ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Access CornerRadius Of VBox

Feb 12, 2010

i want to change properties of vbox or other controls like cornerRadius thru as3

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I have a VBox with fixed width and height, and I add image objects with fixed width and height. I find that if my objects' height exceed the VBox's height, it doesn't show the object. I tried validateNow(), but it doesn't work. The object is added, but VBox just doesn't display it, so it leaves a blank with a same height as my other object.


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Flex :: 4.5 TabNavigator CornerRadius Not Working?

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I'm having the hardest time finding a way to simply add rounded tabs to a TabNavigator control.I have seen examples which seem to be really simple but they don't seem to work in Flex 4.5. Here is some sample code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""


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I know Degrafa can do this but I'd like to avoid if possible.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Down Event VBox

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Flex :: Controlling Which VBox Gets Scrollbar

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I have the following application and I am trying to put a scrollbar somewhere inside the TabNavigator, preferably on the innermost Vbox, but the scrollbar always ends up on the Panel. Is there some kind of property which controls this? I thought height=100% would have controlled it but it doesn't seem to work.[code]

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Flex :: Add Radiobutton Child To VBox?

Feb 2, 2010

I am having troubles adding a radiobutton to a VBox in actionscript.

var radioButton:RadioButton = new RadioButton();
radioButton.groupName = "source";
radioButton.label = "label";


I first created these radiobuttons in mxml and it worked fine, but now that the radiobuttons need to be dynamically generated in actionscript it doesnt work.

When stepping through in the debugger I get to a binding error (1009) when trying to execute the addchild statement and nothing shows up in the VBox.

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Flash :: Add A Border To A Flex VBox?

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<mx:List id="myList" dataProvider="{myData}"
width="100%" height="100%"


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Flash :: Can't Autoscroll A VBox Unless Height Is Explicity Set?

Jul 10, 2009

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I've tried every solution I could find online, but no matter what, the verticalScrollPosition and maxVerticalScrollPosition are both ALWAYS equal to 0. Even if I manually scroll to the bottom of the VBox and press a button that alerts these numbers.(Even after 'validateNow()' as well).

The only time I can get these numbers to change programmaticaly is when the VBox height is set in pixels, which I don't want since the children all have varying heights.Plllease tell me that it's possible to set verticalScrollPosition without hard coding the height in pixels? Am I missing something totally obvious here?

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Jul 17, 2009

I am trying to get a left hand like panel bar in my application, one much like the OneNote left hand(notebook) panel.

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An example of what I am trying to achieve is here:[URL]..

What is the best way to achieve Vertically stacked buttons like this?

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Nov 20, 2009

I am using a WindowShader in my website. every thing is working fine. but for somereason i am unable to display any background for my "home_feeds" VBox. If i add components on it, i can see them. But they backgound is not working. Even if i remove every thing from the Canvas(with home_feeds) i still dont see any background. But if i remove the comments from my mx:List.. i can see the background.

my code is given below

<mx:VBox right="35" paddingRight="10" verticalAlign="top" horizontalAlign="right">
<containers:WindowShade id="shade" opened="false" openIcon="{null}" closeIcon="{null}" paddingTop="0"


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Flex :: Fill An HBox In From The Right - VBox From The Bottom?

Jan 27, 2010

I only really need the HBox answer but figure that if we get a good answer in here I'm trying to do a similar thing with a VBox. It would be nice to know this in both actionscript and MXML. So I have an HBox that I want some text aligned from the left and some radios from the right. Like so:


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Flex :: Change VBox To HBox Dynamically

May 4, 2010

I am in need of a strange solution. I have one requirement in which I am displaying two components in a VBox. But on click of the main container I need to maximize that and need to display the components in horizontal. I was just wondering whether I can change the VBox to HBox and viceversa dynamically using actionscript or some other way.

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Full Image In Background In A VBox In Flex?

Jun 15, 2010

I was wrote the following code to set the background image in one vBox.

vBox.setStyle("backgroundImage", "PreviewBackground.png");
vBox.setStyle("backgroundAttachment", "fixed");

Where the height and width of vBox was 250 x 350 and the height and width of background image was 400 x 400.The problem is that the background image doesn't show the full image. The image has cropped. How can i show the full image as a background image?

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How can I get the coordinate without explicitly stating it.

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Flex :: Adding A Child To A VBox Component?

Mar 8, 2011

I'm having a problem when adding a child to a VBox component. Is it not the same thing?:

List Item:

public function addChildren():void {


I am injecting two properties (question and answer) to the FaqItem component from an auxiliar file (using BabelFX) that depends on the id of the FaqItem, but it is only working when I choose the second option. If I use the first option, I get a child but with the text in question and answer fields is empty. I need to use the first option.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: VBox - Display One Video And Deactivate Other

Feb 14, 2009

Inside a VBox I have VideoDisplay that call by dynamically. Vbox is inside a viewstack and I have a linkbar also. My need is when I click first one the first video will show and all the others deactive like that.

My code is shown below
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="[URL]"
layout="absolute" backgroundGradientAlphas="[1.0, 1.0]"
backgroundGradientColors="[#837575, #E5E6BA]" creationComplete="showXML
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing X Param Of Component In Vbox?

Nov 25, 2009

I can't figure this out. How do I set the x param of component A which is a child of a <vbox>?I know that I can't expect changes to the y param to stick (since that's the point of the <vbox>) but I need to change the x params of the components in the vbox so they're not just all left-aligned at zero...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex - How To Read Height Of VBox

Nov 1, 2008

I have a VBox. I fill it with some children. Each children having a different height. I didn't specify any height to my VBox. So that it will resize to it's content. Ok. But how can I now read the height of my VBox? I mean how can I find out how much space it takes? I tried to use myVBox.getRect(this).height but it always returns 100 ...

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Flex :: A VBox With Only One Rounded Corner And Gradient Background

Oct 5, 2009

I'm working with Flex 3.4 SDK.

I'm trying to programmatically(yep, must be this way) style/skin a VBox so that its top right corner is rounded, and it gets a two colors gradient brackground.

Modifying examples I found around I was able to accomplish both effects(corner and background) but only separately:

VBox with not all rounded corners: [URL]

VBox with gradient background: [URL]

But what I need to do is to apply both at the same time. And all my coding attempts so far have failed silently.

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Flex :: Style Vscrollbar And Hscrollbar Inside A Vbox?

Nov 23, 2009

I'm trying to style vscrollbar and hscrollbar inside a Vbox.But there's always a white square thing at the right bottom cornor which can not be styled.

My CSS is:

downArrowUpSkin: Embed(source="assets/images/scrollbar/arrow_down.png");
downArrowOverSkin: Embed(source="assets/images/scrollbar/arrow_down.png");
downArrowDownSkin: Embed(source="assets/images/scrollbar/arrow_down.png");


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Flex :: Create A VBox That Will Grow To Fit All The Children Rather Than Use A Scrollbar?

Feb 18, 2010

I have a Canvas with a VBox in it. As I add items to the VBox, I want the VBox to grow, I want the scrollbar on the Canvas to control the visibility.

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Flex :: Animated Component Adding-delete In A VBox?

Mar 23, 2011

Is there a way to make the elements of a VBox smoothly move to their new positions when a new element is inserted or removed?

I actually need only to make them move smoothly when I remove an element.

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Actionscript 3 :: Finding Class Like VBox, HBox In Flash Pro CS5?

Sep 27, 2011

Flex has great classes for manipulating with controls in multiscreen apps like VBox, HBox, VGroup etc. But my project is in Flash Proffesional CS5.

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Flex :: Create Wobble Effect For A Component (VBox/HBox)?

May 11, 2011

how can we create a wobbling effect using flex 3?I need something like the effect which is show in ubuntu when we see an alert or move a folder.

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Flex :: Automatically Scroll VBox When Item Is Drug Near Top / Bottom Edge?

Dec 30, 2009

I have a VBox containing a bunch of panels. I have implemented dragging and dropping but I need to be able to scroll automatically when the item is drug near the edge. I am having mixed results. I can get it to work, but not well. My example is below. It works if the user bounces their mouse around a little near the top or bottom edge, but I want it to work if they just hold the mouse there.[code]So if they are within 50px of an edge then it should scroll by 50px. I've exaggerated the numbers just to get an affect.

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Flex :: Resize Event And Resize Effect Of A VBox?

Dec 8, 2010

I'm having a little issue with the resize event and resize effect of a VBox.

I have something like this:

<mx:VBox id="container"


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Flex 3 :: Manage Hboxs In Vbox Flex

Jul 28, 2011

I have VBox that contains two Hbox. The first hbox is not included in the layout while second is. After a event occurs, first hbox is visible & included in the layout. But the problem is the second hbox does not move down & first & second are overlapping. I tried using the co ordinates x,y, move it does not work.[code]Why are both of them overlapping & how can i get second box after first one.

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