ActionScript 3.0 :: Load And Then Make Accessible As Buttons?

Oct 8, 2009

I have 12 pictures I need to load and then make accessible as buttons or - when the user presses on the picture it initializes a function.  What is the best way to do this?
I went the loading a picture through URLRequest and URLLoader route but I need to load 12, place them on the stage, make them move upon NextBnt press and and then when the user selects the picture., the view goes to another screen.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Buttons Is Not Accessible

Sep 18, 2010

I have several buttons within a flash file. The hierarchy is this:mainmcholder workmc service1mc.All three are separate swf's loaded into holders. Now within service1mc, there are several buttons..clicking any buttons loads another external swf, related to that button, within an emtpy movieclip which is placed above these buttons. Now when one button is clicked, all the buttons are disabled and dimmed. When the user closes the external button-related swf, all buttons are enabled and _alpha is made 100 again.Everything works fine till the external button-related swf is closed. The buttons are disabled and dimmed, but when the swf is closed, the buttons are inaccessible.

I have placed the code within onLoadInit(), wherein the external swf (_mc), has an event listener attached to it. When the event is dispatched, (which is successfully completed), a function is executed, which is enabling the buttons. The function is also getting executed, but the buttons are not reachable. It seems to be a path issue.[code]I have used the same path for disabling them, and that seems to work.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Buttons Inside Moveiclip Not Accessible?

Aug 1, 2010

I am making this website, which contains a load file, which contains a movieclip holder, which holds all the different parts of the website.
Now within the portfolio.swf, which is within mcholdr, inside load.swf, there are several images, which are buttons. On clicking one image, I have code which dims, i.e. reduces _alpha for all the buttons and disables them. Now when I test portfolio.swf alone, this code works, but when I access portfolio.swf through load.swf, the code is not working.

Nothing works. Is this a path problem??? How do I access these buttons?? I want to use the loop, as there are many buttons, so a simple img1._alpha will not work, as I will have to type this out for each button. How can I get the same effect using the loop??

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Actionscript 3 :: Objects (buttons) From Library Not Accessible From Within Certain Functions?

Nov 18, 2011

I'm working on a simple image processor in AS3 and as usual I almost had it finished when an annoying little problem appeared. I want to open an image using a dialog box, and once the image is open I want the "selectBtn" (which is in my Library) to disappear. However when I try the code below I get a: "Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference". I'm sure it's something simple but I just can't figure it out!

// declare variables
var image:Bitmap;
var loader:Loader = new Loader();


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Actionscript :: IDE - Radio Buttons On Stage Not Accessible From External

Sep 12, 2009

This one is a funny one. To replicate:

1.Drag a radio button onto the stage.

2.Name the instance.

3.Create a document class.

4.Try and set/change the label of the radio button from the document class.

I noticed this problem when I quickly knocked the code together to catch the radio button value through an event, which worked perfectly when the code was on the timeline. I tried to clean up the code into a class file, at which point it broke. I stripped the whole thing down to bare bones and just could not get the label or the value to set from the document class. If I've missed something, I'd love to hear it, as I've wasted hours AGAIN on a silly problem.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Keyboard Accessible Menu / Buttons

Oct 26, 2010

I'm trying to build a class that can handle a menu or other grid of buttons being keyboard accessible (navigate with arrowkeys, select with another key, here 'b'). So far I have the keyboard part working, but you have to click one of the buttons to 'activate' it, and I am unsure of the logic needed to do the mouse events. I have added mouse events but don't see a simple way of integrating them with the keyboard system. Code is here, and both the class and a test .fla are attached.

Basically, the list of instances are passed by the frame into the constructor in an array. The selector class manages the index in the array of the currently selected button. The frame adds a key event listener, and these keys are picked up by the class to change the selected button and call the roll out and roll over methods to change the states (for this test just adjusting scale to 1.4, but in future, causing them to run a function or similar).

What I would ideally like, ideally, is for the keyboard and mouse to work in sync, as in rolling over with the mouse will update the currentButton index... If not, just some explanation as to why one of the buttons in the array must be clicked first before I can start using the keyboard would be good.


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Make The Flvplayback Control Accessible?

Jul 25, 2009

does anyone know how to make the flvplayback control accessible? meaning to be able to use the tab key to navigate the play,stop,fwd,back buttons? According to Adobe I should be able to load up a skin and its already set.

"All skins provided by Flash CS4 Professional support keyboard and screen reader access, so developers simply insert the FLVPlayback component on the stage in Flash no configuration is needed."

This is incorrect. I have tried to load several different skins and it fails, my coworker tried with her system "fail" I've managed to create my own playback bar (sorta) and was able to get the tab to work by assigning tab indexs however the flvplayback skins does not allow tab indexing.

I cant actionscript worth a lick so using my playback bar is not an option and the SkinUnderAllNoFullscreen playback was the chosen controller. point me in the right direction. Adobe and the forums over there were of no help.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Class Accessible?

Nov 14, 2009

I am creating a custom Flash component with AS3. My component's main class imports a class with a static variable. How can I make this class accessible by the user of my component from a flash-level? This is the example:
my component's main class:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import MyStaticClass;


The thing is I don't want to provide the user with the MyStaticClass source. I would like it to be automatically imported and accessible after dragging the component to the stage.

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Flex :: Make Custom UIComponent Accessible?

Apr 18, 2011

I added a MXML component in flex and selected the base as UIComponent. I want to make it accessible so that automated testing tools can Access it. I am using TestComplete for automated testing. As TestComplete uses Microsoft Accessibility classes. Now it treat my component as the Graphics.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Variable Accessible In More Than One Frame

Feb 9, 2010

I noticed that I can not find a way to make a variable accessible in more than one frame. My issue here is that for instance if I have a game and frame 1 has the game and frame 2 has the win screen and I want the win screen to display a score, I don't know how to do it. So the variable from frame 1 which holds the display can't be acessed in frame 2. I understand how to use OOP proggramming and classes, but you need an instance of that class to hold the variable, and It seems I can't cross-frame acess objects either. (I understand I could use a global variable, I don't know how to do this but I know most people don't.

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Actionscript :: Make TextArea Component Public And Accessible?

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I want to make a TextArea component public so it can be accessed from other frames. For example, I want to be able to say that if this button is pressed change the TextArea text to "1" and go to the frame.

I have no idea how to do this, i've tried : frameHome.textArea.text = "1"; to change the text but it doesn't work so i'm presumming that i'm a little off mark.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cannot Make The Moving Buttons Move And Load A Swf. Page?

Dec 16, 2003

I visited this kool site-I cannot make the moving buttons move and load a swf. page

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Some Movie Clips Function As Buttons To Load Some External Swfs?

May 24, 2009

So I want to make some movie clips function as buttons to load some external swfs. I have this action script on the mc's:

on (release)
loadMovie("Chuck.swf", "motionmc");

It was working when it was a button, but now nothing happens?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Buttons Load Text Or Images Into A Set Area On A Flash Site?

Mar 5, 2005

how make my buttons load text or images into a set area on a flash site.

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Make The Buttons On Each Page Load The Next Page (sprite) From The Library?

Jun 29, 2011

My basic aim is to create a newspaper that consists of four pages. Each page i have created and are sitting in the library as sprites. Each page has buttons that need linking so that when pressed it loads the next page or page that i want. This is the part i am confused with =/ how do i make the buttons on each page load the next page (sprite) from the library??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Buttons - Target / Make The Buttons On The Other Frames Work

Aug 7, 2009

I have a movie clip with 15 frames. Each frame has buttons on it (mc's)... I was going to put the actions on the main timeline/stage and navigate within the MC from the main timeline. Is that possible? I can get the buttons on the first frame of the MC to work, but I can't seem to figure out how to target/make the buttons on the other frames work? I was thinking I could identify the path of the MC with the frame labels, but that doesn't seem to work. like: _root.RMChanger.(frame label).buttonOnFrame = function

I have to move a text box in and out over the MC backgrounds on the main stage... which is why I was thinking to do it this way? I've been switching back and forth bwtween AS2.0 and 3.0

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Make A Menu That Has OnRelease Buttons On Top Of OnRollover Buttons

Mar 20, 2011

I'm trying to make a menu that has onRelease buttons on top of onRollover buttons (the onReleases are on a separate layer from the onRollovers). The onRelease buttons take the user to different urls, and the onRollover buttons are supposed to allow different parts of the menu to appear.

The onRelease buttons work fine, but I can't get the onRollover buttons to work consistently. Sometimes the onRollover buttons will correctly advance to a different frame, and sometimes they "stick" and do not advance. The script has no errors and I've tried changing the sizes of the onRollover buttons (in case they were too large and the cursor was hovering over more than 1 at the same time), changing the order of the code for the onRelease and onRollover commands (in case the onRollovers were being superseded by the onRelease commands), and countless variations of the layers and frames.

I'm sure that you'll want to see the script, but I don't think that pasting it all on this post would be reasonable? So I've put the .fla and the .swf on this page for reference: [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make The Site Load Faster Is To Load In Swf's Externally

Mar 16, 2011

I'm pretty new/bad at actionscript (3) for web. I have a site up for a client/friend [URL], but it takes FOREVER to load. I'm under the impression that a good way to make the site load faster is to load in swf's externally. Right now, the site, in its entirety, is one big movieclip. I have large images (movieclips) for background images. If you look at the site and are kind enough to wait for it to load (aprox. 45 seconds or so) you will notice how the background image changes when you click to go to each section.

I am trying to find a way to load in the background as external .swf's to cut down on the initial load time. I'm also open to any other ideas. Below is the as3 code for my buttons/how they direct the site. I'm hoping to use a similar/generic style to load the background images. I'm hoping to load the movieclips underneath the rest of the site, and use the same naming scheme (e.g. homeBTN.swf) to keep it organized.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Preloader For A Little Flash Project That Involves Re-assembling A Load Of Rectangles To Make Up A Pattern?

Aug 4, 2007

I'm trying to make a preloader for a little flash project that involves re-assembling a load of rectangles to make up a pattern.Idea is that instead of the usual load bar i wanted to make use of this pattern that is relevant to the project and have it rebuild it self with these rectangles flying in from the side. So far I have got the tweening sorted using the tween class and staggered the 42 (yes took a little while, probably an easier way so let me know on that also) rectangles using 'setTimeout' so it releases each 100milliseconds after the one one before it. This probably the wrong way to do it but i wanted to check how it looked and this was the one way i knew how to do it.

I want to make it so that these rectangles fly in a complete the pattern once the loading has finished, but on a fast connection I don't want it to rush the animation but for a slow connection I obviously want it to adjust the release time and maybe even the travel speed to compensate.

I had an idea of maybe working out the percentage loaded divided by 42 and then run an if statement to see if that percentage for that segment had been reached before 100millseconds had passed, if 100 had passed then release the rectangle, if not then hold the rectangle until 100 m/s had passed. Not sure if that is the best way to do but that's why I'm looking for some suggestions from more experienced developers.

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.Regular;
// declare variables


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IDE :: Load Mp3 From External Xml File And Make To Load Random?

Dec 24, 2009

How I can make this script lo load mp3 files via an external xml file like music.xml and if is possible to load random

music = new Sound();
music.onSoundComplete = function() {


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Flex :: Sdk Is Not Accessible In Eclipse

Mar 22, 2012

I have installed eclipce and I want to work with flex.I found some site (url...) where somebody said that we need to install flex sdk. And than they said that we need to open window->preferences and on left side select 'Flex'. But I don't have 'Flex' item here... What is wrong? I also installed Flash Builder trial, but it does not make any sence.

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Can Dynamic XML Driven Flash Be Accessible?

Oct 18, 2010

I'm being asked if some resources I created can be made accessible. Currently each resource is the exact same launch.swf, but each is pulling from a different xml file. I'm so proud of myself! But now it looks like you can't dynamically generate accessilbe resources. I'm being asked for the alt.text equivalent of various text boxes, while the actual content of each box depends on multiple factors.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ColorTransform For An Element That Isn't Accessible?

Jan 8, 2010

Basically, I have been asked to develop a function on a Flash player so that you can change the colour of the control panel using a variable.The control panel's background elements aren't accessible from the main class; they're private members because the panel's layout and appearance are something I might want to change without having to change the main classHow on Earth can I directly modify a control panel's colour transform when they aren't directly accessible? I've looked at various forum posts but nothing matches exactly what I'm after I guess this will involve using colorTransform but how do I invoke this on something that sits in the fla file?

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Swf - Accessible Flash Content For The Blind?

Feb 7, 2010

I am working on a browser project for the blind in my university. For swf files, I am trying to access the contents of an SWF and parse so that screen readers can use it to read it aloud. I was successfully able to extract static text using swfutils.jar from inside the Flex SDK. But I was wondering if the following i spossible : Given a flash webform, I should be able to move the through the fields using 'Tab' and then read out the buttons ( by extracting associated text), and read it aloud so that the user can click the required button.. I hope I am clear with my problem description..

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Flex :: Deployed SWF Not Accessible In Firefox?

Nov 15, 2010

I'm using swfobject.js to deploy load my flex applet. Unfortunately, while I'm able to run/debug in Firefox via Flash Builder, I cannot access the deployed applet via its URL -- the applet doesn't load/start. I can access the deployed applet via its URL from both IE 8 and Chrome 7. Below are the swfobject code and the produced object tag:

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function() {
<!-- For version detection, set to min. required Flash Player version, or 0 (or 0.0.0), for no version detection. -->
var swfVersionStr = "10.0.0";


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Actionscript 3 :: Variables Accessible Across Keyframes?

Apr 12, 2011

I'm working on a portfolio suggestion application in Flash, which consists of two views: ask user for 3 to 4 points of information, and display recommendations based on that information.The first view is going swimmingly, as all I need are the graphics to be created. However, I'm having trouble understanding how a AS3 variable can be seen across keyframes when it was declared and initialized on the first frame.The only multi-view app I've done is a Restaurant Guide flash app that was described in Adobe Flash CS5 Classroom in a Book. In that example, the only AS function on four of the views was a stop() function.If I were to do the same in this app, and declare the variables as global in the first frame, will they be accessible throughout?Two comments have said that my question is unclear, so I hope this makes my question more understandable. I want to know how, if I gather all the user information on Frame 1 and then switch to a view on Frame 15, to access those variables on Frame 1.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Captivate Accessible In Flash

Jul 24, 2009

I've got Captivate movies dynamically loading into a Flash movie. The problem is, the tab index which works so well when the Captivate movies are in stand-alone mode falls apart when loading the Captivate movie into a Flash shell. I've tried tabEnabled=false and tabChildren=true for the movie clip that contains the Captivate movie, but with no results. Does anyone know how to get the focus manager to tab to objects in a Captviate movie when that movie is running in a Flash shell?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loaded Library: Not Accessible By All

Mar 1, 2011

I have a swf containing several movie clips that are utilized without issue from one perspective. There happened to be one other angle (MenuBar) that these movie clips were to be used from but am not able to access them. The process that fails is:

1) Controller.swf loaded into currentDomain.

2) MenuBar.swf loaded into the currentDomain as child to controller.swf.

3) Clicking on an item on the MenuBar.swf runs a static process that attempts to access classes that are in the currentDomain and yet receive the error: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable 'variablename' is not defined.
at global/flash.utils::getDefinitionByName()

These items that are being accessed are avatar parts and are currently displayed on the screen as a child to the controller.swf. I also have a click event on the avatar itself which does execute and display the desired objects on the screen. If all swf's are loaded into the same application domain and are loaded as a child to the same display object then why would these assets not be available?

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