Actionscript 3 :: Flash Builder - Connecting To Remote Webservice Using SOAP And WSDL Using Flex?

Aug 16, 2011

The requirement is to get the method named getIncidentList() from web service using Soap and wsdl using Flex or Actionscript.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
<mx:WebService id="DirectoryService"


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ActionScript 2.0 :: SOAP WebService WSDL Caching

Apr 6, 2008

I start the service in Actionscript with:[code]My issue is that the server that my WSDL is on, seems to be very slow, and the WSDL file is very large. So it takes around 5 seconds to initially grab the WSDL file. This wouldn't be too bad, but for what I am doing I need to create about 5 or more WebService objects all using the same WSDL (this is a must). It seems pointless to download the WSDL for each new object when I know it is the same.What I am wanting is a way to maybe cache the WSDL locally, or in flash(maybe as an XML object), then apply it to a new WebService object. Or even if someone could tell me how to access the data inside the WebService Object and apply it to a new one.

I have tried a few ideas. I tried using a "clone object" script to clone the WebService object once the original has loaded the WSDL. But it crashed flash because the loop is too big.Is this a case to use a "prototype"? I'm not too sure what it even is. Would it be useful in this situation?

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I'm using WebService class with WSDL.How to list available operations in WSDL and their parameters?There is operations property but it's empty.

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Xml :: Using Flex To Read XML In E4x Format From SOAP Webservice?

Oct 16, 2009

UPDATE: The problem was not to do with namespaces or flex at all. My webservice was returning the wrapped xml. I was blaming the language I had least experience with before questioning the java...I have a basic soap webservice that I am having trouble reading the result from in flex.I'm a solid java programmer and just trying to get my head around adobe flex.In the documentation I should be able to use "WebService" to return the result in e4x format.

<mx:WebService id="CurrentLayersWS" wsdl="http://localhost:8080/myproject/ws/myservice.wsdl" showBusyCursor="true" result="updateSelected(event)" fault=", 'Error'">
<mx:operation name="publisher" resultFormat="e4x">


Unfortunately, the event object seems to nested and encoded strangely. When I step trough with the debugger I see that responseXml is of type XMLList containing one element (at index 0) of type XML which just contains the following xml:

<sch:temp xmlns:sch="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?&gt;
&lt;ns2:publisherResponse xmlns:ns2=""&gt;

Why is my xml nested inside a document with a root node "sch:temp"?

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Web Services - Initialize Webservice WSDL At Runtime Using Flex And Mate Framework?

Mar 17, 2010

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Flex :: Using A ServiceStack Generated SOAP 1.1 Service In Flash Builder

Nov 2, 2011

I have been tinkering around with ServiceStack to expose some web services and have been very impressed. One potential consumer of these services will be a Flex application. Flash Builder (the Flex IDE) has a tool that auto-generates proxy AS3 classes for SOAP web services based on the wsdl - at this point in time only for SOAP 1.1.

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Web Services :: Manually Consume WSDL In Flex Builder 3?

Oct 31, 2011

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bool MyFunction(Enums.Channels var1, Enums.Payments.PayMethods var2)

I tried importing the WSDL with the wizard but when I tried to call the web service it results in an error stating

"Cannot marshall type ""to simple type"

What kind of object do I need to create in Flex Builder 3 to pass into the webservice so that it will recognize it as the appropriate type? The wizard is not correctly creating the appropriate type. Here is the xsd for the enums.

<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns:tns="" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="">
<xs:simpleType name="Enums.Channels">[code]....

I'd like to try to build my own objects to call the service myself (without the wizard).... created the mx:WebService and mx:Operation but not sure how to handle the enum parameters.

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PHP Code:[code].............

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Flex :: Manually Connecting Flash Player (debug) To Flash Builder?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sharepoint SOAP Webservice Wraps Result (including Xml) In CData?

Mar 24, 2009

I am developing a microsite for a client. The client uses Sharepoint as their main CMS and they want the site to be driven by sharepoint.The problem is that the entire result set is wrapped with Cdata ... not just the content data. Below you can see this (some stuff has been removed to anonymize the data), and this is giving me serious problems trying to parse it.Raw data (service inspector)

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

I guess I could write a parser that replaced the html entities for <,>," and ' with the actual characters but that is a crappy hack IMO. I have asked the client to try to wrap the fields and attribute data with CData instead of the whole result set but they are unsure if it is a sharepoint specific thing.

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Flex :: Use DTOs Or Domain Objects When Connecting To Blazeds/java/jpa Using Remote-services?

Jul 24, 2011

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Media Server :: Connecting To A Secure WebService?

Jun 26, 2009

i am working on creating a custom application for FMS 3.0 that calls a webservice to validate the user coming in. I have tested the following sample code from the Server-Side ActionScript Language Ref. (See below) The URL has been changed to protect the innocent.

This codes seems to work fine when going to an unsecured site but the innvocation of the service never seems to go out when attempting it over SSL. The Server documentation says that outgoing calls like this should work over SSL. Is this true? If so what do I need to do to get it to work?


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This works on a Windows XP development server, but not on the RedHat deployment server. Are there any configuration options that I need to be aware of in order to allow my application to perform requests such as these (i.e. HTTP requests to remote servers)?

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Jul 1, 2010

I want to get data from a database of my site. In the setting of the project point out Root URL: http://...:** But what to set in Root folder?

Already tried the two dozen variants and Validate location does not work.

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Use Flex SOAP Classes In Flash Pro?

Jun 21, 2011

Is there a way to use the soap web service classes that FLEX provides from Flash CS5?

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Php :: Flash - Flex - Connect To Data Service Via PHP Versus SOAP?

Aug 26, 2011

I am writing an application in Flash Builder 4.5. I am also writing a PHP Web service to access data from our MySQL database. This Web service will be made available to third party clients for them to develop applications to access our database as well, via SOAP.

Is there a big performance difference between connecting to the service in Flash Builder via connecting directly to the PHP file vs. connecting to a Web Service via SOAP?I would kind of like to connect to this service the same way that our clients will, to make sure things stay as uncomplicated as possible for future development, but performance is my main priority.

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Service - Flash Builder: 4.5-1 : Combination "Localazation Compiler Optons" + "Generated PHP Webservice"?

Aug 18, 2011

I've created a GUI in Flash Builder 4.5-1 with localization (copylocal as admin, created the files, implemented in he GUI...) and all works fluid and very well.I now want to generate a PHP service from my DB and that also works ok.When I try to run the application I get the error he doesn't find: Unable to open 'c:Program Files(x86)AdobeAdobe Flash Builder

len_US nl_BE fr_BE de_DEdcradSwcs4.5locale'

When I retrieve the compiler options (additional languages) it works without errors.Do I need additional steps to be able to use "Locale" and "Services" combined?I used to work with Flex Builder 3 and didn't have the issues....

update, still having the issue, isn't there nobody out there? This is the error i get...unable to open 'C:Program Files (x86)AdobeAdobe Flash Builder 4.5eclipsepluginscom.adobe.flexbuilder.project.nl1_4.5.1.313231

len_US de_DE nl_NL
fr_FRdcradSwcs4.5locale' XofferSales Unknown Flex Problem

it happens from the moment I want to use localization + php services....

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Apr 21, 2010

Does anyone know if there is a way to make the new Package Explorer window in Flash Builder emulate Flex Builders 'Flex navigator' window?

Bottom line is I don't always need to peer into SWC's, and I don't like having a 'default package' automatically created for me. Not sure why the interface wasn't made simpler, allowing access to more power and complexity only if necessary. I want to focus on the code, not on how to navigate and use the bells and whistles in the coding environment.

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Flex :: Convert Flex Builder 3 Project To Flash Builder 4

Oct 6, 2009

I just upgraded to Flash Builder 4 (beta 2) from Flex Builder 3 which I have been using since it came out. Problem: All the projects that were in my workspace from Flex Builder 3 did not carry over into Flash Builder 4 (e.g. in the "Flex Navigator" view if FB3). Flash Builder 4 now uses the .FXP format to manage projects, but Flex Builder 3 did not. Is there an easy way to get all my projects back into Flash Builder 4?

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Flex :: Security - Setting Wsdl Service In Flex Project Crossdomain.xml?

Apr 7, 2011

How can i settings crossdomain.xml my flex project.* this is my crossdomain.xml.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">
<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="all"/>


I've tried lots of different methods but my project send error message "Security error accessing url Unable to load WSDL. If currently online, please verify the URI and/or format of the WSDL [URL]"

put the file in different places

(my swf url : http://localhost/bin-debug/test.html checked http://localhost/bin-debug/crossdomain.xml its ok)

I added the load line of the project

protected function application1_initializeHandler(event:FlexEvent):void

if flex server type select none everythings ok. but server type select PHP need crossdomain.xml how can i fix.

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Actionscript :: Flex WSDL As Ant Task?

Sep 8, 2009

Flex Builder 3 provides support to generate actionscipt from WSDL via the GUI ( Data->Import Web Service (WSDL) ) - but this sort of method requires that you check in the generated source. This is not desirable to us (we understand both sides of the 'should generated source be checked in' and we have decided that they should not) so we would like a method to generate the actionscript classes from an ant task. In this case, the WSDL would live in the file system.

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Flex :: AS3 Code Generation From A Wsdl

Feb 25, 2010

As part of a nightly build i want to automate the generation of action script classes like Flex does but in an automated fashion. So I'm looking for an equivalent tool to flex builder 3's Import Web Service functionality, but accesable to a Hudson nightly build using ant.

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Have Flex WebServices Share A Common Wsdl

Aug 3, 2011

I have a flex app that loads a WSDL at runtime and shares that across several different web services I have defined. Unfortunately each call to loadWSDL() makes a network request for it, and while it's not really a problem due to caching it's still annoying and wasteful to have all those requests generated. Is there a simpler way to solve this problem and only make one network request?[code]

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