ActionScript 3.0 :: JQuery - Import Flex Library In Project?

Feb 18, 2010

I wonder if there is any way to use a JQury code in my Flex application? Can I import this Library in my Flex Project?

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package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
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Jul 29, 2010

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, included in my lets say "MainProject" (a web project) placed on directory


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not found but i have those lib files on


what could be the possible errors.

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Professional :: Unable To Import Xml Into CS4 Project?

Aug 24, 2010

I am trying to embed a 3rd party flash component into my current flash project.  As a stand alone, the component works fine but when I try and import the xml file for the component into my current flash project library, the message I get:
" one or more files were not imported because there were problems reading them" I have tried importing the xml file into another dummy cs4 project on another machine and again no success, so I believe there are elements within the xml file that will not work with cs4.  Below is the xml file code.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Import Project In Flash?

May 4, 2011

First of all, I got to say that I'm new to Flash and AS3 and that my english is far from perfection, so just tell me if I'm saying anything you can't understand.

I received the source code of a website which is fully in flash. The code is sperated in two parts, one is containing the application specific code and the other one is containing the AS3 library.I'm kind of lost when I'm trying to run it in Flash. What is the right way to import a full action script project in Flash? Where should I put the library?

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Flash :: Import Project As A Component?

Apr 10, 2012

I'm building a Flex App for a Media Development course and one of our requirements for this sprint is to implement a simple P2P chat into the interface. I created one from a tutorial that served my needs and altered it appropriately, but it exists as a separate Flex Project and not within the Main App.

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Flash :: Import Project Into Builder?

Feb 24, 2011

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How do I import all those files so I can now develop in Flash Builder 4?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Import SWC File Into Flash Cs3 Project?

Jul 19, 2011

Iam using flash cs3 professinal. How can I import to library swc files.

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Actionscript :: Import Tweenmax Files To My Project?

Mar 2, 2012

While im working on simple animation like text rolling.. in that i created external xml for menus. As im new to flash im learning it from tutorial, but its not clear. I download tweenmax rar file. i dont know how to import that file into my project.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Import An External SWF Onto The Stage Of A New Flash Project?

Sep 10, 2011

Im trying to import an external SWF onto the stage of a new Flash project. I found the following AS2 code and created an ActionScript layer and placed it into the first frame. However, when I press the Play button, nothing happens and no movieclip is placed into the library.

mc._x = 0;
mc._y = 0;

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ActionScript 3 :: Library For Similar To JQuery Touch For Developing IPhone Applications With Flash?

Aug 5, 2011

Is there a library for ActionScript 3 similar to jQuery touch for developing iPhone applications with Flash?

Basically there is a jQuery library that emulates the native cocoa gui widgets with JavaScript for mobile websites, just wondering if there is something similar in Flash.

An acceptable answer would include, 'there isn't one'.

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