ActionScript 3.0 :: GetCharBoundaries & Scrolling Textfields?

Nov 20, 2011

I want to get the the boundaries of a character in a textfield relative to the stage. The problem is that getCharBoundaries seems to return the coordinates not relative to the TextFields origin, but relative to the text origin (which may be somewhere outside of the textfield if the textfield is scrolling).

I don't know how to get the actual origin of the text (even if it's not visible within the textfield due to scrolling) so that I can calculate the actual stage coordinates of the character.[URL]...

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Actionscript Code:
var reply_lv = new LoadVars();reply_lv.load("#");reply_lv.onLoad = loadedDotNetVars;_root.createEmptyMovieClip("databox", _root.getNextHighestDepth());function


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ActionScript 3.0 :: GetCharBoundaries And HtmlText?

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import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.text.TextField;


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Even if I try calling getCharBoundaries on a character a few positions before the img tag, so that it's an actual character and not markup, I still get a null value returned.


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Professional :: GetCharBoundaries Returns Null?

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Jun 19, 2009

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So I was hoping that someone might now what property might affect the coordinates returned by getCharBoundaries.

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Something like this [URL]

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Jul 1, 2008

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Two Textfields But One Scrollbar?

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Feb 8, 2009

What I want to happen is..when you click on a button ('Bengkulu' for example), the movie should go to and stop at frame 63 , whilst the textfield (my_text) should display 'This is a delightful place in Sumatra'. However, the <Data> node's text won't display. Why?


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Mar 3, 2010

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That works but now I got links in both textfields and the the links in textfield_2 are not working because textfield_1 is on top of him. Can I swap the the arrangement ? I tried the swapDepths but this doesn't work for me Maybe I can disable textfield_1 when I pusch button_2 ??

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Actionscript 3 :: Tab Between The Buttons And The Textfields

Apr 7, 2012

I am working on a data provider application for class and wanted to take it a step further for usability and add tabbing for navigation, but the tabIndex code I have below does nothing. I would like to tab between the buttons and the textfields. Does tabbing work with data providers?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Textfields Will Appear Even At Low Quality?

Sep 18, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Formatting Textfields With CSS?

Jan 12, 2010

I've imported an external XML file that includes both image and text elements into a textfield, and now I want to format the elements with an external CSS.I've had only limited success. Images appear below the text, instead of inline or aligned Left or Right, Flash ignores DIV or SPAN styles, etc.I don't know if I'm overestimating flash's abilities to render styles.I've attached a zip with the fla and all external scripts, as well as an html of what I'd like the end result to look like.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: TextFields Filled From A XML?

Nov 11, 2010

I've recently been trying to rebuild a project we did at work so that we'd have a better and more flexible architecture for future projects. So far all is done, and work great, but I've been wanting to make the text we use (and we use a lot) easier to modify, so I thought having it outside my Flash/ActionScript files would do it. That way, I can change the text and have it working without having to recompile.

Unfortunatly, I've noticed that having the text in a .txt file puts random linebreaks which I really don't like, but XML severely limits what characters we can put in our text (no " < and so on, unless I'm missing something). Not to mention linebreaks would/could be a pain in an XML.

So, I'm wondering if you guys would have any ideas on how to do this, or even tips on how to do it in an XML or txt file that would work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Some TextFields Not Showing?

May 9, 2011

Basicly I'm adding dynamicaly sprites and textfields, which i populate from xml, in for loop. I'm building sort of table, so for every sprite, I'm adding new data in textfields. I've loaded xml and passed data to 2 xmllists, both traced and doing fine... Later on I add data from xmllist to array which then I'm looping in for loop.

Problem is that from 1st xmllist, 6 out of 7 textfields are visible, 1 can't be found nowhere :/ from the 2nd xmllist only 1 out of 4 are visible...

I've tried everything, tracing them returns that they are visible, on good position, filled with text, contrasted color from background...

for(mojbroj=0;mojbroj < dohvatiosamih2;mojbroj++){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Create New Textfields

Jun 9, 2004

Im trying to create loop which will creat 4 new textfields and will put text into each field. The variables are already definned. But i doens't seem to work

detail2 = "test2";
detail3 = "test3";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Link 2 Textfields To Each Other?

Apr 4, 2006

I want to link two textfields, so that if the first one is fille the text continues in the second textfield. The text is loaded from a xml file. One option would be to use html tags so the text wraps around the picture, but as you'll see in the attached image, the picture has a border around it, so it will be hard for the client to update it.I know flashloaded has a component, but as far as I can see it only works for columns, in the past I had found another component that did what I want, but I can't seem to find it anymore, not on the net and not in my backups.

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