ActionScript 3.0 :: Align Objects In General?

Jun 4, 2010

Here I aligned Left Center...

How to generalise?

I have created three movieclips." image","crop","fixedPoint"

I am rotating the image 0,90,180,270,360..

image always align with fixed point.

ActionScript Code:
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
function alignObject()


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Frame 1

extra_var = 0;[code].............

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ActionScript 3.0 :: General Flash Security: Validating Events Online?

Jun 16, 2010

Given the nearly plain-text nature of Flash, from a security standpoint, we must assume that your SWF can be decompiled into human readable format. That said, how can we ensure the validity of any online calls? For example, recording a high score might make a call similar to this:

var url:String = "" + _userScore + "&checksum=" + MD5.hash( /* stuff */);
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader( );
loader.load( new URLRequest( url ) );

You can do all the MD5 hash checking to make sure the data received matches what was sent, but how can you verify the validity of the call? For instance, one could decompile the SWF and figure out how to build the query string manually, or they could reverse engineer it from monitoring the internet calls from the SWF itself. They could even use a run-time memory editor to change the figures that store the information while playing the game, so that when the recordHighScore call is made, it sends 1,000,000 instead of 1,000. How does one authoritatively validate data and protect against abuse?

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Media Server :: General Hardware Guidelines For Customers To Hear Permission-based Audio Stream

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Exchange A Filename/url (like "XMLtoLoad") By A More General Variable?

Jun 25, 2003

I have the following question: How can i load a dynamic xml, i.e. the .xml file that will be generated automatically and thus gets different names.I want flash to "listen" to a variable "file", that is "file" represents the name of the xml-file to load. Like showXml.swf?file=abcd1234.xml. btw i don't exactly use the xml extension so it becomes showXml.swf?file=abcd1234

I using a general name = "XMLtoLoad" to load my xml.My AS right now is somthing like:

file = XMLtoLoad;

how can i exchange a filename/url (like "XMLtoLoad") by a more general variable? Or maybe i should ask how can i convert the name after "?file=" to a URL within AS

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Align Swf In Web Browser?

Nov 14, 2009

I have several .swf pages that are as2 that load in the upper left corner at actual size (800x600) the first time they are loaded. however, when they are linked back to (reloaded after first view) they are now centered and resize to fit the current window size.

I tried updating in the publish settings, but that only seems to be an option in the html tab, and I'm not using html for most of them (only my index page, which is still behaving the same as the rest of them!)

I am updating my website and using the navigation swf pages over, and the resizing centered option was great, but now some of my pages are html and do not scale and are aligned to the top left. for consistancy, I want them all the same. For pages that I did not re-use and just started with the default settings in flash (but using as3, don't know if that makes a difference) I am not having trouble with. they are actual size aligned top left.

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How To Align MovieClip To Top Left

Sep 12, 2009

This should be relatively simple, except that my entire movie (site) is TopCenter based. I just have one movie clip (some text) that I need to be top Left aligned & I can't figure out how to put it there, especially since it is within an MC that is centered and full-screen (liquid layout). This is my code right now (within terminal MC):

PHP Code:
// initiate postitions and scaling values for objects
//////The below is what I need left-aligned; current values are incorrect:
//_level0.terminal_stage.terminal.terminal_text._x = -440;
//_level0.terminal_stage.terminal.terminal_text._y = -315;
_level0.terminal_stage.terminal.terminal_bg._width = Stage.width;
_level0.terminal_stage.terminal.terminal_bg._height = Stage.height;
[Code] .....

The terminal_text MC should be about 20px from the left edge & 20px from the top edge of the browser...

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Flash - Align To The Top Of The Page

Feb 4, 2010

it has been a while since i used flash. I have just started to try and put a flash piece inside a web page and i am having problems getting it to align to the top of the page. I checked to see if something in my code had padding, <br>'s or any thing else that might be pushing it down but I can not find what the problem is. I placed a simple image file above the flash and it aligned up to the top of the page where I am trying to get the flash file to be. I tried changing all of the align="middle" code in the lists below but that didn't work either.


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Align Center In Flex?

Jul 7, 2009

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" backgroundImage="images/Login_01.jpg" verticalCenter="0"
width="800" height="600" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" >

I need to align the background image in center, but its not working its going towards to left for different resolutions.

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Actionscript 3 :: How To Align The Stage

Mar 17, 2011

I have a pure code Actionscript 3 project in flash builder 4 and I want to align the stage. For now I have a sprite that I have set the x property to 10, but the sprites are in the middle of the screen. How to set these kind of properties in code? I suppose it's the stage object that needs to be set in some way.

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