Professional :: Align 2 Objects To Their Rotational Points?

Mar 7, 2010

for example the rotational points of clock arms that are not in the center or edge of the arms to get aligned to the center of the clock face?

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Professional :: Why Can't Align Objects

Oct 10, 2010

In Flash CS5, none of the align buttons work (in the align tab, in modify > align, or with ctrl + alt shortcuts). Right now I have to take the stage width and object width and put in the x and y coordinates manually to align objects.

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IDE :: Align Tool To Align To Objects To Each Other?

Jun 18, 2009

When using the Align tool to align to objects to each other, but not the stage, how does Flash choose which item remains stationary and is aligned to?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Align Objects In General?

Jun 4, 2010

Here I aligned Left Center...

How to generalise?

I have created three movieclips." image","crop","fixedPoint"

I am rotating the image 0,90,180,270,360..

image always align with fixed point.

ActionScript Code:
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
function alignObject()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Align Objects To Stage

Jun 25, 2010

I want to align objects to the stage, so that after the browser window is resized, the objects/MC's are still in the same places (top middle, right middle and so on...).[code]But this has to be loaded from an external .as file as far as i'm aware.I need the above code to work on frame one of the flash file. How can this be done? i'm sure it's something easy like replacing the "public" parts of the code... Also does the obj part of the code refer to the MC name?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Snap / Align Objects Dynamically

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How do I snap/align objects dynamically? For instance, if I have an image loading dynamically and a text box directly below, I want the text box to always touch the edges of the image loaded (regardless of the image's size).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stage Align For Display Objects?

Oct 22, 2007

I've been putting off asking this question and have tried to resolve it myself since it would seem to be so basic; however after much frustration , here goes:Can a display object (ie an instance of a class loaded from the library such as a filled rectangle {trying to keep this simple} be positioned on the main stage by using the following syntax:myrecTangle.stage.align = StageAlign.BOTTOM;I have created a fairly simple class to load objects to the stage by class type (recTangle) and name (myrecTangle) and all works fine up to the positioning. The objects are created and named properly and are placed on stage; however, they are all placed on stage at 0,0 stage coordinates. I can postion them anywhere using x. and .y values but when I use syntax similar to that above they are still positioned at 0,0. There are no errors thrown. I have also tried to create a sprite for each, load them into the sprite and addChild the sprite to the stage. They are still positioned on stage at 0,0. Is the stage.align/StageAlign syntax peculiar to absolute main stage positioning or am I allowed to use it also for object positioning.

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Aug 13, 2010

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Why Registration Points Are On Objects

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving Objects To Certain X,y Points?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Move Objects To Certain X,y Points?

Oct 29, 2004

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Centering Objects With Inconsistent Reg Points?

Oct 19, 2009

I've always struggled with this sort of stuff, dunno why:

I'm making a vertically scrolling menu with a series of thumbnails. The thumbnails are of various widths& heights. They also have registration points in inconsistent places (ie, not always the same). I want to scale and position the thumbs so that they are all central to the containing menu section. It's probably something to do with adding a container sprite/mc and stuff but I've messed about with it and nowt works.

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Flash - How To Randomly Create Objects From Specific 5 Points

Feb 13, 2012

I am developing a mini flash game. Player control character and move left and right to collect money coin. There are 5 points that money and bomb release and move from top to bottom. When character collide with money then increase money else hit bomb age increase by 1. Once the age is 99, the game is over and the money is the final scores

Here is my code:
package Class {
[Code] .....

This is my Game:
Currently, the bomb and money random appear X, 100 with 15 money and 10 bombs in a screen.
What I want is, how to amend it become money and bomb appear from specific point, after that the money and bomb when hit the wall will bounce back.
An example similar game play with my game is [URL].

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Oct 26, 2011

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Jan 29, 2010

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TEMPLATE:  Flash Only
PLAYBACK: none is checked


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Feb 10, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Apply A Rotational Motion Blur To A Movie Clip?

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May 21, 2007

Is there a way to move the center point (rotational point) of a movie clip using actionscript?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Rotational/scale Point On A Object/sprite?

Jul 31, 2009

When you load a object through flash, you can set the rotational/scale point, but when you load it as a loader object or sprite, how do you change this point?

In this instance, I want to change the height of a sprite that is filled with a rectangle so that it shrinks down, not up.

Right now:

var colored_bar:Sprite = new Sprite();
with ( {
beginFill(0x9e1819, 1);


The way I am doing it currently is moving the y position everytime I take away soem of the height, so it looks like it's moving down, but I'd think moving the orientation point at the beginning would be faster

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Dec 17, 2011

I would like my video to play through the external flv once, and then loop back to the middle of the external flv.I have made 3 cue points on the stage in actionscript, labeled "beginning","middle", and " is my code which seems like it should work, however, I get an invalid seek 1009 error.


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Professional :: Getting Points Position From A Polygon?

Jul 1, 2011

if there is a way to get by Actionscript the position of points in a polygon made using Pen Tool?

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Professional :: Bug When Deleting Anchor Points

Oct 10, 2011

I think I discovered a bug. Say this is a line with anchor points:
And this is what I want to achieve using the Delete Anchor Point Tool:
Then this is as far as I'm actually able to get:
Because for some reason, if I delete the 2nd anchor point, the 3rd will be deleted too. I can, however, delete the 3rd without deleting the 2nd.
It is only after I've moved the 3rd further away that I'm able to delete the 2nd, but this gets tiring after a while.

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Actionscript 3 :: Calculating Evenly Distributed Points On A Line Of Points

Oct 3, 2011

I have been tasked with trying to create a drawing tool that draws dotted lines as you drag the mouse across the stage. I can easily capture the points on MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE and store them in a vector and then draw the points as dots:

The problem is that I need to calculate evenly distributed points on an ever growing Vector of points so I can only draw the line between say every 5th point (say using modulus). I have been battling away with Bezier curve equations both Quadratic and Cubic but still can't quite figure out how to convert my Vector of points into an evenly distributed Vector of Points without sucking the life from the CPU.

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