ActionScript 3.0 :: Listing Each Class In Imports Separately Instead Of Using A Wildcard?
Feb 9, 2012
I just wondered, what is the benefit of listing each class in imports separately instead of using a wildcard?[code]Is there any benefit at all?
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<person firstname="john" lastname="doe" age="21" />
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "">
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The amxmlc compiler source-path variable points to:
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package ClassX.src { /* ... */ }
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package Class3.src
import Class1.src.Class1; // I prefer direct imports
public class Class3 extends Class1 { /* ... */ }
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var directory:File =
File.documentsDirectory;directory.getDirectoryListingAsync();directory.addEventListener(FileListEvent.DIRECTORY_LISTING, directoryListingHandler);function directoryListingHandler(event:FileListEvent):void { var list:Array = event.files; for (var i:uint = 0;[code].....
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Mar 13, 2010
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Jan 30, 2012
What im trying to acomplish is to list some mcs by pressing buttons.I got 5 buttons and 5 mcs.If the user press for example 3 buttons the objective is to list that 3 selections in same selection order and if the user deletes the 2nd of the 3 selections the 3rd selection takes the place of the 2nd selection (a population list). I attached a link to the source file.
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