Flex :: Access A SOAP WebService From Library Project?

Oct 29, 2010

I would like to access a soap webservice from a class in a Flex (AIR) Library Project.

How can I instantiate a WebService and get data from a SOAP WebService.

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Xml :: Using Flex To Read XML In E4x Format From SOAP Webservice?

Oct 16, 2009

UPDATE: The problem was not to do with namespaces or flex at all. My webservice was returning the wrapped xml. I was blaming the language I had least experience with before questioning the java...I have a basic soap webservice that I am having trouble reading the result from in flex.I'm a solid java programmer and just trying to get my head around adobe flex.In the documentation I should be able to use "WebService" to return the result in e4x format.

<mx:WebService id="CurrentLayersWS" wsdl="http://localhost:8080/myproject/ws/myservice.wsdl" showBusyCursor="true" result="updateSelected(event)" fault="Alert.show(event.fault.faultString), 'Error'">
<mx:operation name="publisher" resultFormat="e4x">


Unfortunately, the event object seems to nested and encoded strangely. When I step trough with the debugger I see that responseXml is of type XMLList containing one element (at index 0) of type XML which just contains the following xml:

<sch:temp xmlns:sch="http://www.mycompany.co.uk/myproject/schemas" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?&gt;
&lt;ns2:publisherResponse xmlns:ns2="http://www.mycompany.co.uk/myproject/schemas"&gt;

Why is my xml nested inside a document with a root node "sch:temp"?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Builder - Connecting To Remote Webservice Using SOAP And WSDL Using Flex?

Aug 16, 2011

The requirement is to get the method named getIncidentList() from web service using Soap and wsdl using Flex or Actionscript.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">
<mx:WebService id="DirectoryService"


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Actionscript 3 :: Why Would Same SOAP Request Work In One Flex Project And Not Another

Feb 15, 2010

This is a pretty odd situation I have here. I have used a piece of code to interact with a backend SOAP service for several months - it works fine. I tried it out in a different project (first as an swc library and then just by cutting and pasting) and it just doesnt work.If I try the exact same code in the original flex project, connecting to the same backend service, everything works fine. In the new project, I can call operations that take simple document-literal wrappers as params (they have no real parameters) - but if the operation has a complex parameter inside the document literal wrapper - fail on this new project. Here is a sample that would fail:[code]

-Examined the posts in firebug from both projects and can not see a difference (meaning that the code appears to generate the exact same SOAP request in both projects (as one expects)

-I have verified that the requests should work using SOAPui to directly query the web service

The back end service is an Apache CXF webservice and here is a sample of the error it generates:URL...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SOAP WebService WSDL Caching

Apr 6, 2008

I start the service in Actionscript with:[code]My issue is that the server that my WSDL is on, seems to be very slow, and the WSDL file is very large. So it takes around 5 seconds to initially grab the WSDL file. This wouldn't be too bad, but for what I am doing I need to create about 5 or more WebService objects all using the same WSDL (this is a must). It seems pointless to download the WSDL for each new object when I know it is the same.What I am wanting is a way to maybe cache the WSDL locally, or in flash(maybe as an XML object), then apply it to a new WebService object. Or even if someone could tell me how to access the data inside the WebService Object and apply it to a new one.

I have tried a few ideas. I tried using a "clone object" script to clone the WebService object once the original has loaded the WSDL. But it crashed flash because the loop is too big.Is this a case to use a "prototype"? I'm not too sure what it even is. Would it be useful in this situation?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make An Array Which Will Work With SOAP Webservice?

Oct 25, 2011

I need to make an array which will work with SOAP webservice. This array needs to be like this one in php:

PHP Code:[code].............

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sharepoint SOAP Webservice Wraps Result (including Xml) In CData?

Mar 24, 2009

I am developing a microsite for a client. The client uses Sharepoint as their main CMS and they want the site to be driven by sharepoint.The problem is that the entire result set is wrapped with Cdata ... not just the content data. Below you can see this (some stuff has been removed to anonymize the data), and this is giving me serious problems trying to parse it.Raw data (service inspector)

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">

I guess I could write a parser that replaced the html entities for <,>," and ' with the actual characters but that is a crappy hack IMO. I have asked the client to try to wrap the fields and attribute data with CData instead of the whole result set but they are unsure if it is a sharepoint specific thing.

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Flex :: Cannot Access SOAP Service When App Is Compiled

Dec 9, 2009

I've got a flex app that hits a remote SOAP service and populates a list with the results.

It works fine when i run it through flex builder, but when i compile the application and move it onto a webserver it can't access the services.

I've tried it from a standalone webserver and on my own machine. I'm assuming that there's a security issue that i've missed as i can't think of any other reason why it's ok in flex builder but not when compiled on the same box.

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Flex :: Cannot Access My Webservice

Jun 2, 2011

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Flex :: .NET Webservice In MVC - Access (controller)?

Jun 22, 2010

I am working on a flex application which makes calls to an .NET webservice. I am trying to follow the MVC design pattern. I have created a model, which stores all information received from the webservice. The webservice itself is created by actionscript in the controller. The view in my case, consists of various user-defined components (multiple .mxml files).

The Model is a singleton class, and each of the views accesses a getInstance of the model. The question is how do i access the webservice (i.e. controller) from each of these components? Does the controller also need to be a singleton class just like the model? and let each component get an instance of the controller in order to access the webservice?

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Flex :: SOAP Or Flex Plus Server Side SOAP?

Nov 10, 2010

I'm looking to consume SOAP services -- read only -- from a third party web service. I know Flex has strong SOAP functionality. I am wondering, however, if there is any benefit to using e.g. Ruby or PHP to consume those 3rd party services and then passing the results to Flex, versus doing it all in Flex. Other than decoupling the client code from the SOAP logic, I can't really think of one.

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Flex :: Add VOs Into A Library Project When Developing Using Modules?

Sep 4, 2009

I'm developing a module based applications in Flex and I was thinking about moving all my Value Objects (VOs) into a library project

Current Structure: I have a project that consist of a shell application and 3 modules. The modules contain about 10 custom components in each that are dynamically loaded at run time. My problem is component A ( in module A) needs to pass data to component B (in module B). So when this happens I move the VO that component A was using to a common folder. I then pass the VO and have component B pick that up and do what ever it needs to do with it.

So what I was thinking was using an existing library project and adding all my VOs to it. This way I'll never have to move a VO from the module to a common folder so both module A and module B can access it. The basic idea is I want to be able to complete abstract any module from shell into its own widget or Air app with out depending on any other modules.

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Html :: Parser Library In As3 For Flex Project?

Nov 8, 2009

Simple html parsing library, written in as3 for a flex project?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Flex Classes From Flex Library Project?

Mar 4, 2012

If I create a Flex Library project, am I able to use Flex classes from within the library?

The reason I ask is because I'm working in a Flex Library project and trying to use the mx.rpc.soap package. I can import the the package without an issue, and even get code hinting making me think the package is available. Of course I can even see the swcs included in the project. However, when I try to instantiate the WebService class, I get an error when building. Flash Buidler IDE doesn't tell me what the error is, and I don't go into debug mode when I continue with building. I haven't tried connecting to the service yet, just importing the Class and creating a new instance.

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Actionscript :: Vector Class In A Flex Library Project?

Dec 20, 2009

i seem to be having some problems with the Vector class in actionscript 3 in a Flex Project or an ActionScript Project it is possible to do this var v:Vector.<String>; But when i do the same thing in a Flex Library Project (to create an SWC) then i get the following error on that line of code 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: String.

so when using Flex Library Project it fails..., but when i compile the same thing using compc there are no problems any idea why only the library project is complaining about Vector ?


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Flash :: Use Open Chart (or Any Library) In Flex 3 Project?

Jan 22, 2010

I want to use Open Flash Chart in Flex3/AS3 project?

I mean,How Can I use Open-flash-chart in Flex application client side.. ??? (I use FlashDevelop)

Can i do that by just adding .swf file?? If yes? then where to add? I am not using FlexBuilder, I am using FlashDevelop OR Command line for compiling..

Or I have to add .swc file.. ??? If yes, then how to generate one for open flash chart..???

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Library Project: NativeMenu Vs. ContextMenu?

Jul 13, 2010

I have a Flex Library Project which has both Flex specific classes, and Air specific classes.When I reference the library in an Air project, the compiler complains about an overriding contextMenu in mx.containers.Panel, saying that the param should be of type NativeMenu (instead of ContextMenu). If I switch it over to NativeMenu then it compiles fine.

The issue is when I reference the library in a Flex Project. This time it complains that it doesn't know the type NativeMenu. If I try to change it back to ContextMenu, then I get the same error as above.I've searched google to no avail (found that someone else encountered the exact same problem: http:url.... )

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Flex :: Put Library Folders Relative To Project In FlashBuilder?

Mar 27, 2011

If I create a new ActionScript project with Flash Builder and want to add some library (for example Tweenlite) where do I have to put the gs folder of Tweenlite relative to my project folder? and what do I need to setup in the project settings in order to be able to use it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: JQuery - Import Flex Library In Project?

Feb 18, 2010

I wonder if there is any way to use a JQury code in my Flex application? Can I import this Library in my Flex Project?

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Css :: Flex - Properly Reference An Image In A Library Project File?

Sep 26, 2011

My flex (flash builder 4) project references (embeds) a flex library project (ReusableFx). I have it working fine when it builds and runs, but I am struggling with a Design mode error "Design mode: Error during component layout...". In the flex library project there is a 'default.css' file which references a png file. Specifically like this:


It works when I build and run, I see the icon, but the problem is that design mode must work different in flash builder and breaks with this line. I tried a few things with no difference:


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Actionscript 3 :: Prevent MXML Custom Component In Flex Library Project Always In Default Package??

Mar 31, 2010

I'm creating some custom components and backing code. I've created a Flex library project in Flash Builder which compiles to a SWC. The problem is now that all my MXML files get compiled into classes in the default package, making the whole thing a big mess.Is there a way to set a package declaration for MXML files? After all it just gets translated into AS3 classes. This seems to work in regular Flex projects using a namespace declaration so I'm at a loss how that is supposed to work. The other option is building out all the components in AS3 which I'd like to avoid.

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Actionscript :: Access The 'mx' Or 'fl' Namespaces In A Flex Builder Project?

Apr 11, 2009

How do i access the 'mx' or 'fl' namespaces in a Flex Builder Actionscript Project? Do I need to include a certain .swc file?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Access Data From Webservice?

Apr 1, 2011

I want to access data from websevice. How to pass my webservice in following code?
//***************************************************AS*************** **************
imgname_list = new Array();
BrandID_list = new Array();


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Actionscript 3 :: Getting Error To Access Webservice?

Apr 8, 2010

I have created webapplication in which I am getting the error:-

ypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at FlexSBTSApp/displayString()[E:UsersUser1DocumentsFlex Builder 3FlexSBTSAppsrcFlexSBTSApp.mxml:38]


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Of Undefined Property When Adding Webservice Eventlistener

Feb 21, 2009

Every time i try to run it i get the following errors.[code]....

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Flex :: Flash Loader Demands Library Files In Folder Other Than Folder Where Main Project File Is?

Jul 29, 2010

i have situation in which i have some library projects, say


, included in my lets say "MainProject" (a web project) placed on directory


, when i build the project it automatically place all the libs .swf in its "E:in-debug" folder, but when i debug or run the project it it gives loading error that


not found but i have those lib files on


what could be the possible errors.

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Flex :: Soap - Possible To Create A Flex Contact Form That Submits Data To Salesforce.com As A New Lead?

Oct 7, 2011

has their own web-to-lead form that can be used to send leads from a website contact form. But I want to submit leads from a contact form inside a flex application. I can't see anything in the documentation, or on Google about this. Is it possible?

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Flex :: Add XML To SOAP Request In It?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a Flex service defined like [code]...

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Flex :: Generate Flex SOAP Client Using Maven?

Aug 9, 2011

I have a java server side project which contains JAX-WS web-services (using JavaEE 6 and the @WebService annotation).

Is there some kind of plugin that would allow me to generate Flex client stubs during my maven build ?

I have taken a look at enunciate, but it seems to generate only AMF client.

I've also tried to look at GraniteDS, but their doc seems a little opaque to me.

Notice my Flex project is compiled using flexmojos, which contains a flexmojos:generate mojo that should be able to generate domain object (however I don't understand how to say it to use domain classes from ANOTHER project, and not from a different folder).

So, is there any maven plugin that would allow the kind of feature described in this Adobe page ?

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Flex :: Set The Location For A SOAP Service?

Apr 8, 2011

I have successfully generated my web service proxies using the FlexBuilder menus. This particular web service has an internal (or incorrect) "location" specified in its WSDL. This means that when I go to make an actual method call, it fails because the DNS name specified in the location field is wrong. (It shows as "aborted" in fire bug).

How do I set the location attribute on the service object?


The field that needs to be changed is listed below. It is called "WSDL- ndpoint." So the question is: How do I do this programmatically given the generated web service object (the one that extends WebServiceWrapper)?

<annotation name="ServiceConfig">
<item name="DEFAULT_ENTITY_PACKAGE">valueObjects</item>
<item name="WSDL-endpoint">http://eoc7/eoc7/api.asmx</item>
<item name="LINKED_FILE"></item>

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