ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Videoplayer Running In A Movieclip Which To Unload?

Aug 6, 2009

I have a multiple videoplayer running in a movieclip on the timeline of another movieclip.I need to unload or stop it from playing when the timeline moves on

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var loader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load And Unload Multiple SWFs

Oct 11, 2011

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This is ActionScript Code:
// Array of external clips to use. Variable index refers to next clip to be displayed.
var clips:Array = ["swfs/ASA_Aseries.swf", "swfs/ASA_M7.swf" , "swfs/Interoperability_ASA.swf", "swfs/Vseries_ASA.swf"];
var index:int = 0;
// Stuff for loading files
var thisLoader:Loader = new Loader();
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load And Unload Multiple External SWF?

Sep 3, 2010

how to load and also unload(removing) multiple external SWF.
so here is what i;m trying to do, i want to load multiple external SWF and play it on my main SWF now i hove no problem with just loading multiple SWF and placing it in the display list .The problem came up when i tried removing those loaded SWF from the display list ,The problem exist because i have no way to refer to what i have loaded and placed on the display list,
i used a single loader instance to load all that external swf, i do know that we have to remove all the event listener related to the external SWF that we want to remove and for this purpose i have crated a function called destroy which the main objective for this function is to remove all event listener inside the swf and also isolating all variable so it would be eligible for garbage collecting, here is what the code look like:


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Media Server :: Running With Multiple Smaller Mp4 Files About 50 MB In Size?

Feb 22, 2012

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Please help since we getting a lot of complaints from viewers. Running FMS 4.0.3 on CENTOS 5.7 64 Bit
What can i check besides the forums regarding dynamic httpstreaming

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IDE :: MovieClip Running Very Slow On Stage

Apr 19, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Unload Movieclip

Feb 10, 2009

I am making a file that loads an swf on(release) of a movieclip. I can get it to load into frame 2 and have created a button to return to frame 1. But when you go back to frame 1 the swf is still there. How can I get it to unload when it goes back to frame 1?[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip Won't Unload?

Aug 20, 2010

I have a flash nav bar with sub nav.  the film button(main nav bar) has 4 sub buttons: tv, commercials, film and imbd.  When you click on the sub button commercials, it takes you to the main timeline where I have a loader (in a movie clip _1benz(that loads a benz.jpg in a loader called benzLdr.  When you click a button on the sub nav in this group, to leave the frame, the loader unloads.  But when you click on the main navigation to leave this frame(which is on the main timeline) the loader remains on the stage.what would be the correct actionscript to remove the loader from the main nav when it moves to other frames on the main timeline? I have tried....


Do I need to put the loader on the first frame and then make it visible on the frame I want to show it? If I do that will it unload on all other frames?Nothing is working!  What am i doing wrong? 

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Unload Another Movieclip?

Jan 23, 2012

I made a movieclip that is supposed to unload when a character (called 'char' in the code) hit it. That works fine. But I also want to unload another movie at the same time. The other movieclip is called 'square' and is already on the stage. But that doesn't work.Do I have to put _mc behind the name, or something like that?

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this))


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unload Everything When Put Into A Movieclip?

Sep 11, 2005

how do i unload everything that i put into a movieclip?

[edit]_root.mvc.unloadMovieNum(1);[/edit] works good but only removes attached movieclips not .swf's that i loaded into it. eventhough i told the .swf's depth to be 1.

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IDE :: AS2 : Unload Movieclip On The Stage?

Jan 12, 2010

Work bought this menu and asked me to edit it even though i'm no AS2 expert just so basic knowledge, I've come pretty far so far but now i ran into a problem (probably the final one)...The menu uses XML to load in the menu, so all the options are dynamical.If you click a button it loads a menu into the stage, but if i click an other it overlapse the old one...i need to unload all the other movies on the stage, how do I do this? This is what I got for onRelease functions:

//Release function..
_parent.AccordionMenu["Menu"+a].onRelease = function() {[code]....

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash MovieClip Code Not Running?

May 25, 2011

I've made a MovieClip of an electric wire with 3 different keyframes with a few frames between each. The first 2 keyframes have a single bitmap in each with a different picture, I want it to cycle between these two to make it look like the electricity is moving and not just sitting there. The 3rd keyframe has nothing, eventually I will put an image with the electricity off, so the player can walk through, I just haven't done it yet. Since I don't want it to run the last keyframe until the player turns it off, I put a gotoAndPlay(); command in the movie clip after the second frame looping it back to the first frame, problem is, the line refuses to work.

I have copied and pasted it from other programs where it worked, I have checked the Frame Name, I put other lines in there, like stop(); trace(); and other things, but could not get ANY line of code to work in the MovieClip. There's probably something like "the layer is invisible, code will not run", but I can't tell what it is. I've deleted the symbol and started over, same problem. I've restarted Flash, same problem. I've restarted the computer, same problem. I even took it to a different computer, same problem. I don't know why it won't run this code, is there something disabling it that I overlooked? I have other code in the main timeline outside the movie clip and code in other movieclips that has always worked fine and continues to work fine, I don't see what the problem is.

I ignored the problem for a while, and worked on other things, but I had to add multiple frames to an existing movieclip (which I believe was created before the other one), and now this movieclip is having the same problem. Does anyone know how to fix this, before it spreads to the rest?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Not Running MovieClip Timeline Code?

Aug 5, 2010

I have a movieclip, and for some reason, the timeline code isn't running.

Stage, frame 1
var my_mc:MovieClip = new MyMC(); = "my_mc";
MyMC is a properly linked Movieclip.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load And Unload A Movieclip?

Jan 27, 2011

I want to know how to load and unload a movieclip.As for example i have a map of uk in my swf and when any body click on map(say london).the present map should fade away and new bigger map of the london should be loaded which is on another swf and must get first (orginal map) when he click back button.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Unload/attach Movieclip

Dec 4, 2010

When using this code everything works just fine -->

myMovieClip.imageHolder.attachMovie("slideShow", "slideShowb", 1);
var slideShowInterval = setInterval(nextSlide, 10000);
function nextSlide() {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load/unload A Movieclip (not A SWF)?

Dec 15, 2006

how to load/unload MC's on my MC container? I have a menu with a lot of buttons and each one loading on the stage (inside a MC container) a movieclip that it's on the library.

Plus 1: the old movieclip is totally replaced by the new movieclip.

Plus 2: I think that change the visibility not is a good option cuz the old movieclip can still playing, right?

I know that load and unload SWF's can be more simple (I already use this) but I just wanted to try something different (do not work with a lot of SFW's on my project)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load/unload A Movieclip (not A SWF)

Jul 19, 2007

Well, a "simple" question: how to load/unload MC's on my MC container? I have a menu with a lot of buttons and each one loading on the stage (inside a MC container) a movieclip that it's on the library.

Plus 1: the old movieclip is totally replaced by the new movieclip.

Plus 2: I think that change the visibility not is a good option cuz the old movieclip can still playing, right?

I know that load and unload SWF's can be more simple (I already use this) but I just wanted to try something different (do not work with a lot of SFW's on my project)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Unload MovieClip From Scene

Dec 15, 2003

I need to unload my movie clip. Here is the AS I used:

annie.onPress = function() {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("container", 1);
loadMovie("annie.swf", "container");
container._x = 380;
container._y = 190;
[Code] .....

Problem is I only want it to show in one scene and it is covering everything on the other scenes as well or "Pages".

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Flash :: AS3 - ActionScript Not Running From The TimeLine On A Loaded Movieclip

Jul 3, 2010

I have a AS3 Flash file with some animations during the timeline. On the timeline I also have a stop() in the middle (on a keyframe). When I run this SWF file it does stop. But if I load if from another Flash file using a Loader object it does not stops (nor runs any other action script - i.e.: trace("hi")) I'm also including the context with the current application domain:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Main Timeline - Running MovieClip On Next Frame

Nov 8, 2010

I have 6 frames on the main timeline each with a different movieclip. Is it possible that when one movie clips finishes running it will go to he next frame on the maintime line and run the next movieclip on the next frame with AS3?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get All Movieclip Instances On Stage To Unload All At Once?

Mar 19, 2010

I would like all the instances of my movieclip to unload once a variable has reached a certain number.

So that when the movie goes to the next frame, all the movieclips are unloaded.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unload A Movieclip From Flash MX File

May 13, 2003

I've tried to unload a movieclip from my flash MX File. I've tried on this way..that is unloadMovie[Num](level/"target") in this method I've given the target path of the movie clip. But when the browser page refreshing that again displays. How can we unload a movie that never comes even if browser refreshing the page.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Unload The Movieclip That Shows The Picture?

Mar 21, 2007

(ps: everything happens on the maintimeline)when a user clicks the photobutton this code triggers:

this.createEmptyMovieClip("photo"+photoNum, getNextHighestDepth());
this["photo"+photoNum].attachMovie("photo", "photo", getNextHighestDepth());

now the movieclip "photo" consist on another movieclip that does the actual picture display/loading with some AS> photoHolder < loads the actual picture,so i thought ok,logically its;
maybe even _root["photo" + photoNum].photoHolder.removeMovieClip();

i tried numerous other structures but i just can't get it to work, for some reasons i just can't unload the movieclip that shows the picture.

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