ActionScript 3.0 :: Images Be Selected At Various Regions And Their Color Can Be Changed?

Aug 13, 2010

I just wanted to know about a website's logo application. The website is www(dot)Logomaker(dot)com and I have question about how can the images be selected at various regions and their color can be changed ? What format are the images in the flash?

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i'm doing a school project of mine and i am having trouble doing the changing color objects. here is an axample of the script that i;m using:

on (rollOver) {
var colorful = new Color("_root.shapes");

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var blue:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
blue.color = 0xFF00B8E7;
MovieClip.transform.colorTransform = blue;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Selected Button Text Color?

Feb 10, 2009

So.. all I want to do is to have a toggle button which changes label color to #999999 when selected. But for some reason i cant get it to work

This is my code for the button:

package components.main_content.submenu.submenu_link
import components.NoTruncationUITextField;


I tried assigning it with CSS (text-selected-color) and failed, i tried putting <mx:SetProperty target="{textField}" name="textColor" value="0x999999" /> in my skin class in all "selected" states but it worked only when run (one of the buttons starts as selected).. as soon as i ran my mouse over it or clicked another button it reverted back to the original color.

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function changeColor() {

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sel = new String(begin, end); doesn't help much.

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Type: uint Format: Color CSS Inheritance: yes
Color of text in the component, including the component label. The default value is 0x0B333C.

I would really like the label to be white and the text to be black.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml Gallery - Images Appear On The Tshirts To Be .png Files Or Gif Files As The Tshirt Colour Can Be Changed

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May 5, 2010

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myTextField.onSetFocus = Set(evt:Event){
// Change color


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2) I have my text objects encapsulasted in a class so I do not believe I am able to do it like I have been suggested.

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Flash :: Selecting Regions Of Image?

Jun 10, 2010

I am trying to write a flash app that will allow a user to select various regions of an image, similar to that of the selection tool in photoshop where a square region can be stretched and selected.
Would anyone have any ideas or tips for me that could get me going in the right direction? I have been researching for tools to help me write this but haven't been able to find anything useful..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Overlapping DrawRect() Regions 'exclude'?

May 7, 2009

Using Flash CS3 If I draw two overlapping rectangles with two different fill colors, I get the expected results.If I draw two overlapping rectangles with the same fill color, the overlapping region appears white, almost as if there were an exclusion blend applied. 

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