ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Visual Novel Engine Script Interpreter?
Oct 17, 2011
I am trying to make a Visual Novel engine script interpreter. What it does is, it reads simple instructions from a source like: "DISPLAY_TEXT: Hello world", "SHOW_IMG: scene.png".
I figured:
This looks fine so far. If next instruction is DISPLAY_TEXT, handle_instruction() will display the given text on the screen, and then the while loop will keep on reading. The problem is, some instructions will have to wait for the user to click on screen so it can jump to next instruction, but how can I do this, if the while loop won't wait for the user to click on the screen?
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IA is the index of all objects matching the parameter to the right of it. A is replaced by A if you want all those objects with the ID of param, or a number for a specific index.:[] tells the interpreter that what is inside the ['s is the param.the param is the string identifier that it looks for when finding objects.NN is the end sequence. this tells the engine that it doesn't need any more say i had a plugin that uses the string
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My current code is a class with static methods called StringInterpreter, with the below code:
package Utils
public class ScriptInterpreter
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You can also view the .swf file online here: [URL]
Some technical data:
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What I'd like to do is to debug both codes at once. At the very least I'd like to see the runtime error output as it is shown when I'm working with Adobe Flash. At the best scenario, I'd like to be able to hook my VB.NET code with the Actionscript code such that I can use breakpoints in both.
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Jul 10, 2009
On a button click the page loads and external swf using the add child function. Once loaded the user can close the "pop up" at any time by clicking the close button. The swf appears without a problem first time round, it is if they go back to click again that causes the problem. If they then try and click the button to view the external swf for another time then no visuals appear - you can hear sound but the videos never appear. I have tried to see if it is hiding behind something to no avail.
Edited code is below!!
ActionScript Code:
var multiPlayer:Loader = new Loader();
var playerRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("vgallery_multi.swf");
function showQAMultiple(Event:MouseEvent) {
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Sep 1, 2009
Most of my applications are a combination of VB.NET and Adobe Flash, such that the VB application is displaying a Flash file inside the main form (using Adobe's COM object). The VB application is communicating with the Flash file via the ActionScript ExternalInterface and FSCommands (using XML strings).
I'm having a hard time debugging the applications, since when an error occurs withing the Flash file (due to a bug in the ActionScript code) I'm getting a non-informative exception.
What I'd like to do is to debug both codes at once. At the very least I'd like to see the runtime error output as it is shown when I'm working with Adobe Flash. At the best scenario, I'd like to be able to hook my VB.NET code with the Actionscript code such that I can use breakpoints in both.
Edit: Environment: I'm using Visual Studio 2008 and Adobe Flash CS4.
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Oct 12, 2009
What event would signal that the visual content of an SWFLoader had changed or how would you detect that.
Actually if the visual content changes there is in fact a "render" event broadcast in the parent application, but I don't know how to determine which SWFLoader caused it.
Say you have one SWFLoader on a page that contains some sort of input control but its just sitting there doing nothing until a user presses something on it, and then there is a render event in the parent application. However, if there is another SWFLoader that contains a continually playing VideoDisplay, then there will be continal render messages being broadcast in the parent application (I verified this.) My point being that the parent application is getting signaled somehow the instant the visual content of some embedded SWFLoader changes. But the question is how does my code determine specifically which SWFLoader changed.
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Jan 26, 2010
I have to create a visual configurator meaning an online customized shirt designing application where user can design their own shirt using fabrics given along with size and styles to cuffs,collars and so.this concept is implemented in BrooksBrothers website which uses Scene7 to do it.But,I can't rely on Scene7 and must do all wireframe designing myself.I just found [URL] which quite implemented the way to customize hoodies and "nikeid" also implemented customize shoes and shirt designing.
All I am asking you is how to proceed or which areas should I focus on like,should I look on for Papervision3D texture mapping for DAE materials,or going for advanced Bitmap manipulation or look advanced masking techniques.Further I too want to learn and implement a framework so that my coding style will be much more manageable and I am choosing Cairngorm.Is it ok or not.I am trying to figure out the procedure to make this customizable application but all I want is some guidance towards the path which I can follow.
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