ActionScript 3.0 :: General Query About Text Editors

Sep 17, 2009

i have a few problems that i have stumbled apon and i'm using Learning Actionsript 3.0 book to help me, but i am using FlashDevelop as my chosen editor for learning rather than Flash IDE editor, is it OK for me to upload my FlashDevelop projects for people to see and help? because like i said i'm using it for my AS 3.0 learning.Do many of you use FlashDevelop for your AS 3.0 code?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Editors For OSX?

Sep 11, 2006

As much as it pains me to admit after being a Mac-Zealot for so many years, here goes:
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private function overviewOne():void{
var stmt:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stmt.sqlConnection = sqlConn;
stmt.text = "SELECT COUNT(user_id) FROM tbl_user WHERE status_status ='Away'";


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complete = true
data = (Array)#1


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Frame 1

extra_var = 0;[code].............

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' <EMBED src="Film1.swf''"
inside as3


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' <EMBED src="Film1.swf''"


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Professional :: General Feedback For Adobe

Nov 20, 2011

I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, but I looked for a place to send general "feedback" and could not find one.I just wanted to let the management at Adobe know a couple things related to recent Public Relations blunders. Ever since the announcment that you were ending Flash Player for Mobile, I have had many conversations with people about this topic and there is SO much misinformation due to your announcement, it's going to tank Flash as a broader platform.

- Some think Flash doesn't work on Macs
- Some think the Flash player is cancelled on ALL platforms (PC included)

- Some think Flash in its entirety is coming to an end.
This perception seems to come from people of various levels of technical knowledge, from basic users where it's understandable they might be confused about the specifics of the recent news (but still not a good thing!) on up to key decision makers who don't know tech but are key to making certain spending decisions with regard to tech platforms (CEOs). This is a horrible place for Flash to be in right now and you need to quickly change the perception with a "Flash is alive and well" type of announcement.Remember, most people only retain sound bites and a few words from headlines. You may have announced "Adobe ends Flash Player for Mobile" originally, but what people retained was "Adobe ends Flash Player". You need to make a new announcement that the short attention span people will come away from with knowledge that all is well. "Flash not dead" for example.Man, whoever plans your PR needs to be fired. You could have killed off the Mobile player back before the MAX conference and then followed up with the news about Flash Player 11 and Stage 3D. That would have a perfect one-two punch, but instead you reversed it and all the excitement from FP11 @ MAX was blown away.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Align Objects In General?

Jun 4, 2010

Here I aligned Left Center...

How to generalise?

I have created three movieclips." image","crop","fixedPoint"

I am rotating the image 0,90,180,270,360..

image always align with fixed point.

ActionScript Code:
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
function alignObject()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Send Search String To Database Query And Return Results To Dynamic Text Fields?

Feb 22, 2011

I have a dropdown box that is used to select a Category. I need the Flash Application to send the value of Category plus the search string in my textbox to my Access query and return results for each product meeting selection criteria. The Flash Application is calling an ASP.NET web service which in turn queries an MS Access database.

To start, how do I define the category ID and search value in my Actionscript 3 code?I've placed a series of 12 or so objects that will be populated with the product description, title and price. How do I setup each field to be dynamic text associated with the title description and price from my query results? If there are more than 12 products returned by the query, how do I add an additional page of objects to house more than 12 query results?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: General Bitmap Depth / Index

Feb 4, 2012

I was wondering what's the best way to manage an images depth. Currently I have 2 layers. On the top layer I have a png image of a window. The inside of the window frame is transparent so you can see though it. On the bottom layer I have a png image of a background that you cannot see though. I used addChild(MyMovieClip); to put an image onto the stage. It is in front of the window. I used addChildAt(MyMovieClip, 0); and the image ended up behind the background. I used addChildAt(MyMovieClip, 1); and the image ended up in front of the window again.


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Jan 4, 2011

new to ActionScript 3 and while I'm trying to write as "clean" code as possible (creating various custom classes instead of everything in the document class for example), sometimes I stumble upon behaviors that would not arise if I had put everything in the same place.I have a project which involves fireworks which is working fine, but I'd like to add a smoke trail to the rockets (a custom class rocket object) and so far I can't get it done.

So I will ask my question first: what methodology do you use in general when you want to make a custom class object leave a trail of particles behind it? Do you include the trail generation in the class? in a separate class? on the document class?what I've been doing (and what I feel is the "cleanest" and most reusable way to do it) is to put the trail generation in the custom class rocket object. This object is just composed of some graphics and the function that generates the particles(which are another custom class).The actual handling of the firing and the movement of the rocket is done by the document class.So the problem I'm having is that when I generate a particle on a frame, if I add it to the rocket object, it follows it (local coordinates), and if I add it to the stage then I can't remove it from within the rocket object...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling Random Functions And General Game Queries?

Jul 24, 2011

I am currently making a game with Flash CS5 and AS3... namely Tetris I have created my main menu and the objects and so on and have a few questions
1) How do I quit the game should a player press the quit button?

2) How do I get a button (Z and X) to rotate an object whilst the object is moving downwards (it is moving downwards using the timer function)?

3) How do I get the object to stop once it reaches the bottom of the screen? (im thinking something along the line of the hit detect but havent had much luck)

4) Any ideas on how to get flash to detect if a line is complete and therefore delete it? (it needs to segment blocks off the graphic)

5) My final and most important question (the bit im working on at the minute) how do i get flash to call random functions so that random tetrominoes appear on screen so that the game is different everytime and the blocks are random as the player plays)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Start To Flicker And Cause The General Movement To Slow Down

Jan 6, 2010

I have an awkward problem with a carousel I have built. When the images are scaled down to give the 3d 'flipping' effect, they start to flicker and cause the general movement to slow down. Someone mentioned cacheAsBitmap.. .

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash General Error And Exception Handling Function?

Jun 8, 2010

Is there a way to handle errors and exceptions in AS3 as one would do so using `set_error_handler` and `set_exception_handler` in PHP?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: General Flash Security: Validating Events Online?

Jun 16, 2010

Given the nearly plain-text nature of Flash, from a security standpoint, we must assume that your SWF can be decompiled into human readable format. That said, how can we ensure the validity of any online calls? For example, recording a high score might make a call similar to this:

var url:String = "" + _userScore + "&checksum=" + MD5.hash( /* stuff */);
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader( );
loader.load( new URLRequest( url ) );

You can do all the MD5 hash checking to make sure the data received matches what was sent, but how can you verify the validity of the call? For instance, one could decompile the SWF and figure out how to build the query string manually, or they could reverse engineer it from monitoring the internet calls from the SWF itself. They could even use a run-time memory editor to change the figures that store the information while playing the game, so that when the recordHighScore call is made, it sends 1,000,000 instead of 1,000. How does one authoritatively validate data and protect against abuse?

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Flex :: Databinding Array To Canvas As Objects General Client Architecture?

May 27, 2009

I have creating a distributed note taking application in flex, it basically is a notepad I can keep in my desktop tray. When I add notes and goes back to a server and saves it in a database.

To am struggling to design the application correctly, I want to have a Syncing service that polls the webserver for changes and updates an Array of Note objects. The problem is that my note corresponds mxml component, aka SingleNote component. There are four different cases when being, a. a note is updated from the server poll, in that case I want to singlenote to update the settings b. a note is added to the array from the server, in that case a new SingleNote needs to be created c. a SingleNote is added from client, in that case a Note is added to array, and sent back to server d. a SingleNote is change from client, in that case the Note is updated in the array and sent back to server

The properties are SingleNote(Width, X, Y, Text).

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Media Server :: General Hardware Guidelines For Customers To Hear Permission-based Audio Stream

Oct 19, 2009

We're running a permission-based audio stream to be amplified through in-store sound systems, but are unsure about basic hardware requirements. What basic features must all hardware have to log into our server via username/password and receive audio signal?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader Text Error "1061: Call To A Possibly Undefined Method AddEventListener Through A Reference With Static Type Class" Query

Jan 24, 2011

I have written a code that shows no errors when checked however I get an error when the movie is tested: message:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Exchange A Filename/url (like "XMLtoLoad") By A More General Variable?

Jun 25, 2003

I have the following question: How can i load a dynamic xml, i.e. the .xml file that will be generated automatically and thus gets different names.I want flash to "listen" to a variable "file", that is "file" represents the name of the xml-file to load. Like showXml.swf?file=abcd1234.xml. btw i don't exactly use the xml extension so it becomes showXml.swf?file=abcd1234

I using a general name = "XMLtoLoad" to load my xml.My AS right now is somthing like:

file = XMLtoLoad;

how can i exchange a filename/url (like "XMLtoLoad") by a more general variable? Or maybe i should ask how can i convert the name after "?file=" to a URL within AS

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ActionScript 3.0 :: General Programming - Difference Between Using "this" And 'this' When Set A Variable?

Jan 30, 2010

What exactly is the difference between using "this" and 'this' when you do something like set a variable?

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