is null.Here's my code:[code]........

Again the purpose of this is to troubleshoot the video streaming from the Flash Media Server, and it seems like there is no netconnection to the server being created.Does this mean that the server is not working, or is there a problem with the way I'm trying to access the content on the server?This was all working fine before, and I have set up the server-side application .ASC files and such to allow things to work fine on the server end.

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Media Server :: Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder Not Connecting To My Server?

Aug 31, 2010

I am working on streaming programs through "Adobe flash Media Live encoder" in my website.The steps that i done for streaming is
    * Installed Adobe flash media live encoder
    * In the FMS URL entered as  " rtmp://myserver ip/live "
    * In stream given as "livestream"
    * when i click connect the follwing error is displaying " Invalid primary FMSURL "
The website i am going to implement is [url]... which is done using PHP. Is there anything i have to do in coding to connect the media server.

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Media Server :: Connecting To FMS From Flex?

Jul 14, 2010

I'm trying to connect to an FMS server with a Flex application. I can throw the rtmp URL straight in as the source for a VideoPlayer and it will work, but can't figure out how to get it to work with a NetStream. The pure Flash Video element works as in the FMS Flash demos, but is extremely laggy and lacks all the nice functionality of the built VideoPlayer. Is there any documentation on working with FMS with Flex? We're at a point where we need to decide quickly if FMS will do what we need to do or if we should purse other technologies.

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AS3 :: Media Server - Error When Connecting To FMS

Jul 29, 2011

I'm trying to stream my webcam to my FMS Server, using AS3, but I get this error message:


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Professional :: Connecting A Kiosk To Server

Jan 3, 2012

i am self-taught and i have pretty good as3 and mxml skills and have worked with Flash Pro and Flex, but only for my own stuff at home. i have only done local AIR stuff that don't require sending and getting data from a server now someone has asked if i could build him a kiosks/server system, and i want to dive into that the kiosks would be deployed in stores and have touchscreens displaying pictures, movies, banners and accept user control and data.i plan to build his remote controlling software in Flex and the kiosk AIR apps in Flex or Flash pro.the kiosks should periodically connect to the server to see if updates are available  and download swf, jpeg and movie (mp4? flv?) files to the local filesystem (no live streaming is needed)also, user created data (forms only) should be sent to the server - i guess xml.[code]can all this be in as3 alone or do i need stuff like php also?also, would i be able in the controlling flex app to determine if specific kiosks are offline?

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Media Server :: Connecting To A Secure WebService?

Jun 26, 2009

i am working on creating a custom application for FMS 3.0 that calls a webservice to validate the user coming in. I have tested the following sample code from the Server-Side ActionScript Language Ref. (See below) The URL has been changed to protect the innocent.

This codes seems to work fine when going to an unsecured site but the innvocation of the service never seems to go out when attempting it over SSL. The Server documentation says that outgoing calls like this should work over SSL. Is this true? If so what do I need to do to get it to work?


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Media Server :: Connecting To Live Streams?

Apr 26, 2010

I've been using FMS for a few weeks, and feel relatively comfortable with it, but am currently having some trouble connecting to a live stream in a a video conferencing-type application. I suspect I'm leaving some small step out, but am having trouble seeing what that step is.
I have one client application open the video camera, connect to the FMS, and publish it's live camera stream to the server. Something like this:
Connect to the FMS

nc.connect("rtmp://<ip addr>9/chat_test/");

In my connection (success) handler:

cam = Camera.getCamera();
cam.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, statusHandler);

However, I keep getting "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound" errors. This seems relatively straightforward, but I'm clearly missing a small step somewhere.

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Media Server :: Connecting To The Admin Console?

Jan 15, 2011

I installed FMS 4 on my notebook and I was able to access the console without trouble. I used localhost for the server address. When I installed it on a remote server (Windows 2008), I can't get in. I tried the same thing. I opened it from the file system [URL] and I tried localhost but it didn't work. I've tried other values

One problem could be that I installed Apache but there is already a IIS server using the port 80. When I look in the service panel, FMSApache says it is starting but not started.

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Media Server :: Mic Not Connecting For Voice Recording?

Jan 20, 2011

Suddenly mic not connecting to server.  I have FP 10.1. 102.64  Windows XP 32 bit and explorer 8.   See link which instructs me to "change"  but no response.

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Media Server :: Difference Between Connecting To 1935 And 80

Jan 18, 2012

I was wondering what the difference is between connecting to 1935 and 80. Does one port have an advantage over the other? I know by default 1935 is blocked and it appears to be the perferred port to use, but does port 80 HTTP slow down the stream?

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Flash :: Client XMLSocket Not Connecting To Server

Jul 30, 2009

I have a Flash client that I want to connect to a server. Both are using localhost and port 50000 so there shouldn't be any cross-domain problems. I also set Access Network Only in the publishing settings. When I call the XMLSocket connect, the server seems to get a new connection. But, the XMLSocket.onConnect callback is not called with success=true.[code]...

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Flex :: Connecting To Web Server Using

Nov 17, 2010

The ActionScript 3.0 Reference says the following about

The NetConnection class creates a two-way connection between a client and a server. The client can be a Flash Player or AIR application. The server can be a web server, Flash Media Server, an application server running Flash Remoting, or the Adobe Stratus service. Call NetConnection.connect() to establish the connection.

Does this mean I make a regular HTTP connection to any web server using an NetConnection object? I am a little confused about this as further down the section on the connect() method says connect(): Creates a two-way connection to an application on Flash Media Server or to Flash Remoting, or creates a two-way network endpoint for RTMFP peer-to-peer group communication....Pass an "http" URL to connect to an application server running Flash Remoting.. So, the application server has to have Flash Remoting?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Connecting To Database (SQL Server)?

Nov 30, 2005

This is what we have... a new Actionscript developer (Me) and a seasoned Visual Basic/ASP developer. We've also got some SQL Servers... We need to write a web application (Flash) that checks user authentication (User Name and Password) against a SQL Server database before allowing the user to continue through the program. After the user completes various components of the eLearning program, a brief quiz will follow. At the end of the whole eLearning program, a lengthy quiz will be given and those results will be scored and stored in a database.

I need to know what is required to do this... this being the database connectivity? I've been seeing PHP/MySQL tutorials but is there some way to hook up into ASP/SQL Server? Furthermore, how exactly does this work? I've read that with PHP, flash will write and store variables in PHP which is then used to get results from the database. I'm not exactly sure tho. If any one can point me to a great tutorial that explains everything about ASP/SQL Server..

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